Plan de negocios para la creación de un restaurante de comida Costarricense y Peruana en playa Negra, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste.
Matarrita Rodríguez, José David
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo de este trabajo final de graduación es realizar un plan de negocios para la
creación de un restaurante de comida fusión, utilizando como base la gastronomía
costarricense y peruana, el restaurante se ubicara en Playa Negra, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste.
La evidencia muestra una tendencia creciente hacia el consumo de comida saludable, la
industria de restaurantes es un reflejo directo de los cambios de la sociedad, por lo cual la
familia Rodríguez claramente ha identificado una fuente de posible ingreso económico.
Playa negra, cuenta con una serie de factores favorables ya que es un punto de paso a
los principales destinos turísticos de la zona como: Playa Tamarindo, Playa Avellanas, Playa
Junquillal, Playa Blanca, Playa Marbella, Playa Ostional, entre otras.
Se establece que el abordaje de la investigación sea descriptivo, el cual permite realizar
un proceso constante de exploración y descubrimiento de la situación actual de la zona,
empleando así el uso de instrumentos como el cuestionario, por la naturaleza del servicio en
estudio, la población de interés la constituyen los turistas y habitantes de la comunidad. Se
eligió esta zona porque en ella se encuentra ubicado el inmueble de la familia Rodríguez.
Siguiendo la metodología propuesta se logran captar los resultados de la muestra
seleccionada, se aplican los cuestionarios a 190 clientes de diferentes nacionalidades, que han
utilizado en una o más ocasiones el servicio de restaurantes en Playa negra.
Logrando determinar la viabilidad financiera del restaurante en la zona de estudio, a su
vez se logra crear el perfil del cliente que visita Playa Negra.
The objective of this final graduation work is to make a business plan for the creation of a fusion food restaurant, using gastronomy as a base Costa Rican and Peruvian, the restaurant will be located in Playa Negra, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. The evidence shows a growing trend towards the consumption of healthy food, the restaurant industry is a direct reflection of changes in society, for which the The Rodríguez family has clearly identified a source of possible economic income. Black Beach, has a series of favorable factors since it is a point of passage to the main tourist destinations in the area such as: Tamarindo Beach, Avellanas Beach, Playa Junquillal, Playa Blanca, Marbellla Beach, Ostional Beach, among others. It is established that the research approach is descriptive, which allows a constant process of exploration and discovery of the current situation of the area, thus employing the use of instruments such as the questionnaire, due to the nature of the service in study, the population of interest is made up of tourists and inhabitants of the community. I know He chose this area because the Rodríguez family's property is located there. Following the proposed methodology, it is possible to capture the results of the sample selected, the questionnaires are applied to 190 clients of different nationalities, who have used on one or more occasions the restaurant service in Playa Negra. Managing to determine the financial viability of the restaurant in the study area, at its time it is possible to create the profile of the client who visits Playa Negra.
The objective of this final graduation work is to make a business plan for the creation of a fusion food restaurant, using gastronomy as a base Costa Rican and Peruvian, the restaurant will be located in Playa Negra, Santa Cruz, Guanacaste. The evidence shows a growing trend towards the consumption of healthy food, the restaurant industry is a direct reflection of changes in society, for which the The Rodríguez family has clearly identified a source of possible economic income. Black Beach, has a series of favorable factors since it is a point of passage to the main tourist destinations in the area such as: Tamarindo Beach, Avellanas Beach, Playa Junquillal, Playa Blanca, Marbellla Beach, Ostional Beach, among others. It is established that the research approach is descriptive, which allows a constant process of exploration and discovery of the current situation of the area, thus employing the use of instruments such as the questionnaire, due to the nature of the service in study, the population of interest is made up of tourists and inhabitants of the community. I know He chose this area because the Rodríguez family's property is located there. Following the proposed methodology, it is possible to capture the results of the sample selected, the questionnaires are applied to 190 clients of different nationalities, who have used on one or more occasions the restaurant service in Playa Negra. Managing to determine the financial viability of the restaurant in the study area, at its time it is possible to create the profile of the client who visits Playa Negra.
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