La población costarricense del Gran Área Metropolitana frente a sus valoraciones ante los impuestos y el nuevo gobierno
Calderón Solano, Odalía
Carrillo Delgado, María de los Ángeles
González Calvo, Hugo
Sandoval Carvajal, Irma
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este documento se ofrece para la reflexión de quienes deben velar por la hacienda pública y a quienes deben trabajar en campañas en procura de generar una aptitud cultural en contra de la evasión fiscal. Asimismo, las y los costarricenses deben reflexionar sobre su compromiso tributario para asegurar los servicios públicos en salud, educación y seguridad ciudadana, entre otros, y el Poder Ejecutivo deberá procurar las medidas necesarias para garantizar un cobro justo y oportuno de impuestos, en abierta lucha con los evasores de impuestos. Así, el gobierno debe garantizar una mejor recaudación y distribución de los impuestos. El IDESPO de la Universidad Nacional está a disposición de organismos públicos, privados, políticos y no gubernamentales, para continuar ofreciendo información estratégica y oportuna que facilite la toma de decisiones que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población costarricense.
This document is offered for reflection by those who must oversee public finances and those who must work on campaigns seeking to generate a cultural aptitude against tax evasion. Likewise, Costa Ricans must reflect on their tax commitment to ensure public services in health, education and citizen security, among others, and the Executive Branch must seek the necessary measures to guarantee a fair and timely collection of taxes, in open struggle with tax evaders. Thus, the government must guarantee a better collection and distribution of taxes. The IDESPO of the National University is available to public, private, political and non-governmental organizations, to continue offering strategic and timely information that facilitates decision-making that contributes to improving the quality of life of the Costa Rican population.
This document is offered for reflection by those who must oversee public finances and those who must work on campaigns seeking to generate a cultural aptitude against tax evasion. Likewise, Costa Ricans must reflect on their tax commitment to ensure public services in health, education and citizen security, among others, and the Executive Branch must seek the necessary measures to guarantee a fair and timely collection of taxes, in open struggle with tax evaders. Thus, the government must guarantee a better collection and distribution of taxes. The IDESPO of the National University is available to public, private, political and non-governmental organizations, to continue offering strategic and timely information that facilitates decision-making that contributes to improving the quality of life of the Costa Rican population.
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