Inducción artificial de la lactación en un hato de vacas lecheras en el trópico húmedo
Artavia Rodríguez, María Lía
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo se realizó durante un periodo de seis meses en una finca lechera de la
zona de Pital de San Carlos (Alajuela). En ella se llevó a cabo un estudio de inducción artificial
de la lactación en 296 animales de diferentes razas, edades y número de lactancias; utilizando
estrógenos, progesterona, prednisolona y somatotropina bovina y se dio seguimiento a la
información de los animales recopilada durante todo un año. Se evaluó su comportamiento
productivo, reproductivo y se comparó contra 753 vacas control dentro del mismo hato.
Los animales con lactación inducida alcanzaron en promedio una producción que
correspondió a un 75.5% de lo producido durante su anterior lactancia natural y a un 89.2 % de
lo producido por las vacas que parieron naturalmente. Además, el pico de producción de las
vacas inducidas se presentó entre los días 60-90, alcanzando 18.6 Kg. de leche por día, mientras
que en los animales control este se alcanzó entre los días 30-60, con un promedio de 21.5 Kg. de
leche por día, con un promedio de días de lactancia de 175 para los animales tratados y de 182
días para las vacas control.
Al cierre de este estudio, se preñaron un 14% de vacas tratadas, comparado con un 15%
de las vacas control. Además, las vacas inducidas mostraron mejores parámetros reproductivos
que las vacas control (parto/ primer celo, parto/ primer servicio, parto/ concepción, ultimo celo/
primer servicio).
Finalmente, se realizó un análisis económico que demostró una ventaja de ¢130.000 por
vaca en promedio al inducir la lactancia en comparación con la opción de eliminarlas y
reemplazarlas con novillas.
This study was performed over a six month period on a dairy farm in the area of Pital, San Carlos (Alajuela). Artificial lactation was induced in 296 animals of different breeds, ages, and numbers of lactations; using estrogens, progesterone, prednisolone and bovine somatotropin. The productive and reproductive performance of these animals was evaluated and compared to 753 control cows of the same herd. The cows with induced lactation reached an average production that represented 75.5% of the milk produced during their previous lactation and 89.2 % of the milk produced by the control cows. Besides, the peak milk yield for cows induced into lactation was reached between 60-90 days, with an average production of 18.6 Kg of milk per day, while in control cows the peak was reached between 30-60 days, with an average production of 21.5 Kg of milk per day. The lactation period average was 175 days for treated cows and 182 days for control cows. At the end of the study, 14% of the treated cows were pregnant, compared to 15% of the control cows. Besides, the cows with induced lactation have better reproductive parameters that the control cows (days to first heat, days to first service, days to conception and last heat/ first service). Finally, the economical analysis showed a difference of ¢130.000 saved per cow when lactation was induced compared to purchasing replacement heifers.
This study was performed over a six month period on a dairy farm in the area of Pital, San Carlos (Alajuela). Artificial lactation was induced in 296 animals of different breeds, ages, and numbers of lactations; using estrogens, progesterone, prednisolone and bovine somatotropin. The productive and reproductive performance of these animals was evaluated and compared to 753 control cows of the same herd. The cows with induced lactation reached an average production that represented 75.5% of the milk produced during their previous lactation and 89.2 % of the milk produced by the control cows. Besides, the peak milk yield for cows induced into lactation was reached between 60-90 days, with an average production of 18.6 Kg of milk per day, while in control cows the peak was reached between 30-60 days, with an average production of 21.5 Kg of milk per day. The lactation period average was 175 days for treated cows and 182 days for control cows. At the end of the study, 14% of the treated cows were pregnant, compared to 15% of the control cows. Besides, the cows with induced lactation have better reproductive parameters that the control cows (days to first heat, days to first service, days to conception and last heat/ first service). Finally, the economical analysis showed a difference of ¢130.000 saved per cow when lactation was induced compared to purchasing replacement heifers.
Modalidad: Práctica dirigida
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