Determinación de los valores de los parámetros cinéticos de la producción de xilosa a partir de hidrólisis ácida de la cáscara de piña (Ananas comusus)
Ramírez Amador, Karla
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Debido a los problemas que la sacarosa provoca en muchas personas, en los últimos años se ha tenido un gran interés en la producción de sustitutos para este compuesto, tal es el caso del xilitol. Este edulcorante puede ser producido a partir de la xilosa, un polisacárido de cinco átomos de carbono el cual puede ser obtenido de una gran cantidad de sustratos lignocelulósicos. La caracterización física y química de la cáscara de piña muestra el porcentaje lignina (9,05), porcentaje a-celulosa (41,19), porcentaje holocelulosa (65,61) y el alto contenido de xilano (22%), lo cual demuestra que la cáscara de piña puede ser usada como un adecuado sustrato para la producción de xilosa. En este trabajo se estudió la hidrólisis ácida de la fracción hemicelulósica de la cáscara de piña para obtener xilosa utilizando ácido sulfúrico diluido a 98° C. La concentración del ácido varió entre el 2 y el 6% v/v y el tiempo de reacción entre 20 y 350 minutos. La cuantificación de la xilosa obtenida, se llevó a cabo mediante Cromatografía Líquida de Alta Resolución (HPLC) y además se cuantificaron otros productos de la hidrólisis como son la glucosa, el furfural y el ácido acético. Se determinaron los parámetros cinéticos usando el modelo matemático propuesto por Saeman (Herrera et al. 2002, A) empleando los datos de concentración de xilosa, glucosa, furfural y ácido acético. A partir de los resultados obtenidos, se encontraron las condiciones óptimas para la hidrólisis de cáscara de piña que fueron las siguientes: una concentración de H2SO4 del 6% a una temperatura de 100° C y 83 minutos de tiempo de reacción, para obtener una producción de xilosa de 26,9 g/L, el cual corresponde a un 95% del xilano potencial presente en la cáscara de piña. La concentración de glucosa que se obtiene bajo estas condiciones es 2,61 g/L, la de furfural 0,29 g/L y la de ácido acético 7,71 g/L.
Due to the problems that sucrose causes in many people, in recent years there has been a great interest in the production of substitutes for this compound, such as xylitol. This sweetener can be produced from xylose, a polysaccharide with five carbon atoms which can be obtained from a large number of lignocellulosic substrates. The physical and chemical characterization of the pineapple peel shows the lignin percentage (9.05), a-cellulose percentage (41.19), holocellulose percentage (65.61) and the high xylan content (22%), which shows that pineapple peel can be used as a suitable substrate for xylose production. In this work, the acid hydrolysis of the hemicellulosic fraction of the pineapple peel was studied to obtain xylose using diluted sulfuric acid at 98° C. The concentration of the acid varied between 2 and 6% v/v and the reaction time between 20 and 350 minutes. The xylose obtained was quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and other hydrolysis products such as glucose, furfural and acetic acid were also quantified. The kinetic parameters were determined using the mathematical model proposed by Saeman (Herrera et al. 2002, A) using the concentration data of xylose, glucose, furfural and acetic acid. From the results obtained, the optimal conditions for the hydrolysis of pineapple peel were found, which were the following: a concentration of H2SO4 of 6% at a temperature of 100 ° C and 83 minutes of reaction time, to obtain a production of xylose of 26.9 g/L, which corresponds to 95% of the potential xylan present in the pineapple peel. The glucose concentration obtained under these conditions is 2.61 g/L, that of furfural 0.29 g/L and that of acetic acid 7.71 g/L.
Due to the problems that sucrose causes in many people, in recent years there has been a great interest in the production of substitutes for this compound, such as xylitol. This sweetener can be produced from xylose, a polysaccharide with five carbon atoms which can be obtained from a large number of lignocellulosic substrates. The physical and chemical characterization of the pineapple peel shows the lignin percentage (9.05), a-cellulose percentage (41.19), holocellulose percentage (65.61) and the high xylan content (22%), which shows that pineapple peel can be used as a suitable substrate for xylose production. In this work, the acid hydrolysis of the hemicellulosic fraction of the pineapple peel was studied to obtain xylose using diluted sulfuric acid at 98° C. The concentration of the acid varied between 2 and 6% v/v and the reaction time between 20 and 350 minutes. The xylose obtained was quantified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and other hydrolysis products such as glucose, furfural and acetic acid were also quantified. The kinetic parameters were determined using the mathematical model proposed by Saeman (Herrera et al. 2002, A) using the concentration data of xylose, glucose, furfural and acetic acid. From the results obtained, the optimal conditions for the hydrolysis of pineapple peel were found, which were the following: a concentration of H2SO4 of 6% at a temperature of 100 ° C and 83 minutes of reaction time, to obtain a production of xylose of 26.9 g/L, which corresponds to 95% of the potential xylan present in the pineapple peel. The glucose concentration obtained under these conditions is 2.61 g/L, that of furfural 0.29 g/L and that of acetic acid 7.71 g/L.
Ramírez Amador, K. (2006). Determinación de los valores de los parámetros cinéticos de la producción de xilosa a partir de hidrólisis ácida de la cáscara de piña. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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