Medicina interna de felinos domésticos
Rodríguez Quesada, César L.
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente práctica dirigida se realizó en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres
de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional entre los meses de febrero y
noviembre del año 2007. Abarcó toda la casuística de la especie felina doméstica atendida en
dicho hospital.
Para el abordaje de cada caso clínico, se tomó la anamnesis y se realizó un examen
físico completo. Posteriormente se decidió llevar acabo, según el cuadro clínico particular,
pruebas colaterales como lo son el hemograma, química sanguínea, urianálisis, test para FeLV,
FIV y FIP, citologías, biopsias y/o técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes (radiografía,
ultrasonido, electrocardiograma y/o endoscopía).
Se atendió un total de 135 felinos (127 casos), de diversas razas, sexo, edad y peso. De
estos, 44 (35 %) requirieron una intervención clínico-quirúrgica y 79 (62 %) se abordaron
clínicamente. La mayoría de los casos de manejo clínico correspondieron a afecciones del
sistema gastrointestinal, principalmente de “indigestión”, con un 19 % (15 casos), seguido del
tegumentario con 11 casos (14 %), el respiratorio con 8 casos (10 %), y el urinario con 7 casos
(9 %).
Se discute además uno de los casos clínicos abordado durante la práctica. Dicho caso
correspondió a una hembra doméstico de pelo corto, de 1.5 años, con una sintomatología de
anemia, infección de vías urinarias y un proceso hepático, como consecuencia de las
alteraciones producidas por el virus de Leucemia Felina.
The present guided practice was realized in the Hospital of Minor and Wild Species of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University between February and November, 2007. It included the complete casuistry of the domestic feline species attended in the above mentioned hospital. Each clinical case was initially approached with an extensive anamnesis and a complete physical examination. According to the particular clinical results, further collateral tests like blood count, blood chemistry, urinary analysis, tests for FeLV, FIV and FIP, cytologies, biopsies and/or diagnostic imaging techniques (radiography, ultrasound, electrocardiogram and/or endoscopy) were decided to be performed. A total of 135 felines (127 cases) of different race, sex, age and weight were attended. 44 felines (35 %) needed a clinical-surgical intervention and 79 felines (62 %) were approached only clinically. The majority of the clinical cases corresponded with 15 cases (19 %) to complaints of the gastrointestinal system, mainly “indigestions“, followed with 11 cases (14 %) of the tegumentary system, 8 cases (10 %) of the respiratory system, and 7 cases (9 %) of the urinary system. There is one specific clinical case of a domestic short hair female of 1.5 years discussed, with the presentation of anemia, infection of the urinary tract and hepatic alteration as consequence of Viral Feline Leukemia.
The present guided practice was realized in the Hospital of Minor and Wild Species of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University between February and November, 2007. It included the complete casuistry of the domestic feline species attended in the above mentioned hospital. Each clinical case was initially approached with an extensive anamnesis and a complete physical examination. According to the particular clinical results, further collateral tests like blood count, blood chemistry, urinary analysis, tests for FeLV, FIV and FIP, cytologies, biopsies and/or diagnostic imaging techniques (radiography, ultrasound, electrocardiogram and/or endoscopy) were decided to be performed. A total of 135 felines (127 cases) of different race, sex, age and weight were attended. 44 felines (35 %) needed a clinical-surgical intervention and 79 felines (62 %) were approached only clinically. The majority of the clinical cases corresponded with 15 cases (19 %) to complaints of the gastrointestinal system, mainly “indigestions“, followed with 11 cases (14 %) of the tegumentary system, 8 cases (10 %) of the respiratory system, and 7 cases (9 %) of the urinary system. There is one specific clinical case of a domestic short hair female of 1.5 years discussed, with the presentation of anemia, infection of the urinary tract and hepatic alteration as consequence of Viral Feline Leukemia.
Modalidad: Práctica dirigida
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