Determinación preliminar de los patrones de resistencia antimicrobiana de las bacterias pertenecientes al género Staphylococcus spp. causantes de pioderma en pacientes caninos atendidos en clínicas veterinarias del Área Metropolitana.
Romero Sancho, María Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad Nacional de Costa
Rica y en otras cinco veterinarias del área metropolitana fueron atendidos 74 caninos con
diagnóstico clínico de pioderma. Setenta y cinco hisopados fueron tomados de la piel
infectada de estos perros para realizar cultivos bacterianos y pruebas de sensibilidad
antimicrobiana. En total, se obtuvieron tres cultivos de escaso crecimiento no significativo,
dos cultivos positivos puros de microorganismos no estafilocócicos y 70 aislamientos
bacterianos de Staphylococcus pseudintermedius. De estos últimos, el 5,7% presentó
resistencia a la cefalotina, el 10,0% a la enrofloxacina, el 15,7% a la amoxicilina + ácido
clavulánico, el 21,4% al trimetoprim+sulfametoxazol, el 24,3% a la clindamicina y el 94,3% a
la espiramicina. De los 47 aislamientos a los que se les probó la cefovencina sódica, se obtuvo
un 2,1% de resistencia. Además, se encontró un 5,7% de cepas resistentes a la meticilina
(oxacilina) y una prevalencia de multirresistencia del 41,4%. Los cultivos bacteriológicos y
las pruebas de sensibilidad antimicrobiana muestran ser herramientas diagnósticas de gran
utilidad, no sólo para conocer la realidad regional respecto a la resistencia antimicrobiana,
sino también para la práctica veterinaria diaria, pues junto con la historia clínica y el examen
físico, contribuyen sustancialmente en la instauración de tratamientos antibacterianos más
dirigidos, eficientes y responsables.
In the Small Animal and Wild Species Hospital of the National University of Costa Rica and another five veterinary clinics of the metropolitan área, 74 dogs with clinical diagnosis of pyoderma were attended. Seventy-five swaps were taken from the infected skin of these dogs to perform bacterial cultures and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In total, three bacterial cultures of small non-significant growth, two positive pure cultures of not staphylococcal organisms and 70 bacterial isolates of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius were obtained. Of these latter, 5.7% were resistant to cephalothin 5.7% were resistant to cephalotin, 10.0% to enrofloxacin, 15.7% to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, 21.4 % to trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 24.3% to clindamycin, and 94.3 % to espiramycin. Also, a 2.1% of resistance to sodium cefovencin was obtained from the 47 isolates in which this antibiotic was tested. In addition, 5.7% of the strains were methicillin-resistant and the multidrug resistance prevalence found was of 41.4 %. Bacterial cultures and antimicrobial susceptibility testing show to be useful diagnostic tools to know the regional situation regarding antimicrobial resistance. Similarly, they are of great benefit to the daily veterinary practice because they, along with the clinical history and physical examination, contribute substantially to the establishment of more targeted, efficient and responsible antibacterial treatments.
In the Small Animal and Wild Species Hospital of the National University of Costa Rica and another five veterinary clinics of the metropolitan área, 74 dogs with clinical diagnosis of pyoderma were attended. Seventy-five swaps were taken from the infected skin of these dogs to perform bacterial cultures and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. In total, three bacterial cultures of small non-significant growth, two positive pure cultures of not staphylococcal organisms and 70 bacterial isolates of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius were obtained. Of these latter, 5.7% were resistant to cephalothin 5.7% were resistant to cephalotin, 10.0% to enrofloxacin, 15.7% to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, 21.4 % to trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole, 24.3% to clindamycin, and 94.3 % to espiramycin. Also, a 2.1% of resistance to sodium cefovencin was obtained from the 47 isolates in which this antibiotic was tested. In addition, 5.7% of the strains were methicillin-resistant and the multidrug resistance prevalence found was of 41.4 %. Bacterial cultures and antimicrobial susceptibility testing show to be useful diagnostic tools to know the regional situation regarding antimicrobial resistance. Similarly, they are of great benefit to the daily veterinary practice because they, along with the clinical history and physical examination, contribute substantially to the establishment of more targeted, efficient and responsible antibacterial treatments.
Modalidad: Tesis
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