Manglares y sus Servicios Ecosistémicos: hacia un Desarrollo Sostenible
Carvajal Oses, Milagro
Herrera-Ulloa, Angel
Valdés-Rodríguez, Benedicto
Campos Rodríguez, Rooel
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Universidad Nacional (Colombia)
Los manglares se extienden a través de las zonas tropicales
y sub tropicales del planeta, se han adaptado a sobrevivir
a condiciones ambientales adversas por lo tanto, han
desarrollado características de supervivencia únicas frente
a suelos de alta salinidad, anaerobios, y a un entorno desafiante
para la dispersión y propagación de semillas. Estos
bosques ofrecen servicios ecosistémicos que han ido disminuyendo
en los últimos años por factores principalmente
antropogénicos y se prevé que el cambio climático también
influirá negativamente; por lo tanto se hace necesario
gestionar de manera sostenible el recurso manglar con el
que aún se cuenta. En el presente trabajo se realizó una
búsqueda bibliográfica que recopiló información entre el
período temporal 2009-2020. Se recuperaron 89 artículos
científicos de buscadores académicos como Springer Link,
Scielo y Dialnet. Los principales tópicos de la búsqueda
contemplaron: descripción general de manglares, servicios
ecosistémicos, cambio climático, áreas prioritarias de
investigación, papel de educación ambiental, gestión comunitaria
y perspectivas futuras. Esta revisión no tiene el
propósito de contemplar todo el estado del arte del tema
en discusión, sin embargo, realiza un acercamiento a la actualidad
de los manglares.
Mangroves extend through the tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, they have adapted to survive adverse environmental conditions, therefore, they have developed survival characteristics against high salinity, anaerobic soils, and a challenging environment for seed dispersal and propagation. These forests offer ecosystem services that have been declining in recent years due to mainly anthropogenic factors, and climate change is also expected to influence negatively; therefore, it is necessary to sustainably manage the mangrove resource that still exists. In the present work, a bibliographic search was conducted that compiled information between the time period 2009-2020. 89 scientific articles were retrieved from academic search engines such as Springer Link, Scielo and Dialnet. The main topics of the search included: general description of mangroves, ecosystem services, climate change, priority research areas, role of environmental education, community management and future perspectives. This review is not intended to contemplate the entire state of the art of the subject under discussion, however, it does approach the actuality of mangroves.
Mangroves extend through the tropical and subtropical areas of the planet, they have adapted to survive adverse environmental conditions, therefore, they have developed survival characteristics against high salinity, anaerobic soils, and a challenging environment for seed dispersal and propagation. These forests offer ecosystem services that have been declining in recent years due to mainly anthropogenic factors, and climate change is also expected to influence negatively; therefore, it is necessary to sustainably manage the mangrove resource that still exists. In the present work, a bibliographic search was conducted that compiled information between the time period 2009-2020. 89 scientific articles were retrieved from academic search engines such as Springer Link, Scielo and Dialnet. The main topics of the search included: general description of mangroves, ecosystem services, climate change, priority research areas, role of environmental education, community management and future perspectives. This review is not intended to contemplate the entire state of the art of the subject under discussion, however, it does approach the actuality of mangroves.
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