Sistematización de un instructivo para la elaboración de un presupuesto plurianual del Consejo Nacional de Rectores desde los meses de agosto de 2019 a mayo de 2020
Alvarado Cárdenas, Stalin
Arroyo Acuña, Paulette
Díaz Sequeira, Yoselyn
Villegas González, Edelveisse
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo general de la presente investigación es analizar las distintas propiedades y características que componen un presupuesto plurianual. El fin es elaborar un instructivo para el Consejo Nacional de Rectores (Conare) con base en la estructura del Manual de Presupuesto Plurianual del Instituto Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Planificación Económica y Social (Ilpes).
La aplicación de un presupuesto plurianual ayuda a optimizar los recursos económicos con los que cuenta una organización, debido a que tiene como fundamento la planificación a mediano y largo plazo, lo cual contribuye al logro de objetivos y metas institucionales. Este presupuesto refuerza y mejora la gestión del presupuesto anual y viceversa, ya que ambos se enfocan en mejorar las gestiones y en el cumplir con la visión de la entidad.
La investigación detalla el contexto crítico que vive Costa Rica en sus finanzas públicas y la necesidad de nuevas estrategias e instrumentos para afrontar los retos que se presentan. De igual manera, se plantea el marco legal que rige alrededor de esta temática, por ende, se hacen las modificaciones legales que corresponden para su aplicación y regularización adecuada.
Además, se presenta la información de la institución investigada, la cual es el Consejo Nacional de Rectores (Conare), que es una entidad autónoma, pero que en temas presupuestarios acata los lineamientos de la Constitución y de la Contraloría General de la República (CGR). Entre los lineamientos se encuentra el marco de presupuestación plurianual.
A partir de la información obtenida de la entidad por medio de los instrumentos que se aplican como las entrevistas, revisión documental, entre otros, las personas investigadoras obtienen un panorama más claro sobre datos específicos referentes al tema, como proceso de elaboración presupuestaria, estados financieros, partidas presupuestarias, cumplimientos de metas, presupuestos ejecutados. Además, el conocimiento adquirido del tema de presupuestos plurianuales en otros países, forma parte de la información utilizada para elaborar el análisis, generar el diagnóstico y plantear conclusiones. De esta forma, se ofrecen recomendaciones y una propuesta para la institución que se presenta como un instructivo referente a un presupuesto plurianual.
The general objective of this research is to analyze the different properties and characteristics that make up a multi-year budget. The purpose is to prepare instructions for the National Council of Rectors (Conare) based on the structure of the Multiannual Budget Manual of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (Ilpes). The application of a multi-year budget helps to optimize the economic resources that an organization has, since it is based on medium and long-term planning, which contributes to the achievement of institutional objectives and goals. This budget reinforces and improves the management of the annual budget and vice versa, since both focus on improving management and complying with the entity's vision. The research details the critical context that Costa Rica is experiencing in its public finances and the need for new strategies and instruments to face the challenges that arise. In the same way, the legal framework that governs around this issue is proposed, therefore, the corresponding legal modifications are made for its application and adequate regularization. In addition, the information of the investigated institution is presented, which is the National Council of Rectors (Conare), which is an autonomous entity, but that in budgetary matters abides by the guidelines of the Constitution and the General Comptroller's Office of the Republic (CGR). Among the guidelines is the multi-year budgeting framework. Based on the information obtained from the entity through the instruments that are applied such as interviews, documentary review, among others, the researchers obtain a clearer picture of specific data on the subject, such as the budget preparation process, financial statements , budget items, fulfillment of goals, executed budgets. In addition, the knowledge acquired on the subject of multi-year budgets in other countries is part of the information used to prepare the analysis, generate the diagnosis and draw conclusions. In this way, recommendations and a proposal are offered for the institution that is presented as an instructional guide regarding a multi-year budget.
The general objective of this research is to analyze the different properties and characteristics that make up a multi-year budget. The purpose is to prepare instructions for the National Council of Rectors (Conare) based on the structure of the Multiannual Budget Manual of the Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (Ilpes). The application of a multi-year budget helps to optimize the economic resources that an organization has, since it is based on medium and long-term planning, which contributes to the achievement of institutional objectives and goals. This budget reinforces and improves the management of the annual budget and vice versa, since both focus on improving management and complying with the entity's vision. The research details the critical context that Costa Rica is experiencing in its public finances and the need for new strategies and instruments to face the challenges that arise. In the same way, the legal framework that governs around this issue is proposed, therefore, the corresponding legal modifications are made for its application and adequate regularization. In addition, the information of the investigated institution is presented, which is the National Council of Rectors (Conare), which is an autonomous entity, but that in budgetary matters abides by the guidelines of the Constitution and the General Comptroller's Office of the Republic (CGR). Among the guidelines is the multi-year budgeting framework. Based on the information obtained from the entity through the instruments that are applied such as interviews, documentary review, among others, the researchers obtain a clearer picture of specific data on the subject, such as the budget preparation process, financial statements , budget items, fulfillment of goals, executed budgets. In addition, the knowledge acquired on the subject of multi-year budgets in other countries is part of the information used to prepare the analysis, generate the diagnosis and draw conclusions. In this way, recommendations and a proposal are offered for the institution that is presented as an instructional guide regarding a multi-year budget.
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