Análisis del Programa Hogares Conectados, caso de estudio Colegio CINDEA-Puntarenas, Costa Rica, 2024.
Corea Castillo Dayanna Maria
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Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Las Tecnologías de Información y Conocimiento han impulsado el desarrollo de las economías al aportar mejoras en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, sin embargo, este desarrollo trae consigo desigualdades debido a que no todas las personas poseen los recursos necesario para costear el servicio de internet o comprar un dispositivo con el cual realizar la conexión o en algunos casos el factor ausente es la infraestructura de red, lo que les impide tener acceso a este servicio dando origen a la brecha digital. Por lo tanto, esta investigación tiene como propósito analizar la incidencia del programa Hogares Conectados en la brecha digital al abordar la problemática de la limitante de acceso a conexión de internet de las personas en situación de pobreza al brindarles un subsidio para el pago del servicio de internet y una computadora portátil mediante el programa.
La investigación se llevó a cabo en el colegio CINDEA Puntarenas, en el cual se aplicó un cuestionario a doce personas beneficiarias del programa, con el propósito de conocer su percepción del mismo, además se realizaron dos entrevistas, la primera a la persona encargada del seguimiento del programa por parte de la Dirección General de FONATEL y la segunda entrevista a la jefatura del departamento que da seguimiento al programa desde el IMAS, esto con el fin de conocer como es la gestión del programa según cada institución. Cabe agregar, que esta investigación incluye una descripción de la situación actual de Costa Rica según el Índice de Brecha Digital propuesto por el MICITT y aborda el concepto de brecha digital desde un enfoque general, es decir, brecha de acceso, uso y apropiación como desde un enfoque especifico, el cual diferencia la brecha digital de tipo: tecnológica, socioeconómica, sociocultural, subjetivo-individual, praxiológica, axiológica y política. Además, se define el concepto de habilidades digitales, calidad del gasto público y la gestión para resultados en el desarrollo para realizar así, un análisis integral del propósito del programa, su gestión y la percepción de los beneficiarios.
Entre los principales resultados de esta investigación se encuentran: La evidencia del avance que ha tenido Costa Rica en el tema de telecomunicación, el cumplimiento del programa Hogares Conectados al alcanzar el número de hogares propuestos en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de Telecomunicaciones 2015-2021, a su vez, se identificaron cuáles son las áreas en que este programa puede fortalecer su gestión. Por otra parte, las personas beneficiarias del programa indican que la velocidad de la conexión a internet es deficiente, que las habilidades digitales que poseen las desarrollaron de forma autodidacta, por lo tanto, se consideran usuarios básicos tanto de los softwares como de las aplicaciones disponibles para computadoras.
Finalmente, la información recopilada permite concluir que el programa incide en la brecha digital de acceso, sin embargo, es de carácter temporal debido a que una vez terminado el plazo del contrato las personas regresen a la situación de desventaja en el acceso, por ello, es necesario plantear otras alternativas para abordar este problema. Por otro lado, en cuanto a la brecha digital de apropiación, esta no es atendida por este programa ya que se enfoca en subsidiar la oferta más no en desarrollar habilidades digitales.
Information and Knowledge Technologies have driven the development of economies by providing improvements in all areas of society; however, this development comes along with some disparities, such as not all people having the minimum resources to afford to pay for the Internet service, or to purchase an electronic device to navigate through the web, or in even more extreme cases missing the whole infrastructure for connectivity in their hometown. These conditions unfold what we call a digital gap. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the impact of the Hogares Conectados program on the digital gap, addressing the problem of limited access to the internet for people living in poverty by providing them with a subsidy for the payment of internet service and a laptop through the program. The research was conducted at the CINDEA Puntarenas high school, where a questionnaire was applied to twelve beneficiaries to find out their insight of the program. In addition, two interviews were conducted, the first to the person in charge of monitoring the program by the General Director of FONATEL and the second interview to the head of the department that monitors the program at the IMAS, in order to find out how the program is managed according to each institution. It should be added that this research includes a description of the current situation in Costa Rica according to the Digital Gap Index proposed by the MICITT and addresses the concept of the digital gap from a general approach, that is, the access, use and appropriation gap, as well as from a specific approach, which differentiates the following types of digital gap: technological, socioeconomic, sociocultural, subjective-individual, praxiological , axiological and political. In addition, it defines the concept of digital skills, quality of public spending and management to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the purpose of the program, its management, and the insight of the beneficiaries. The main results of this research include evidence of the progress that Costa Rica has made around telecommunications, the fulfillment of the Hogares Conectados program by reaching the number of homes proposed in the National Telecommunications Development Plan 2015-2021, and the areas in which this program can strengthen this plan were identified. Furthermore, the beneficiaries of the program state that the digital skills they have were developed in a self-taught way and a slow internet connection, therefore, they consider themselves basic users of both the software and the applications available for computers. Finally, the information collected allows us to conclude that the program affects the digital access gap, however, it is temporary because once the contract ends, people return to a disadvantaged situation in terms of access, therefore, it is necessary to propose other alternatives to address this problem. On the other hand, the digital appropriation gap is not addressed by this program since it focuses on subsidizing the offer rather than on developing digital skills
Information and Knowledge Technologies have driven the development of economies by providing improvements in all areas of society; however, this development comes along with some disparities, such as not all people having the minimum resources to afford to pay for the Internet service, or to purchase an electronic device to navigate through the web, or in even more extreme cases missing the whole infrastructure for connectivity in their hometown. These conditions unfold what we call a digital gap. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the impact of the Hogares Conectados program on the digital gap, addressing the problem of limited access to the internet for people living in poverty by providing them with a subsidy for the payment of internet service and a laptop through the program. The research was conducted at the CINDEA Puntarenas high school, where a questionnaire was applied to twelve beneficiaries to find out their insight of the program. In addition, two interviews were conducted, the first to the person in charge of monitoring the program by the General Director of FONATEL and the second interview to the head of the department that monitors the program at the IMAS, in order to find out how the program is managed according to each institution. It should be added that this research includes a description of the current situation in Costa Rica according to the Digital Gap Index proposed by the MICITT and addresses the concept of the digital gap from a general approach, that is, the access, use and appropriation gap, as well as from a specific approach, which differentiates the following types of digital gap: technological, socioeconomic, sociocultural, subjective-individual, praxiological , axiological and political. In addition, it defines the concept of digital skills, quality of public spending and management to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the purpose of the program, its management, and the insight of the beneficiaries. The main results of this research include evidence of the progress that Costa Rica has made around telecommunications, the fulfillment of the Hogares Conectados program by reaching the number of homes proposed in the National Telecommunications Development Plan 2015-2021, and the areas in which this program can strengthen this plan were identified. Furthermore, the beneficiaries of the program state that the digital skills they have were developed in a self-taught way and a slow internet connection, therefore, they consider themselves basic users of both the software and the applications available for computers. Finally, the information collected allows us to conclude that the program affects the digital access gap, however, it is temporary because once the contract ends, people return to a disadvantaged situation in terms of access, therefore, it is necessary to propose other alternatives to address this problem. On the other hand, the digital appropriation gap is not addressed by this program since it focuses on subsidizing the offer rather than on developing digital skills
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