La inversión extranjera directa en la cadena del café y su incidencia en el desarrollo sostenible de la Zona Occidental de El Salvador
Lizama Gaitán, Gilma Sabina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En El Salvador no se dispone de datos sobre los montos de la Inversión Extranjera
Directa (IED), en la cadena de café; sin embargo, se identifica la presencia de empresas
de capital transnacional dentro de ella. A partir de tal situación surge la inquietud de
realizar un análisis de la estructura de la cadena, identificando los sistemas de
comercialización y las estrategias de inserción de la IED dentro de esta, utilizadas por las
compañías transnacionales.
El objetivo que persigue la presente investigación es determinar el alcance en la
promoción del desarrollo sostenible de la Zona Occidental de El Salvador, de las prácticas
realizadas por las corporaciones transnacionales (CTN), presentes en la cadena de café.
Para ello se identifica los sistemas de comercialización que implican cadenas organizadas
por estas empresas; se caracteriza las estrategias que utilizan las CTN para vincularse
con los productores nacionales y se construyen indicadores que aproximen la repercusión
de la IED al desarrollo sostenible de la región. De esta forma se procura identificar
elementos de política pública que generen encadenamientos para estimular el
crecimiento, y que genere empleo y protección del medio ambiente.
Para cumplir con el objetivo, se utiliza el enfoque conceptual de Cadenas Globales de
Mercancías (CGM), planteado por Gereffi (1994), al considerar los determinantes de la
IED en los países subdesarrollados. La sostenibilidad se analiza a partir de la definición
de desarrollo sostenible planteada por el Informe Brundtland (1987) que incorpora tres
dimensiones: la económica, la social y la ambiental. El análisis se realiza con base con
información bibliográfica, entrevistas y la aplicación de herramientas matemáticoestadísticas para la construcción de indicadores.
El estudio identificó la existencia de una fuerte relación entre empresas nacionales
(beneficios) y las CTN, donde las estrategias más utilizadas por estas últimas para
insertarse dentro de la cadena son: alianzas comerciales, asistencia técnica y
otorgamiento de financiamiento a productores. Finalmente, al contrastar los indicadores
de intensidad de presencia de IED con el nivel de desarrollo sostenible de la zona, no se
logra constituir una relación significativa entre ambos aspectos, aunque sí se establecen
algunos elementos explicativos derivados de las estrategias con que trabajan las CTN.
There is no data about the amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the coffee chain of El Salvador; however, some transnational companies have been identified within. Because of this there is the interest of analyzing the structure of the coffee chain, identifying the trading systems and the insertion strategies used for these transnational companies. The objective of this study is to determine to what extent the practices developed by the Transnational Companies (TNC) within the coffee value chain, promotes the sustainable development of the western zone of El Salvador. In this purpose: commercialization systems that involve chains organized by these companies are identified; strategies used by the TNC´s for linking with national producers are characterized; and key indicators to measure the incidence of the FDI over the sustainable development of the zone are built. The aim is to identify public policies to develop a sustainable value chain that embodies economic growth, employment generation and the environmental protection. To accomplish the objective, the conceptual approach of Global Commodity Chains (GCC) of Gereffi (1994) is applied, considering also the variables of the developing countries that affect FDI. Sustainability is analized throught the concept of sustainable development, defined by the Brundtland Report (1987), which considers three dimension analysis: economical, social and environmental. In this way, the analysis is based on bibliographic information, interviews and application mathematical-statistical tools to build key indicators. A strong relationship was found between national (coffee mills) and TNC, where the strategies most used by the TNC´s are: the commercial alliances, technical and financial support to producers. Finally, when analyzing statistically the intensity indicators presence of FDI and the level of sustainable development of the area, there was not found a significant relationship. Nevertheless, some explanations by considering the strategies of TNCs in the Salvadorian coffee chain were proposed.
There is no data about the amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the coffee chain of El Salvador; however, some transnational companies have been identified within. Because of this there is the interest of analyzing the structure of the coffee chain, identifying the trading systems and the insertion strategies used for these transnational companies. The objective of this study is to determine to what extent the practices developed by the Transnational Companies (TNC) within the coffee value chain, promotes the sustainable development of the western zone of El Salvador. In this purpose: commercialization systems that involve chains organized by these companies are identified; strategies used by the TNC´s for linking with national producers are characterized; and key indicators to measure the incidence of the FDI over the sustainable development of the zone are built. The aim is to identify public policies to develop a sustainable value chain that embodies economic growth, employment generation and the environmental protection. To accomplish the objective, the conceptual approach of Global Commodity Chains (GCC) of Gereffi (1994) is applied, considering also the variables of the developing countries that affect FDI. Sustainability is analized throught the concept of sustainable development, defined by the Brundtland Report (1987), which considers three dimension analysis: economical, social and environmental. In this way, the analysis is based on bibliographic information, interviews and application mathematical-statistical tools to build key indicators. A strong relationship was found between national (coffee mills) and TNC, where the strategies most used by the TNC´s are: the commercial alliances, technical and financial support to producers. Finally, when analyzing statistically the intensity indicators presence of FDI and the level of sustainable development of the area, there was not found a significant relationship. Nevertheless, some explanations by considering the strategies of TNCs in the Salvadorian coffee chain were proposed.
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