Preferencias en la anidación de tortugas carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) y baulas (Dermochelys coriacea) en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca Manzanillo, Limón, Costa Rica
Piedra Castro, Lilliana María
Morales Cerdas, Vanessa
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Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) (Costa Rica)
El Caribe costarricense es importante como sitio de alimentación, copulación, anidación y
desove de las tortugas marinas, por lo que el presente trabajo pretendió actualizar el patrón de
anidación en las tortugas marinas Dermochelys coriacea y Eretmochelys imbricata en el sector
Gandoca, del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca Manzanillo, Limón, Costa Rica, para
proponer medidas de manejo. Se realizaron recorridos nocturnos entre las 8:00 p. m. y 4:00 a. m.,
la playa se dividió en cinco sectores, en estos se realizaron observaciones directas y de rastros,
de las tortugas que elaboraron el nido, entre febrero y agosto del 2011 y 2012. Se registraron
tres especies de tortugas marinas, Dermochelys coriacea, Eretmochelys imbricata y Chelonia
mydas. La anidación de tortugas baula tuvo su punto máximo entre marzo y julio; por su parte,
las carey, entre mayo y junio (2011), y junio hasta agosto en el 2012. Se observó preferencia
en la posición de la playa utilizada para construir sus nidos; la baula utiliza principalmente la
parte media, mientras que la carey utilizó mayormente la parte baja para anidar (t = 17.2525).
Se observó que la baula utilizó frecuentemente el sector C; sin embargo, no se encontraron
diferencias en el uso de los sectores. Se concluye que ambas especies tienen preferencias
en la selección de la zona de playa en que anidan; la carey en la parte baja cerca de la línea
de costa y la baula en la parte media. Además, las tortugas baula utilizan indistintamente los
diferentes sectores de la playa estudiada.
The Caribbean region of Costa Rica is an important feeding, mating, nesting and spawning area for sea turtles, which exhibit site preference in beaches to build their nests. This study attempts to review the nesting pattern of sea turtles Dermochelys coriacea and Eretmochelys imbricata in the Gandoca sector of the National Wildlife Refuge Gandoca Manzanillo, Limón, Costa Rica, to propose management actions. Between February and August of 2011 and 2012 night patrols were conducted between 8:00 p. m. to 4:00 a. m., in five sectors of beach, across Punta Mona and the Sixaola river mouth recording direct observations and tracks of nesting turtles only. A total of 1005 individuals of D.coriacea, 47 of E.imbricata and 6 of Chelonia mydas were recorded. Due to sampling size C.mydas was not taken into account for analyses. Leatherback nesting activity peaked between March and July in both years. Hawksbill from May to June in 2011 and June to August in 2012. Preferences were observed regarding the position in the beach used for nesting. Leatherbacks used the middle section of the beach mainly, while the hawksbill use mostly the bottom to nest (t = 17.2525). The leatherback seemed to use more frequently the C sector, however, no differences in the use of the sectors between turtles were found. It is concluded that both species have preferred nesting areas. Hawksbill uses more the bottom beach area near the shoreline while leatherback uses the middle area more. Also the leatherback turtles use interchangeably different sectors of the studied beach.
The Caribbean region of Costa Rica is an important feeding, mating, nesting and spawning area for sea turtles, which exhibit site preference in beaches to build their nests. This study attempts to review the nesting pattern of sea turtles Dermochelys coriacea and Eretmochelys imbricata in the Gandoca sector of the National Wildlife Refuge Gandoca Manzanillo, Limón, Costa Rica, to propose management actions. Between February and August of 2011 and 2012 night patrols were conducted between 8:00 p. m. to 4:00 a. m., in five sectors of beach, across Punta Mona and the Sixaola river mouth recording direct observations and tracks of nesting turtles only. A total of 1005 individuals of D.coriacea, 47 of E.imbricata and 6 of Chelonia mydas were recorded. Due to sampling size C.mydas was not taken into account for analyses. Leatherback nesting activity peaked between March and July in both years. Hawksbill from May to June in 2011 and June to August in 2012. Preferences were observed regarding the position in the beach used for nesting. Leatherbacks used the middle section of the beach mainly, while the hawksbill use mostly the bottom to nest (t = 17.2525). The leatherback seemed to use more frequently the C sector, however, no differences in the use of the sectors between turtles were found. It is concluded that both species have preferred nesting areas. Hawksbill uses more the bottom beach area near the shoreline while leatherback uses the middle area more. Also the leatherback turtles use interchangeably different sectors of the studied beach.
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