Determinación empírica del cumplimiento del supuesto de paridad cubierta de tasas de interés según el modelo de Mundell-Fleming entre Costa Rica y Estados Unidos, para el periodo comprendido entre el 2006 y 2015
Herrera Arias, Sebastián
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Durante la crisis económica iniciada en 2008 los países desarrollados implementaron una serie de políticas económicas, para contrarrestar sus efectos. En la presente investigación se explican las relaciones económicas que permitieron la ejecución de dichas políticas en Estados Unidos y Costa Rica, durante el periodo del 2006 al 2015. El eje central de la investigación consiste en la explicación de las relaciones económicas entre las tasas de interés en Costa Rica y Estados Unidos, además entender por qué las variables macroeconómicas predominantes en los modelos económicos tales cómo él movimiento de tasas de interés según los mercados internacionales no se comportaron según lo indica la teoría. La investigación se basa en la utilización del modelo Mundell-Fleming1 para corroborar sí las variables económicas se comportan de una manera determinada en relación al manejo de la tasa de interés en Costa Rica, esto cómo medio para la demostrar cómo se logró mantener la tasa de interés durante el periodo comprendido entre el 2006 y 2015 mayor a la tasa de interés en el mercado estadounidense, lo que generó un exceso de divisas en el país y, a su vez, una leve reducción de la tasa de interés. Esto necesariamente es determinar cómo las tasas de interés nacionales no reaccionan de manera inmediata a los ajustes de tasas en Estados Unidos y así establecer que el supuesto del modelo Mundell-Fleming no se cumple a cabalidad para el caso de Costa Rica. Además de este punto, se debe de entender la situación económica del país durante la recesión mundial y los componentes que generan las tasas de interés en Costa Rica. Con el fin de cumplir los requerimientos de la siguiente investigación, esta se desarrollará a partir de los siguientes apartados, introducción, objetivos, marco teórico y metodológico conclusiones y bibliografía. Todas estas ideas deben ser comprendidas y relacionadas para que la demostración del cumplimiento del supuesto del Mundell-Fleming sea posible y que la paridad de tasas de interés sea catalogada como válida para el caso de Costa Rica en el periodo de 2006 a 2015.
During the economic crisis that began in 2008, developed countries implemented a series of economic policies to counteract its effects. In the present investigation, the economic relations that allowed the execution of said policies in the United States and Costa Rica, during the period from 2006 to 2015, are explained. The central axis of the investigation consists in the explanation of the economic relations between interest rates in Costa Rica and the United States, in addition to understanding why the predominant macroeconomic variables in economic models such as the movement of interest rates according to international markets did not behave as indicated by theory. The research is based on the use of the Mundell-Fleming1 model to verify whether the economic variables behave in a certain way in relation to the management of the interest rate in Costa Rica, this as a means to demonstrate how it was possible to maintain the interest rate. interest during the period between 2006 and 2015 higher than the interest rate in the US market, which generated an excess of foreign exchange in the country and, in turn, a slight reduction in the interest rate. This is necessarily to determine how national interest rates do not react immediately to rate adjustments in the United States and thus establish that the assumption of the Mundell-Fleming model is not fully met in the case of Costa Rica. In addition to this point, the economic situation of the country during the world recession and the components that generate interest rates in Costa Rica must be understood. In order to meet the requirements of the following investigation, it will be developed from the following sections, introduction, objectives, theoretical and methodological framework, conclusions and bibliography. All these ideas must be understood and related so that the demonstration of fulfillment of the Mundell-Fleming assumption is possible and that the interest rate parity is cataloged as valid for the case of Costa Rica in the period from 2006 to 2015.
During the economic crisis that began in 2008, developed countries implemented a series of economic policies to counteract its effects. In the present investigation, the economic relations that allowed the execution of said policies in the United States and Costa Rica, during the period from 2006 to 2015, are explained. The central axis of the investigation consists in the explanation of the economic relations between interest rates in Costa Rica and the United States, in addition to understanding why the predominant macroeconomic variables in economic models such as the movement of interest rates according to international markets did not behave as indicated by theory. The research is based on the use of the Mundell-Fleming1 model to verify whether the economic variables behave in a certain way in relation to the management of the interest rate in Costa Rica, this as a means to demonstrate how it was possible to maintain the interest rate. interest during the period between 2006 and 2015 higher than the interest rate in the US market, which generated an excess of foreign exchange in the country and, in turn, a slight reduction in the interest rate. This is necessarily to determine how national interest rates do not react immediately to rate adjustments in the United States and thus establish that the assumption of the Mundell-Fleming model is not fully met in the case of Costa Rica. In addition to this point, the economic situation of the country during the world recession and the components that generate interest rates in Costa Rica must be understood. In order to meet the requirements of the following investigation, it will be developed from the following sections, introduction, objectives, theoretical and methodological framework, conclusions and bibliography. All these ideas must be understood and related so that the demonstration of fulfillment of the Mundell-Fleming assumption is possible and that the interest rate parity is cataloged as valid for the case of Costa Rica in the period from 2006 to 2015.
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