La autonomía de la comunidad es la enzima del desarrollo. Los costos del clientelismo. (Avance parcial de investigación)
Sobrado Chaves, Miguel
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Editorial de la Universidad Nacional
Desde finales de la Segunda Guerra
Mundial, esto es, hace más de cincuenta años, las agencias internacionales, los estados y sus instituciones
vienen impulsando proyectos para sacar de la pobreza y el subdesarrollo a las naciones
ya los amplios sectores sociales postergados. La
promesa ha sido que por medio de sus programas
y proyectos, financiados con miles de millones de
dólares 'de ayuda al desarrollo, se iban a mejorar
de manera duradera las condiciones de vida y
oportunidades de aquellos que han sido excluidos
del progreso y el bienestar. Esta promesa no se ha
concretado. Se le atribuyen muchas causas a este
fracaso. En ocasiones se habla de los enfoques
teóricos e ideológicos, tales como la importancia
de los mecanismos de mercado en los proyectos,
o de la necesidad de protección temporal para los
productores locales. Otros apuntan a la insuficiente consideración de los valores y las condiciones
culturales de las comunidades e individuos sometidos a los procesos de cambio.
Since the end of the Second World War More than fifty years ago, international agencies, states and their institutions have been promoting projects to bring nations out of poverty and underdevelopment and the broad social sectors that have been neglected. The promise has been that through their programs and projects, financed with billions of development aid' dollars, were going to be improved living conditions and the environment in a lasting way. opportunities for those who have been excluded of progress and well-being. This promise has not been concretized. Many causes are attributed to this failure. Sometimes there is talk of the theoretical and ideological, such as the importance of market mechanisms in projects, or the need for temporary protection for the local producers. Others point to insufficient consideration of values and conditions cultural communities and individuals subject to the processes of change.
Since the end of the Second World War More than fifty years ago, international agencies, states and their institutions have been promoting projects to bring nations out of poverty and underdevelopment and the broad social sectors that have been neglected. The promise has been that through their programs and projects, financed with billions of development aid' dollars, were going to be improved living conditions and the environment in a lasting way. opportunities for those who have been excluded of progress and well-being. This promise has not been concretized. Many causes are attributed to this failure. Sometimes there is talk of the theoretical and ideological, such as the importance of market mechanisms in projects, or the need for temporary protection for the local producers. Others point to insufficient consideration of values and conditions cultural communities and individuals subject to the processes of change.
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