Determinar el origen de los recursos que los ahorrantes ponen a disposición en Coopealianza R.L. en el período 2008-2009 tomando como base la ley 8204 para regular la legitimación de capitales y su consecuencia en los estados financieros de la misma
Arauz Fernández, Gabriela
Rodríguez Weber, Arelys
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolla la aplicación de la Ley 8204 “Ley sobre estupefacientes, sustancias psicotrópicas, drogas de uso no autorizado, actividades conexas, legitimación de capitales y financiamiento al terrorismo” en Coopealianza R.L. para la identificación del origen de los dineros que son colocados en la misma. Debido al problema que existe con las actividades ilícitas y las distintas formas que los responsables de dichos negocios usan para poder hacer aparentar esos dineros ilícitos como lícitos, es que se hace implementar la Ley 8204 a las entidades financieras, por lo tanto Coopealianza R.L. debe de acatar dicha ley para poder llevar sus servicios a la sociedad. Por ende en este trabajo se estipulan las diferentes legislaciones que intervienen en la legitimación de capitales en Costa Rica y que afectan a Coopealianza R.L. , se definen los requisitos para formar parte de Coopealianza R.L, se establece si el control interno de Coopealianza R.L. funciona de forma eficaz al detectar transacciones ilícitas o sospechosas basados en la ley 8204, y se señalan las consecuencias financieras que tiene para Coopealianza, que el origen de sus recursos de sus asociados sean provenientes de actividades ilícitas.
This research work develops the application of Law 8204 “Law on narcotics, psychotropic substances, drugs of unauthorized use, related activities, money laundering and financing of terrorism” in Coopealianza R.L. in order to identify the origin of the money placed in it. Coopealianza R.L. for the identification of the origin of the money placed in it. Due to the problem that exists with illicit activities and the different ways that those responsible for these businesses use to make these illicit monies appear as licit, it is that Law 8204 is implemented to financial institutions, therefore Coopealianza R.L. must abide by this law in order to provide its services to society. Therefore, in this work the different legislations involved in money laundering in Costa Rica and that affect Coopealianza R.L. are stipulated. The requirements to be part of Coopealianza R.L. are defined, it is established if the internal control of Coopealianza R.L. works effectively to detect illicit or suspicious transactions based on the law 8204, and the financial consequences for Coopealianza are pointed out, if the origin of the resources of its associates come from illicit activities.
This research work develops the application of Law 8204 “Law on narcotics, psychotropic substances, drugs of unauthorized use, related activities, money laundering and financing of terrorism” in Coopealianza R.L. in order to identify the origin of the money placed in it. Coopealianza R.L. for the identification of the origin of the money placed in it. Due to the problem that exists with illicit activities and the different ways that those responsible for these businesses use to make these illicit monies appear as licit, it is that Law 8204 is implemented to financial institutions, therefore Coopealianza R.L. must abide by this law in order to provide its services to society. Therefore, in this work the different legislations involved in money laundering in Costa Rica and that affect Coopealianza R.L. are stipulated. The requirements to be part of Coopealianza R.L. are defined, it is established if the internal control of Coopealianza R.L. works effectively to detect illicit or suspicious transactions based on the law 8204, and the financial consequences for Coopealianza are pointed out, if the origin of the resources of its associates come from illicit activities.
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