Hacia un desarrollo desde adentro y desde abajo
Alvarado, Hernán
Fernández, Alvaro
Trejos, María Eugenia
Villalobos, Roberto
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente documento deberá considerarse, pues, como un aporte más de la ANT y el BPDC ai fortalecimiento de la sociedad civil costarricense. Es una invitación al diálogo para todas aquellas personas que viven de su trabajo y comprenden la necesidad de que el pueblo se manifieste, identifique sus intereses y los transforme en propuestas que incentiven la realización de proyectos, políticas y empresas populares. Recoge un material digno de ser usado como instrumento para un gran movimiento de concertación popular, intersectorial, democrático y regionalizado. Esperamos haber contribuido con él a lo que constituye la base real, el criterio de factibilidad, de una propuesta alternativa: la identificación concreta de los agentes sociales que pueden convertirla en experiencia histórica. Se trata de una propuesta dirigida a la sociedad civil costarricense, al pueblo organizado, para motivar un desarrollo alternativo. Sus proponentes esperan que estimule el proceso de concertación popular que ha tenido lugar en Costa Rica, proceso que puede encontrar en la ANT una gran oportunidad de consolidación. El documento consta básicamente de dos partes. En la primera, titulada "Necesidad de otro desarrollo", se examinan los antecedentes del "desarrollismo" en Costa Rica (desarrollo hacia adentro, desarrollo hacia afuera, desarrollo sostenible) y se formulan, a partir de la fase propositiva impulsada en los Comités Regionales, los términos que justifican una propuesta alternativa de desarrollo, con sus características más generales. Esto se lleva hasta el punto de proponer principios o criterios (cuatro en total: participación, regeneración, autonomía y desarrollo humano) que pueden orientar la toma de decisiones en lo que respecta, por ejemplo, a la aprobación de políticas y proyectos; conforme a la metodología diseñada para el proceso propositivo, estos principios o criterios deben aún ser debatidos en el seno del Directorio de la Asamblea y una segunda consulta con los Comités Regionales, antes de darse, por definitivamente aprobados.
This document should therefore be considered as another contribution by the ANT and the BPDC to the strengthening of Costa Rican civil society. It is an invitation to dialogue for all those people who live from their work and understand the need for the people to express themselves, identify their interests and transform them into proposals that encourage the realization of popular projects, policies and enterprises. It contains material worthy of being used as an instrument for a great movement of popular, intersectoral, democratic and regionalized agreement. We hope to have contributed with it to what constitutes the real basis, the criterion of feasibility, of an alternative proposal: the concrete identification of the social agents that can turn it into a historical experience. It is a proposal addressed to Costa Rican civil society, to the organized people, to motivate an alternative development. Its proponents hope that it will stimulate the process of popular agreement that has taken place in Costa Rica, a process that can find in the ANT a great opportunity for consolidation. The document basically consists of two parts. In the first, entitled "Need for another development", the background of "developmentalism" in Costa Rica is examined (inward development, outward development, sustainable development) and, based on the proposal phase promoted in the Regional Committees, the terms that justify an alternative development proposal are formulated, with its most general characteristics. This is carried to the point of proposing principles or criteria (four in total: participation, regeneration, autonomy and human development) that can guide decision-making with regard to, for example, the approval of policies and projects; according to the methodology designed for the proposal process, these principles or criteria must still be debated within the Assembly's Board of Directors and a second consultation with the Regional Committees, before being definitively approved.
This document should therefore be considered as another contribution by the ANT and the BPDC to the strengthening of Costa Rican civil society. It is an invitation to dialogue for all those people who live from their work and understand the need for the people to express themselves, identify their interests and transform them into proposals that encourage the realization of popular projects, policies and enterprises. It contains material worthy of being used as an instrument for a great movement of popular, intersectoral, democratic and regionalized agreement. We hope to have contributed with it to what constitutes the real basis, the criterion of feasibility, of an alternative proposal: the concrete identification of the social agents that can turn it into a historical experience. It is a proposal addressed to Costa Rican civil society, to the organized people, to motivate an alternative development. Its proponents hope that it will stimulate the process of popular agreement that has taken place in Costa Rica, a process that can find in the ANT a great opportunity for consolidation. The document basically consists of two parts. In the first, entitled "Need for another development", the background of "developmentalism" in Costa Rica is examined (inward development, outward development, sustainable development) and, based on the proposal phase promoted in the Regional Committees, the terms that justify an alternative development proposal are formulated, with its most general characteristics. This is carried to the point of proposing principles or criteria (four in total: participation, regeneration, autonomy and human development) that can guide decision-making with regard to, for example, the approval of policies and projects; according to the methodology designed for the proposal process, these principles or criteria must still be debated within the Assembly's Board of Directors and a second consultation with the Regional Committees, before being definitively approved.
(Tomo I)
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