Evaluación del Potencial de Crecimiento del berrugate Lobotes pacíficus (Gilbert, 1898) (Perciformes, Lobotidae) en sistemas de recirculación
Chacón Guzmán, Jonathan
Carvajal Oses, Milagro
Herrera-Ulloa, Angel
Toledo‐Agüero, Pedro
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El berrugate Lobotes pacíficus es una especie de la costa pacífica
latinoamericana con características biológicas potenciales para la acuicultura. Este
trabajo evalúa su capacidad de crecimiento en sistemas recirculados. Se
mantuvieron 132 juveniles silvestres en 6 tanques circulares de 10m3 con un sistema
de recirculación (UV, Protein skimer, filtro mecánico y biológico) y flujo de agua de
1.8 l/s. En tres tanques se introdujeron 22 juveniles con un peso de 8,8±0,7g. Estos
fueron alimentados con extrusado para pargo mancha Lutjanus guttatus (50%
proteína, 12% lípidos), y tres tanques con juveniles de 44,7±06g alimentados con
sardina gallera Opisthonema libertate (1,46±0,56% lípidos y 23,38±0.01% proteína).
Se alimentó a saciedad tres veces al día. Se tomaron registros catorcenales de peso
para determinar la tasa de crecimiento absoluto (TCA), la tasa de crecimiento
específica (TCE) y el factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA). La supervivencia y las
variables físico químicas oxígeno disuelto, temperatura, salinidad, pH, nitrógeno
amoniacal y nitritos se monitorearon diariamente. Los resultados mostraron después
de 100 días de alimentación, bajos valores de crecimiento en los peces alimentados
con extrusado debido al bajo consumo (Incremento en peso 38,9g, TCA 0,4±0,1g/día,
TCE 1,7±0,1%PC/día, FCA 1,9±0,2), no así en los peces alimentados con O. libertate
quienes presentaron valores de crecimiento mayores en comparación con otras
especies (incremento en peso 567,5g, TCA 5,7±1,5g/día, TCE 2,6±0,2 %PC/día, FCA
2,2±0,1) no obstante la supervivencia (72.7%) fue menor respecto a los alimentados
con pienso (98.3%), relacionado especialmente a que el amonio y nitritos fueron
superiores en el tratamiento con O. libertate (0,01±0,07 y 0,03±0,13mg/l 1 pienso y
0,3±1,0 y 0,9±2,2mg/l 1 sardina). Lobotes pacíficus demuestra tener gran potencial de crecimiento en sistemas de cultivo, pero se debe profundizar en la elaboración de
un pienso balanceado que sea especie especifico.
The warbler Lobotes pacificus is a species from the Pacific coast Latin American with potential biological characteristics for aquaculture. This work evaluates its growth capacity in recirculated systems. HE kept 132 wild juveniles in 6 circular tanks of 10m3 with a system recirculation (UV, Protein skimer, mechanical and biological filter) and water flow 1.8 l/s. 22 juveniles weighing 8.8±0.7g were introduced into three tanks. These were fed with extrudate for spot snapper Lutjanus guttatus (50% protein, 12% lipids), and three tanks with juveniles of 44.7±06g fed with cockerel sardine Opisthonema libertate (1.46±0.56% lipids and 23.38±0.01% protein). He was fed to satiety three times a day. Fourteenth yearly weight records were taken to determine the absolute growth rate (AGR), the growth rate (TCE) and the feed conversion factor (FCA). Survival and physical chemical variables dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, pH, nitrogen ammonia and nitrites were monitored daily. The results later showed of 100 days of feeding, low growth values in the fed fish with extruded due to low consumption (Increase in weight 38.9g, TCA 0.4±0.1g/day, TCE 1.7±0.1%CP/day, FCA 1.9±0.2), but not in fish fed with O. libertate who presented higher growth values compared to others species (weight increase 567.5g, TCA 5.7±1.5g/day, TCE 2.6±0.2% CP/day, FCA 2.2±0.1), however survival (72.7%) was lower compared to those fed with feed (98.3%), related especially to the fact that ammonium and nitrites were higher in the treatment with O. libertate (0.01±0.07 and 0.03±0.13mg/l 1 feed and 0.3±1.0 and 0.9±2.2mg/l 1 sardine). Lobotes pacificus shows great growth potential in culture systems, but the development of a balanced feed that is species specific.
The warbler Lobotes pacificus is a species from the Pacific coast Latin American with potential biological characteristics for aquaculture. This work evaluates its growth capacity in recirculated systems. HE kept 132 wild juveniles in 6 circular tanks of 10m3 with a system recirculation (UV, Protein skimer, mechanical and biological filter) and water flow 1.8 l/s. 22 juveniles weighing 8.8±0.7g were introduced into three tanks. These were fed with extrudate for spot snapper Lutjanus guttatus (50% protein, 12% lipids), and three tanks with juveniles of 44.7±06g fed with cockerel sardine Opisthonema libertate (1.46±0.56% lipids and 23.38±0.01% protein). He was fed to satiety three times a day. Fourteenth yearly weight records were taken to determine the absolute growth rate (AGR), the growth rate (TCE) and the feed conversion factor (FCA). Survival and physical chemical variables dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, pH, nitrogen ammonia and nitrites were monitored daily. The results later showed of 100 days of feeding, low growth values in the fed fish with extruded due to low consumption (Increase in weight 38.9g, TCA 0.4±0.1g/day, TCE 1.7±0.1%CP/day, FCA 1.9±0.2), but not in fish fed with O. libertate who presented higher growth values compared to others species (weight increase 567.5g, TCA 5.7±1.5g/day, TCE 2.6±0.2% CP/day, FCA 2.2±0.1), however survival (72.7%) was lower compared to those fed with feed (98.3%), related especially to the fact that ammonium and nitrites were higher in the treatment with O. libertate (0.01±0.07 and 0.03±0.13mg/l 1 feed and 0.3±1.0 and 0.9±2.2mg/l 1 sardine). Lobotes pacificus shows great growth potential in culture systems, but the development of a balanced feed that is species specific.
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