Vulnerabilidad y adaptabilidad al ascenso del nivel del mar humedales y poblaciones costeras: el manglar del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe de Osa, Costa Rica
Valverde Sánchez, Ricardo
González Gairaud, Carmen
Piedra Castro, Lilliana María
García González, Jaime E.
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Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de Emergencias
El pronosticado ascenso en el nivel medio del mar convierte a los litorales costarricenses en espacios
vulnerables. Las características geomorfológicas predominantes de la costa pacífica costarricense,
consistente de playas en el frente de llanuras aluviales y marismas, convierte a esta región en una zona
susceptible a la expansión marina como resultado del ascenso del nivel del mar. Es bajo este contexto que la presente investigación busca analizar la vulnerabilidad de poblaciones y ecosistemas costeros, en una unidad geográfica específica del litoral del pacífico sur costarricense: el manglar del Humedal Nacional Térraba-Sierpe (HNTS), así como dotar a estos entornos y comunidades humanas dependientes de los mismos de herramientas que ayuden a reducir su vulnerabilidad. El análisis socioespacial evidencia espacios costeros donde coexisten poblaciones humanas y bosques de mangle vulnerables a la trasgresión y expansión marinas asociadas con el ascenso del nivel del mar. La
percepción de la población consultada y las observaciones de campo, constatan que el crecimiento
del nivel del mar constituye un factor que está generando modificaciones en la dinámica costera, con
las consecuentes repercusiones sobre el manglar y sus poblaciones.
The geomorphologic traits of Costa Rica’s Pacific coastline, consisting of beachfronts on coastal plains and sea marshes, turn it into a vulnerable spatial unit to the predicted rise in the average sea level with its subsequent sea water expansion. Under this scenario, the current research focuses on analyzing the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems and their human settlements, in a specific geographical unit of Costa Rica’s south Pacific coast: The mangrove of the Terraba-Sierpe National Wetland, as well as on providing these surroundings and their depending communities with some tools oriented to diminish their vulnerability. The socio-spatial analysis shows coastal areas with human populations and mangrove forests that due their close proximity to the coastline, are highly exposed to the sea level rise effects. The perception of the surveyed local population and the field findings demonstrate that the sea level rise has become a changing factor of the coastal dynamics, with its subsequent repercussions on the mangrove and its human settlements.
The geomorphologic traits of Costa Rica’s Pacific coastline, consisting of beachfronts on coastal plains and sea marshes, turn it into a vulnerable spatial unit to the predicted rise in the average sea level with its subsequent sea water expansion. Under this scenario, the current research focuses on analyzing the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems and their human settlements, in a specific geographical unit of Costa Rica’s south Pacific coast: The mangrove of the Terraba-Sierpe National Wetland, as well as on providing these surroundings and their depending communities with some tools oriented to diminish their vulnerability. The socio-spatial analysis shows coastal areas with human populations and mangrove forests that due their close proximity to the coastline, are highly exposed to the sea level rise effects. The perception of the surveyed local population and the field findings demonstrate that the sea level rise has become a changing factor of the coastal dynamics, with its subsequent repercussions on the mangrove and its human settlements.
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