Modelo pedagógico de la Universidad Nacional y su influencia en la labor que desarrollan docentes egresados de la carrera de pedagogía en I y II ciclos, en instituciones del circuito 01 de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Pérez Zeledón, 2009.
Arias Sánchez, Adriana
Jiménez Godínez, Laura
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta investigación tuvo como propósito analizar la influencia del Modelo Pedagógico de la Universidad Nacional en la labor que desarrollan docentes egresados de la carrera de Pedagogía en I y II ciclos. El objetivo general es analizar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que desarrollan docentes egresados de la Universidad Nacional y su aplicabilidad de acuerdo con Modelo Pedagógico de la Universidad Nacional (UNA). La investigación está enmarcada dentro del enfoque cualitativo y bajo el diseño fenomenológico. La literatura consultada muestra información sobre la Educación Superior Costarricense, la Universidad Nacional Sede Región Brunca, su contexto físico y sociocultural, el Modelo Pedagógico, mediación pedagógica, recursos y estrategias empleadas por el profesor universitario, enfoques metodológicos aplicados en la labor docente, planeamiento didáctico, dominio de contenidos curriculares, motivación y creatividad en la enseñanza, relación docente alumnos y docente comunidad, así como el estudio cualitativo y el diseño fenomenológico. Para registrar el proceso de sistematización se diseño un cuestionario dirigido a docentes egresados de la UNA, dos entrevistas dirigidas, para los docentes egresados y profesores de la UNA que laboran en el área de educación, y una observación dirigida a los docentes egresados. La población estuvo conformada por 4 docentes egresados de la UNA y 5 profesores de la UNA. Los principales resultados muestran que los docentes egresados de la UNA tuvieron una experiencia académica regular, debido a la labor desarrolla por profesores de la institución, los docentes solo utilizan principios y elementos del Modelo Pedagógico cuando estos se ajustan a las necesidades. Las conclusiones indican que docentes egresados de la UNA, presentan un desconocimiento de Modelo Pedagógico de la UNA, por lo que no aplican en su labor muchos de los principios y elementos de este modelo. La mediación pedagógica que desarrolla el profesor universitario no esta apegada al Modelo Pedagógico que establece la UNA para la formación docente. Se recomienda dar a conocer a toda la comunidad universitaria el Modelo que establece la institución para la formación de profesionales, tanto para que el profesor lo aplique en su dinámica de aula, como para que el estudiante lo adopte en su labor como profesional.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of the Pedagogical Model of the National University in the work developed by teachers graduated from the Pedagogy career in I and II cycles. The general objective is to analyze the teaching-learning processes developed by teachers graduated from the National University and their applicability according to the Pedagogical Model of the National University (UNA). The research is framed within the qualitative approach and under the phenomenological design. The literature consulted shows information on Costa Rican Higher Education, the National University in the Brunca Region, its physical and sociocultural context, the Pedagogical Model, pedagogical mediation, resources and strategies used by the university professor, methodological approaches applied in the teaching work, didactic planning, mastery of curricular contents, motivation and creativity in teaching, the relationship between teacher-students and teacher-community, as well as the qualitative study and the phenomenological design. To record the systematization process, a questionnaire was designed for graduate teachers of the UNA, two interviews were conducted for graduate teachers and professors of the UNA who work in the area of education, and an observation was conducted for graduate teachers. The population consisted of 4 graduate teachers from UNA and 5 professors from UNA. The main results show that the teachers who graduated from the UNA had a regular academic experience, due to the work developed by professors of the institution, the teachers only use principles and elements of the Pedagogical Model when these are adjusted to the needs. The conclusions indicate that teachers who have graduated from the UNA are unaware of the UNA Pedagogical Model, so they do not apply many of the principles and elements of this model in their work. The pedagogical mediation developed by university professors is not in line with the Pedagogical Model established by the UNA for teacher training. It is recommended that the Model established by the institution for the training of professionals be made known to the entire university community, both for the professor to apply it in his classroom dynamics and for the student to adopt it in his work as a professional.
The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of the Pedagogical Model of the National University in the work developed by teachers graduated from the Pedagogy career in I and II cycles. The general objective is to analyze the teaching-learning processes developed by teachers graduated from the National University and their applicability according to the Pedagogical Model of the National University (UNA). The research is framed within the qualitative approach and under the phenomenological design. The literature consulted shows information on Costa Rican Higher Education, the National University in the Brunca Region, its physical and sociocultural context, the Pedagogical Model, pedagogical mediation, resources and strategies used by the university professor, methodological approaches applied in the teaching work, didactic planning, mastery of curricular contents, motivation and creativity in teaching, the relationship between teacher-students and teacher-community, as well as the qualitative study and the phenomenological design. To record the systematization process, a questionnaire was designed for graduate teachers of the UNA, two interviews were conducted for graduate teachers and professors of the UNA who work in the area of education, and an observation was conducted for graduate teachers. The population consisted of 4 graduate teachers from UNA and 5 professors from UNA. The main results show that the teachers who graduated from the UNA had a regular academic experience, due to the work developed by professors of the institution, the teachers only use principles and elements of the Pedagogical Model when these are adjusted to the needs. The conclusions indicate that teachers who have graduated from the UNA are unaware of the UNA Pedagogical Model, so they do not apply many of the principles and elements of this model in their work. The pedagogical mediation developed by university professors is not in line with the Pedagogical Model established by the UNA for teacher training. It is recommended that the Model established by the institution for the training of professionals be made known to the entire university community, both for the professor to apply it in his classroom dynamics and for the student to adopt it in his work as a professional.
Licenciatura en pedagogía con énfasis en I y II ciclos de la educación general básica.
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