Seroprevalencia de la infección por Trypanosoma cruzi en perros de dos zonas rurales con altos y bajos índices de infestación por Triatoma dimidiata
Villegas Corea, Adriana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Un total de 91 perros provenientes de dos zonas rurales de Costa Rica, con edades
entre los dos meses hasta los 10 años fue sangrado y sometido a dos pruebas serológicas:
Hemaglutinación indirecta e Inmunofluorescencia indirecta, para el diagnóstico de la
enfermedad de Chagas. Las zonas elegidas fueron Barrio Pilar en Vuelta de Jorco, localizado
en Aserrí, San José y Barrio Cuatro Esquinas ubicado en Santa Cruz de Guanacaste. En la
localidad de Barrio Pilar fueron elegidos 20 hogares, mientras que en Cuatro Esquinas fueron
23. Se demostró una seroprevalencia general de 10.99%; sin embargo, la zona de mayor
positividad fue Vuelta de Jorco, en la provincia de San José con 19.35%, en Santa Cruz de
Guanacaste la seroprevalencia fue de 6.67%. Los 5 animales seropositivos de Barrio Pilar
fueron sometidos a un electrocardiograma para evaluar si existía algún grado de compromiso
cardiaco, sólo un animal presentó alteraciones en esta prueba. También se evaluaron las
medidas de control ecológico para T. dimidiata, en los mismos 20 hogares de Barrio Pilar, los
cuales fueron seleccionados en un estudio previo realizado en el año 2004. Este seguimiento
se realizó para determinar si las personas aún mantenían las modificaciones ambientales
instauradas tres años antes o si habían retomado el hábito de colocar la leña, basura y otros
desechos en lugares no apropiados que favorecen la colonización y multiplicación de los
chinches. Después de una revisión minuciosa en los 20 hogares, en dos (5.4%) se detectó la
infestación peridomiciliar por T. dimidiata. La búsqueda de chinches se realizó también en 17
hogares de Cuatro Esquinas, sin embargo no fue posible encontrar estos insectos.
A total of 91 dogs from two rural villages of Costa Rica, with ages between 2 months and 10 years old, were bled and submitted to two serological tests: Indirect Hemaggluination and Indirect Inmmunoflorescence, in order to diagnose Chagas Disease. The chosen areas were ¨Barrio Pilar¨ in Vuleta de Jorco located in Aserrí, San José and ¨Barrio Cuatro Esquinas¨ in Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. In ¨Barrio Pilar¨ 20 hoses were selected while in ¨Cuatro Esquinas¨ where 23. An overall positivity of 10.99% was demonstrated. The highest positivity was found in the village of Vuelta de Jorco with 19.35%, while the lowest was found in the province of Guanacaste with 6.67%. An electrocardiogram was performed in 5 positive dogs of ¨Barrio Pilar¨ to assess whether there was any degree of heart damage, only one dog presented alterations. Also, the environmental modifications for the control of T. dimidiata were evaluated in the same 20 houses of ¨Barrio Pilar¨ which were selected in a previous study in 2004. This follow up was performed in order to evaluate if even four years after the neighbours still maintained the environmental modifications or if they retake the habit of placing piles of firewood, trash and other waste materials in inappropriate places favouring the colonization and proliferation of bugs. Two of de houses (5.4%) were positive for T. dimidiata, the bugs were collected around households. The recollection of bugs was also conducted in 17 households from Santa Cruz, however it was not possible to find these vectors.
A total of 91 dogs from two rural villages of Costa Rica, with ages between 2 months and 10 years old, were bled and submitted to two serological tests: Indirect Hemaggluination and Indirect Inmmunoflorescence, in order to diagnose Chagas Disease. The chosen areas were ¨Barrio Pilar¨ in Vuleta de Jorco located in Aserrí, San José and ¨Barrio Cuatro Esquinas¨ in Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. In ¨Barrio Pilar¨ 20 hoses were selected while in ¨Cuatro Esquinas¨ where 23. An overall positivity of 10.99% was demonstrated. The highest positivity was found in the village of Vuelta de Jorco with 19.35%, while the lowest was found in the province of Guanacaste with 6.67%. An electrocardiogram was performed in 5 positive dogs of ¨Barrio Pilar¨ to assess whether there was any degree of heart damage, only one dog presented alterations. Also, the environmental modifications for the control of T. dimidiata were evaluated in the same 20 houses of ¨Barrio Pilar¨ which were selected in a previous study in 2004. This follow up was performed in order to evaluate if even four years after the neighbours still maintained the environmental modifications or if they retake the habit of placing piles of firewood, trash and other waste materials in inappropriate places favouring the colonization and proliferation of bugs. Two of de houses (5.4%) were positive for T. dimidiata, the bugs were collected around households. The recollection of bugs was also conducted in 17 households from Santa Cruz, however it was not possible to find these vectors.
Modalidad: Tesis
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