Necesidades y expectativas en el ámbito académico y expectativas en el ámbito laboral de los estudiantes de administración de empresas UNA, Sede Región Brunca año 2004.
Ramírez Campos, Marien
Umaña Porras, Melvin
Vásquez Suárez, Yesenia
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La investigación es importante porque a través de ella se conoce cuál es el pensamiento de los estudiantes de Administración de Empresas acerca de aspectos como profesores, cursos, mercado laboral y otros. Esto es útil para el área de Desarrollo Social y Humanismo al tener conocimiento de las debilidades que posee la carrera y que deben solucionarse para el bienestar de la universidad y los estudiantes. En el primer capítulo se plantea la situación a investigar, importancia y antecedentes de la misma, así como los objetivos que van a ser la guía para el desarrollo de la investigación. Además se establecen las limitaciones y alcances propias de la investigación. El segundo capítulo expone los constructos teóricos requeridos para el buen entendimiento de los conceptos a utilizar, dividiéndolo en tres apartados para mayor claridad: administración, campo mercadotécnico y de investigación. El tercer capítulo se llama marco metodológico y da a conocer los componentes de la investigación, el tipo de investigación, sujetos y fuentes de información, las variables que son definidas conceptual, instrumental y operacionalmente, se determinan los marcos muestrales, cálculo de la muestra y posteriormente se hace una descripción de los instrumentos que son empleados y del trato que se le dará a la información obtenida con ellos. El capítulo cuatro es un apartado exclusivo llamado diagnóstico en el cual se utiliza un circulo dialéctico que plantea un análisis desde cuatro niveles: el entorno externo (Región Brunca), la organización UNA (Sede Central), Sede Región Brunca y la carrera (Administración de Empresas). El quinto capítulo expone los datos que se obtuvieron al aplicar los diferentes instrumentos, representándolos en cuadros, gráficos, figuras y matrices que facilitan la asimilación de los mismos. El sexto y último capítulo expone los nodos problemáticos que se derivan de la investigación, así como las lecciones aprendidas y posibles soluciones. Esta es una breve descripción del contenido de cada uno de los capítulos para ubicar al lector en la temática de la investigación y motivarlo a continuar la lectura.
The research is important because through it it is known what is the thinking of the Business Administration students about aspects such as professors, courses, labor market and others. This is useful for the area of Social Development and Humanism to have knowledge of the weaknesses that the career has and that must be solved for the welfare of the university and students. The first chapter presents the situation to be investigated, its importance and background, as well as the objectives that will guide the development of the research. It also establishes the limitations and scope of the research. The second chapter exposes the theoretical constructs required for a good understanding of the concepts to be used, dividing it into three sections for greater clarity: administration, marketing and research field. The third chapter is called methodological framework and describes the components of the research, the type of research, subjects and sources of information, the variables that are defined conceptually, instrumentally and operationally, the sample frames are determined, the sample is calculated and then a description is made of the instruments that are used and the treatment that will be given to the information obtained with them. Chapter four is an exclusive section called diagnosis, in which a dialectic circle is used that proposes an analysis from four levels: the external environment (Brunca Region), the UNA organization (Headquarters), Brunca Region Headquarters and the career (Business Administration). The fifth chapter presents the data obtained from the application of the different instruments, representing them in tables, graphs, figures and matrices that facilitate their assimilation. The sixth and last chapter presents the problem nodes derived from the research, as well as the lessons learned and possible solutions. This is a brief description of the contents of each of the chapters in order to place the reader in the subject matter of the research and motivate him/her to continue reading.
The research is important because through it it is known what is the thinking of the Business Administration students about aspects such as professors, courses, labor market and others. This is useful for the area of Social Development and Humanism to have knowledge of the weaknesses that the career has and that must be solved for the welfare of the university and students. The first chapter presents the situation to be investigated, its importance and background, as well as the objectives that will guide the development of the research. It also establishes the limitations and scope of the research. The second chapter exposes the theoretical constructs required for a good understanding of the concepts to be used, dividing it into three sections for greater clarity: administration, marketing and research field. The third chapter is called methodological framework and describes the components of the research, the type of research, subjects and sources of information, the variables that are defined conceptually, instrumentally and operationally, the sample frames are determined, the sample is calculated and then a description is made of the instruments that are used and the treatment that will be given to the information obtained with them. Chapter four is an exclusive section called diagnosis, in which a dialectic circle is used that proposes an analysis from four levels: the external environment (Brunca Region), the UNA organization (Headquarters), Brunca Region Headquarters and the career (Business Administration). The fifth chapter presents the data obtained from the application of the different instruments, representing them in tables, graphs, figures and matrices that facilitate their assimilation. The sixth and last chapter presents the problem nodes derived from the research, as well as the lessons learned and possible solutions. This is a brief description of the contents of each of the chapters in order to place the reader in the subject matter of the research and motivate him/her to continue reading.
Licenciatura en administración con énfasis en dirección empresarial
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