Informe global de Seminario de Evaluación de UCID, de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
Universidad Nacional. Costa Rica. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, /
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El Seminario de Evaluación y sus Procedimientos La Unidad Coordinadora de Investigación y Documentación (UCID), se ha definido como una instancia colegiada abocada al análisis y orientación académica de la investigación en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, y que tiene como una de sus funciones primordiales la evaluación de los diferentes proyectos que en ella se desenvuelven. La evaluación de cada informe consistió en un enjuiciamiento analítico del mismo que se desarrolló a través de las siguientes actividades: Un informe "escrito, que se transmitió también oralmente, presentado por la Dirección de UCID, sobre los aspectos administrativos del proyecto. Comprendió una exposición de los objetivos explícitos de la investigación, tal y como fueron consignados en su diseño original; y una comparación en relación con estos objetivos, entre la inversión prevista en dinero, tiempo y recursos humanos, y la inversión real de estos elementos que requirió la ejecución del proyecto. Una exposición por parte del autor (o autores) de la investigación, sobre los resultados de su trabajo. Un informe escrito, que se trasmitió también oralmente, presentado por los lectores oficiales de la investigación, sobre la calidad de la misma en cuanto a la producción de conocimiento.
The Evaluation Seminar and its Procedures The Research and Documentation Coordinating Unit (UCID), has been defined as a collegiate body dedicated to the analysis and academic orientation of research in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and which has as one of its primary functions the evaluation of the different projects that are developed therein. The evaluation of each report consisted of an analytical assessment of the same that was developed through the following activities: A "written report, which was also transmitted orally, presented by the UCID Management, on the administrative aspects of the project. It included a presentation of the explicit objectives of the research, as stated in its original design; and a comparison in relation to these objectives, between the planned investment in money, time and human resources, and the actual investment of these elements that the execution required. of the project. A presentation by the author (or authors) of the research, on the results of their work. A written report, which was also transmitted orally, presented by the official readers of the research, on the quality of the research. regarding the production of knowledge.
The Evaluation Seminar and its Procedures The Research and Documentation Coordinating Unit (UCID), has been defined as a collegiate body dedicated to the analysis and academic orientation of research in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and which has as one of its primary functions the evaluation of the different projects that are developed therein. The evaluation of each report consisted of an analytical assessment of the same that was developed through the following activities: A "written report, which was also transmitted orally, presented by the UCID Management, on the administrative aspects of the project. It included a presentation of the explicit objectives of the research, as stated in its original design; and a comparison in relation to these objectives, between the planned investment in money, time and human resources, and the actual investment of these elements that the execution required. of the project. A presentation by the author (or authors) of the research, on the results of their work. A written report, which was also transmitted orally, presented by the official readers of the research, on the quality of the research. regarding the production of knowledge.
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