Comprobación de los beneficios que promociona INTECO a las empresas que se acogen a su proceso de certificación ISO y la experiencia de SERPIMETAL, empresa certificada
Villalobos Garita, Wagner
Wong Quirós, Sileam
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Para las compañías que quieran posicionarse en el mercado, resulta de suma importancia ser reconocidas como empresas que brindan productos o servicios de calidad y que busca la satisfacción de su cliente, razones que llevan a las mismas a normalizar sus procesos a través de las certificaciones (ISO). El Instituto de Normas Técnicas de Costa Rica (INTECO), es el ente autorizado de la normalización a nivel de Costa Rica, y definen normalizar como el proceso de formular y aplicar reglas con el propósito de establecer un orden en una actividad específica, para beneficio y con la cooperación de todos los interesados y, en particular, para la obtención de una economía óptima de conjunto, respetando las exigencias funcionales y de seguridad. Este ente describe en su página web, una serie de ventajas que las empresas obtienen producto de la implementación de su proceso de normalización, sin embargo, no muestra estudios que los comprueben, es por eso que surge la idea de realizar la presente investigación. Para efectos de la presente investigación se toma como base la experiencia de esta empresa después del proceso de normalización y de esta manera, se procede a dar respuesta al objetivo principal, el cual es: determinar la veracidad de los beneficios que promociona INTECO con su proceso de normalización a las empresas, de acuerdo con la experiencia SERPIMETAL, específicamente en las áreas de gestión operativa, gestión administrativa, y gestión del mercadeo. El presente trabajo de investigación se divide en cinco capítulos: El capítulo I, denominado Aspectos Metodológicos, describe el problema de estudio, la razón que justifica la investigación, los objetivos y delimitación, y la metodología que se utilizó para la obtención y análisis de la información requerida.
For companies that want to position themselves in the market, it is of utmost importance to be recognized as companies that provide quality products or services and seek customer satisfaction, reasons that lead them to standardize their processes through ISO certifications. The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica (INTECO) is the authorized standardization body in Costa Rica, and defines standardization as the process of formulating and applying rules with the purpose of establishing order in a specific activity, for the benefit and with the cooperation of all interested parties and, in particular, to obtain an optimal overall economy, respecting functional and safety requirements. and safety requirements. This entity describes in its web page, a series of advantages that the companies obtain as a result of the implementation of its standardization process, however, it does not show studies that prove them, that is why the idea of carrying out the present research arises. For the purposes of this research, the experience of this company after the standardization process is taken as a base and in this way, we proceed to answer the main objective, which is: to determine the veracity of the benefits that INTECO promotes with its standardization process to the companies, according to the SERPIMETAL experience, specifically in the areas of operational management, administrative management, and marketing management. The present research work
For companies that want to position themselves in the market, it is of utmost importance to be recognized as companies that provide quality products or services and seek customer satisfaction, reasons that lead them to standardize their processes through ISO certifications. The Technical Standards Institute of Costa Rica (INTECO) is the authorized standardization body in Costa Rica, and defines standardization as the process of formulating and applying rules with the purpose of establishing order in a specific activity, for the benefit and with the cooperation of all interested parties and, in particular, to obtain an optimal overall economy, respecting functional and safety requirements. and safety requirements. This entity describes in its web page, a series of advantages that the companies obtain as a result of the implementation of its standardization process, however, it does not show studies that prove them, that is why the idea of carrying out the present research arises. For the purposes of this research, the experience of this company after the standardization process is taken as a base and in this way, we proceed to answer the main objective, which is: to determine the veracity of the benefits that INTECO promotes with its standardization process to the companies, according to the SERPIMETAL experience, specifically in the areas of operational management, administrative management, and marketing management. The present research work
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