Developing oral proficiency with break-through college learners
Altamirano, Jorge
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I Congreso Internacional de Lingüística Aplicada CONLA UNA
Esta propuesta es el resultado de un estudio etnográfico realizado con un grupo de enseñanza del inglés de la Universidad Nacional, Campus Coto que cursa actualmente el segundo año. Durante dos semestres, se monitoreó el nivel competencia oral de los estudiantes por medio de observaciones participativas y entrevistas para detectar los factores lingüísticos y metodológicos que pudieron afectar el incremento de la fluidez de los discentes, considerando que éstos tenían comprensión de material auditivo y de lectura pero no eran capaces de expresarse con fluidez en inglés. El enseñar a hablar a discentes novatos es una labor difícil debido a la influencia de factores no lingüísticos y pedagógicos que influyen en el manejo del lenguaje meta. Arroyo aduce que “Algunos estudiantes aseguran que la timidez y la falta de práctica son factores que afectan el aprendizaje del idioma en forma fluida” (Al Día). Lamentablemente, el problema cuando los discentes principiantes no mejoran su competencia comunicativa para así poder mostrar mucha más fluidez en la segunda lengua. Por tanto, es necesario llevar a cabo la implementación de una metodología comunicativa que contemple un repertorio de estrategias pedagógicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje las cuales puedan lograr un incremento de la competencia comunicativa y lingüística de los estudiantes que les permita un mayor crecimiento en el lenguaje meta. Al final del segundo semestre, los estudiantes progresaron y alcanzaron el nivel requerido. Este enfoque pedagógico propuesto no es una fórmula mágica. Empero, el mismo ha demostrado ser un recurso lento pero efectivo que logra incrementar el desarrollo de la habilidad oral de los estudiantes.
This proposal is the result of an ethnographic study done with a first-year English group from Universidad Nacional, Campus Coto that is now in second year. During two semesters, students’ oral proficiency level was tracked down through participant observations and interviews to detect the linguistic and methodological factors that affected the increase of the students’ fluency, considering the fact that they were able to show comprehension of listening and reading material yet were unable to express themselves fluently in the target language. Teaching novice learners to speak is hard to do due to the influence of various non-linguistic and pedagogical factors that affect the students’ mastery of the target language. Arroyo stated that some students express that shyness as well as lack of practice are factors that affect target language learning fluency’ (Al Dia). Unfortunately, the problem arises when these breakthrough learners do not seem to make progress in terms of developing communicative competence to be able to express much more fluently in the target language. As a result, the implementation of a communicative methodology, containing a repertoire of learning and teaching strategies is proposed for the purpose of augmenting the learners’ communicative competence as well as the linguistic knowledge of their L2 in order to make them grow. At the end of the second semester, the students made progress and were where they needed to be. The proposed pedagogical approach is not a magic formula. However, it has proven to be an effective slow going resource that increases the students´ development of the oral skill.
This proposal is the result of an ethnographic study done with a first-year English group from Universidad Nacional, Campus Coto that is now in second year. During two semesters, students’ oral proficiency level was tracked down through participant observations and interviews to detect the linguistic and methodological factors that affected the increase of the students’ fluency, considering the fact that they were able to show comprehension of listening and reading material yet were unable to express themselves fluently in the target language. Teaching novice learners to speak is hard to do due to the influence of various non-linguistic and pedagogical factors that affect the students’ mastery of the target language. Arroyo stated that some students express that shyness as well as lack of practice are factors that affect target language learning fluency’ (Al Dia). Unfortunately, the problem arises when these breakthrough learners do not seem to make progress in terms of developing communicative competence to be able to express much more fluently in the target language. As a result, the implementation of a communicative methodology, containing a repertoire of learning and teaching strategies is proposed for the purpose of augmenting the learners’ communicative competence as well as the linguistic knowledge of their L2 in order to make them grow. At the end of the second semester, the students made progress and were where they needed to be. The proposed pedagogical approach is not a magic formula. However, it has proven to be an effective slow going resource that increases the students´ development of the oral skill.
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