Factores asociados con discapacidad en actividades básicas e instrumentales de la vida diaria en residentes de Costa Rica de 60 años y más
Aguilar Fernández, Eduardo
Carballo Alfaro, Ana Maricela
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Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Introducción: La discapacidad se ha considerado como una dificultad para realizar actividades
necesarias para la vida. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la discapacidad en actividades básicas e instrumentales de la vida diaria en personas de 60 años y más residentes en Costa Rica. Métodos: El estudio incluyó 2238 personas participantes en el proyecto Costa Rica: Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable (CRELES). Se estimaron modelos de regresión logística y se
calcularon odds ratios con el fin de identificar los factores asociados a la discapacidad. Resultados: Los factores que influyen en la discapacidad en actividades de la vida diaria combinadas están la presencia de dolor, la no realización de actividad física y la proteína C reactiva. Los factores de mayor impacto en las actividades básicas fueron la presencia de dolor, la no realización de actividad física y la presencia de enfermedad crónica. En el caso de las actividades instrumentales la actividad física, la salud autoevaluada negativa y el dolor tuvieron el mayor impacto. Además, padecimientos como la diabetes
afectan tanto las actividades básicas como las instrumentales. Conclusiones: El dolor, la no realización
de actividad física, la salud autoevaluada y otros factores sociodemográficos provocan dificultades funcionales que afectan la calidad de vida de las personas de 60 y más.
“Factors associated with disability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living in Costa Rican residents aged 60 and over”. Introduction: Disability has been considered as a difficulty in carrying out activities necessary for life. Objective: To identify factors associated with disability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living in people aged 60 and over residing in Costa Rica. Methods: The study included 2238 people participating in the Costa Rica project: Longevity and Healthy Aging Study. Logistic regression models were estimated and odds ratios were calculated in order to identify factors associated with disability. Results: Factors that influence disability in combined activities are the presence of pain, the lack of physical activity and C-reactive protein. The factors with the greatest impact on basic activities were the presence of pain, the lack of physical activity and the presence of chronic disease. For instrumental activities, negative self-rated health and pain had the greatest impact, after physical activity. In addition, conditions such as diabetes affect activities of daily living. Conclusion: Pain, not performing physical activity, self-rated health and other sociodemographic factors cause functional difficulties that affect the quality of life of people aged 60 and over.
“Factors associated with disability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living in Costa Rican residents aged 60 and over”. Introduction: Disability has been considered as a difficulty in carrying out activities necessary for life. Objective: To identify factors associated with disability in basic and instrumental activities of daily living in people aged 60 and over residing in Costa Rica. Methods: The study included 2238 people participating in the Costa Rica project: Longevity and Healthy Aging Study. Logistic regression models were estimated and odds ratios were calculated in order to identify factors associated with disability. Results: Factors that influence disability in combined activities are the presence of pain, the lack of physical activity and C-reactive protein. The factors with the greatest impact on basic activities were the presence of pain, the lack of physical activity and the presence of chronic disease. For instrumental activities, negative self-rated health and pain had the greatest impact, after physical activity. In addition, conditions such as diabetes affect activities of daily living. Conclusion: Pain, not performing physical activity, self-rated health and other sociodemographic factors cause functional difficulties that affect the quality of life of people aged 60 and over.
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