Sistema de creencias de los docentes sobre niños y niñas a quienes les atribuyen “problemas disciplinarios” : Una evaluación psicopedagógica
Arce Cascante, Olga Patricia
Chaves Chavarría, Kattia
Jara Calderón, Nancy
Leiva Friedman, Jenny
Martínez Blanco, Vivian
Oviedo Chavarría, Jessica
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En este seminario se trató de indagar de forma cualitativa el sistema de creencias desde el cual docentes asignan problemas disciplinarios a niños y niñas de segundo y tercer grado de una escuela pública de atención prioritaria de la ciudad de Heredia. Esta escuela se encuentra ubicada en el ámbito de influencia de la Universidad Nacional, específicamente en el cantón de San Rafael, distrito San Josecito, conocido como el Bajo de los Molinos. Desde una perspectiva psicopedagógica, con un enfoque etnográfico y hermenéutico de la investigación cualitativa, interpretamos el referente teórico sobre el que se fundamenta el sistema de creencias de las docentes en estudio. En un primer momento en este apartado de consideraciones introductorias se plantean los antecedentes del estado de la cuestión, planteamiento del problema, las razones que justifican este trabajo, los propósitos (general y específicos), las categorías de análisis, las preguntas significativas y la unidad de análisis, constituida por los actores de esta investigación. Posteriormente en el Capítulo 2, titulado construcción teórica del objeto de estudio, se presenta el enfoque teórico de referencia, es decir, la teoría que fundamenta la interpretación de la investigación. Aquí se detalla la construcción de las categorías de análisis desde nuestra perspectiva psicopedagógica. En el Capítulo 3 se describe el enfoque metodológico utilizado en esta investigación, el acceso a la información, la descripción del escenario de investigación, la forma como se seleccionaron los participantes, los procedimientos, las estrategias, técnicas e instrumentos construidos para la recolección, análisis y sistematización de los datos.El Capítulo 4 registran el análisis interpretativo y la triangulación de la información. Primeramente se presentan los datos más significativos o lo que también se pueden denominar los hallazgos más significativos. Posteriormente, se muestra el fruto del análisis y la triangulación de esos datos o hallazgos. Sistema de creencias de las docentes sobre niños y niñas a quienes les atribuyen problemas disciplinarios 3 En el último capítulo se detalla la evaluación del proceso de Seminario de Graduación y se proponen algunas sugerencias para otros procesos similares.
This seminar attempted to qualitatively investigate the belief system from which teachers assign disciplinary problems to second and third grade boys and girls in a priority public school in the city of Heredia. This school is located within the area of influence of the National University, specifically in the canton of San Rafael, district of San Josecito, known as Bajo de los Molinos. From a psychopedagogical perspective, with an ethnographic and hermeneutic approach to qualitative research, we interpret the theoretical reference on which the belief system of the teachers in question is based. First, in this section of introductory considerations, the background of the state of the art, the statement of the problem, the reasons that justify this work, the purposes (general and specific), the categories of analysis, the significant questions and the unit of analysis, constituted by the actors of this research, are presented. Later in Chapter 2, entitled Theoretical Construction of the Object of Study, the theoretical approach of reference is presented, that is, the theory that underpins the interpretation of the research. Here the construction of the analysis categories from our psychopedagogical perspective is detailed. Chapter 3 describes the methodological approach used in this research, the access to information, the description of the research scenario, the way in which the participants were selected, the procedures, strategies, techniques and instruments constructed for the collection, analysis and systematization of the data. Chapter 4 records the interpretative analysis and triangulation of the information. First, the most significant data or what can also be called the most significant findings are presented. Later, the fruit of the analysis and triangulation of these data or findings is shown. Belief system of teachers about boys and girls to whom they attribute disciplinary problems 3 The last chapter details the evaluation of the Graduation Seminar process and proposes some suggestions for other similar processes.
This seminar attempted to qualitatively investigate the belief system from which teachers assign disciplinary problems to second and third grade boys and girls in a priority public school in the city of Heredia. This school is located within the area of influence of the National University, specifically in the canton of San Rafael, district of San Josecito, known as Bajo de los Molinos. From a psychopedagogical perspective, with an ethnographic and hermeneutic approach to qualitative research, we interpret the theoretical reference on which the belief system of the teachers in question is based. First, in this section of introductory considerations, the background of the state of the art, the statement of the problem, the reasons that justify this work, the purposes (general and specific), the categories of analysis, the significant questions and the unit of analysis, constituted by the actors of this research, are presented. Later in Chapter 2, entitled Theoretical Construction of the Object of Study, the theoretical approach of reference is presented, that is, the theory that underpins the interpretation of the research. Here the construction of the analysis categories from our psychopedagogical perspective is detailed. Chapter 3 describes the methodological approach used in this research, the access to information, the description of the research scenario, the way in which the participants were selected, the procedures, strategies, techniques and instruments constructed for the collection, analysis and systematization of the data. Chapter 4 records the interpretative analysis and triangulation of the information. First, the most significant data or what can also be called the most significant findings are presented. Later, the fruit of the analysis and triangulation of these data or findings is shown. Belief system of teachers about boys and girls to whom they attribute disciplinary problems 3 The last chapter details the evaluation of the Graduation Seminar process and proposes some suggestions for other similar processes.
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