Sistema de información automatizado para la gestión administrativa del Hogar de Ancianos Hortensia Rodríguez Sandoval de Bolaños de Atenas
Ovares Arce, Marjorie
Murillo González, Marco Vinicio
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El Hogar de Ancianos Hortensia Rodríguez Sandoval de Bolaños, es una
institución benéfica, fundada legalmente en 1978, pero que funciona desde 1974 y se
ubica en el Cantón de Atenas de la Provincia de Alajuela.
Su objetivo principal es velar, para que las personas adultas mayores sin hogar ni
recursos económicos, tengan una buena calidad de vida durante sus últimos años. Su
preocupación fundamental es que los adultos mayores, sean valorados como ciudadano
y se integre a la sociedad dentro de un ambiente armónico y con calor humano.
Dentro de las actividades que ofrece el Hogar de ancianos se encuentran: la
atención alimenticia, terapia física, servicios de enfermería y condiciones de
esparcimiento. Como parte de las actividades de distracción, se dispone de la finca
agrícola que provee de algunas frutas y verduras, huevos y carne de codomiz. Además,
se proyecta trabajar con la producción de hortalizas en hidroponía. Estas actividades las
comparten los adultos mayores con las personas que laboran en el Hogar de ancianos.
Al inicio de su operación la institución pasa por situaciones difíciles para
enfrentar los gastos económicos que requiere la atención de los huéspedes en el Hogar
de ancianos, sin embargo, con la colaboración de las generosas personas de la
comunidad de Atenas y de distintas empresas e instituciones, las necesidades básicas del Hogar de ancianos se cubrieron.
The Hortensia Rodríguez Sandoval de Bolaños Nursing Home is a charitable institution, legally founded in 1978, but which has been in operation since 1974 and is located in the Canton of Atenas in the Province of Alajuela. Its main objective is to ensure that older adults without a home or economic resources have a good quality of life during their last years. His fundamental concern is that older adults are valued as citizens and integrate into society within a harmonious environment and with human warmth. Among the activities offered by the Nursing Home are: nutritional care, physical therapy, nursing services and recreational conditions. As part of the distraction activities, the agricultural farm is available that provides some fruits and vegetables, eggs and codomiz meat. In addition, it is planned to work with the production of vegetables in hydroponics. These activities are shared by the elderly with the people who work in the Nursing Home. At the beginning of its operation, the institution goes through difficult situations to face the economic expenses that the attention of the guests in the Nursing Home requires, however, with the collaboration of the generous people of the Atenas community and of different companies and institutions , the basic needs of the Nursing Home were covered.
The Hortensia Rodríguez Sandoval de Bolaños Nursing Home is a charitable institution, legally founded in 1978, but which has been in operation since 1974 and is located in the Canton of Atenas in the Province of Alajuela. Its main objective is to ensure that older adults without a home or economic resources have a good quality of life during their last years. His fundamental concern is that older adults are valued as citizens and integrate into society within a harmonious environment and with human warmth. Among the activities offered by the Nursing Home are: nutritional care, physical therapy, nursing services and recreational conditions. As part of the distraction activities, the agricultural farm is available that provides some fruits and vegetables, eggs and codomiz meat. In addition, it is planned to work with the production of vegetables in hydroponics. These activities are shared by the elderly with the people who work in the Nursing Home. At the beginning of its operation, the institution goes through difficult situations to face the economic expenses that the attention of the guests in the Nursing Home requires, however, with the collaboration of the generous people of the Atenas community and of different companies and institutions , the basic needs of the Nursing Home were covered.
Ovares Arce, M. & Murillo González M. V. (2009). Sistema de información automatizado para la gestión administrativa del Hogar de Ancianos Hortensia Rodríguez Sandoval de Bolaños de Atenas. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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