Análisis del Índice de Ciudades Inteligentes y Sostenibles: Cantón de Barva
García Sánchez, Daniela
Bolaños Herrera, Ivannia
Hernández Milián, Jairo
Segura Bonilla, Olman
Acuña Rodríguez, Roxana
Méndez Cordonero, Shirley
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Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible
El concepto de Ciudades Inteligentes comenzó a ganar relevancia a finales del siglo XX, impulsado principalmente por el rápido avance y uso extendido de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Este desarrollo tecnológico moderno ha traído transformaciones significativas que han sido fundamentales para abordar los desafíos urbanos como la eficiencia energética, la contaminación ambiental y el cambio climático. El crecimiento urbano ha sido impresionante y continuará siéndolo. Se proyecta que para el año 2050, el 70% de la población mundial vivirá en áreas urbanas, consolidando a las ciudades como centros de atracción de talento y motores del ecosistema emprendedor, además de tener un impacto directo en las oportunidades económicas y la calidad de vida de la población. Por lo tanto, era previsible que el concepto de ciudades inteligentes se posicionara gradualmente tanto en teoría como en práctica. La evaluación final del cantón de Barva en el Índice de Ciudades Inteligentes Sostenibles muestra un puntaje de 40,71, reflejando un rendimiento intermedio en comparación con otros territorios.
The concept of Smart Cities began to gain relevance at the end of the 20th century, driven mainly by the rapid advancement and widespread use of information and communication technologies. This modern technological development has brought significant transformations that have been instrumental in addressing urban challenges such as energy efficiency, environmental pollution and climate change. Urban growth has been impressive and will continue to be so. It is projected that by 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas, consolidating cities as centers of talent attraction and drivers of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as having a direct impact on economic opportunities and the quality of life of the population. It was therefore foreseeable that the concept of smart cities would gradually take hold both in theory and in practice. The final evaluation of the canton of Barva in the Sustainable Smart Cities Index shows a score of 40.71, reflecting an intermediate performance compared to other territories.
The concept of Smart Cities began to gain relevance at the end of the 20th century, driven mainly by the rapid advancement and widespread use of information and communication technologies. This modern technological development has brought significant transformations that have been instrumental in addressing urban challenges such as energy efficiency, environmental pollution and climate change. Urban growth has been impressive and will continue to be so. It is projected that by 2050, 70% of the world's population will live in urban areas, consolidating cities as centers of talent attraction and drivers of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, as well as having a direct impact on economic opportunities and the quality of life of the population. It was therefore foreseeable that the concept of smart cities would gradually take hold both in theory and in practice. The final evaluation of the canton of Barva in the Sustainable Smart Cities Index shows a score of 40.71, reflecting an intermediate performance compared to other territories.
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