Determinación y caracterización de los efectos de las micotoxinas en la cadena productiva avícola: elaboración de alimentos balanceados y utilización en granja de engorde
Villavicencio Monge, Kimberlyn
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Los hongos filamentosos son productores de metabolitos secundarios conocidos como micotoxinas, presentes en los alimentos balanceados que consumen los pollos de engorde, generan lesiones en los animales dependiendo de la cantidad presente en sus dietas, etapa de desarrollo y fisiología. El alimento se ve expuesto a diversos procesos, el manejo que se le dé en la fábrica de producción y el almacenamiento que tiene en granjas son dos procesos que se deben monitorear. Para lograr un mejor control de calidad en los alimentos balanceados y asegurar la integridad de los pollos de engorde, se monitorearon los procesos utilizando técnicas biotecnológicas. Sé cuantificó la presencia de hongos en alimentos para pollos mediante el recuento de mohos y levaduras utilizando la técnica Petrifilm Rapid, se determinó la concentración y prevalencia de aflatoxina, zearalenona, ocratoxina, fumonisina, T-2 y DON en alimentos para pollos mediante la técnica de enzimoinmunoanálisis de absorción (ELISA), por último, se evaluó la relación entre la ocurrencia de lesiones en pollos y la presencia de micotoxinas en su alimento. En total, se realizaron 684 análisis, 528 para producto terminado y 156 para las materias primas. Los resultados mostraron un 99% de las muestras analizadas con concentraciones detectadas, la determinación de micotoxinas mostró en los alimentos analizados medias más elevadas en granja que en fábrica, sin embargo, no hay niveles registrados como representantes de mortalidad en pollos. La cantidad de riesgo equivalente (REQ) para la interacción de las micotoxinas determinadas en producto terminado y materias primas a través del software Alltech® Total Diet Mycotoxin Estimator indicó tendencias de interacción menores y leves. Se determinó lesiones en diferentes órganos de los pollos cualitativamente, siendo el muslo el órgano en el que se encontró mayor cambio morfológico. Enfocarse en la prevención de afectaciones en pollos de engorde buscando la eficiencia en la producción y la optimización del proceso desde fabrica, enfatiza la importancia de las investigaciones biotecnológicas en la cadena de producción, desde las materias primas con las que se elaboran los alimentos balanceados, hasta los productos finales y su almacenamiento en granjas.
Filamentous fungi are producers of secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins, present in balanced feed consumed by broilers, they cause lesions in animals depending on the amount present in their diets, stage of development and physiology. Food is exposed to various processes, the handling that is given in the production factory and the storage it has on farms are two processes that must be monitored. To achieve better quality control in balanced feeds and ensure the integrity of the broilers, the processes were monitored using biotechnological techniques. The presence of fungi in chicken feed was quantified by counting molds and yeasts using the Petrifilm Rapid technique, the concentration and prevalence of aflatoxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, fumonisin, T-2 and DON in chicken feed were determined using the technique. Lastly, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) evaluated the relationship between the occurrence of lesions in chickens and the presence of mycotoxins in their feed. In total, 684 analyzes were carried out, 528 for the finished product and 156 for the raw materials. The results showed 99% of the samples analyzed with detected concentrations, the determination of mycotoxins showed higher means in the foods analyzed in the farm than in the factory, however, there are no levels registered as representatives of mortality in chickens. The Equivalent Risk Amount (REQ) for the interaction of mycotoxins determined in finished product and raw materials through the Alltech® Total Diet Mycotoxin Estimator software indicated minor and slight interaction trends. Lesions in different organs of the chickens were qualitatively determined, the thigh being the organ in which the greatest morphological change was found. Focusing on the prevention of affectations in broilers, seeking efficiency in production and optimization of the process from the factory, emphasizes the importance of biotechnological research in the production chain, from the raw materials with which balanced feeds are made, to the final products and their storage in farms.
Filamentous fungi are producers of secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins, present in balanced feed consumed by broilers, they cause lesions in animals depending on the amount present in their diets, stage of development and physiology. Food is exposed to various processes, the handling that is given in the production factory and the storage it has on farms are two processes that must be monitored. To achieve better quality control in balanced feeds and ensure the integrity of the broilers, the processes were monitored using biotechnological techniques. The presence of fungi in chicken feed was quantified by counting molds and yeasts using the Petrifilm Rapid technique, the concentration and prevalence of aflatoxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, fumonisin, T-2 and DON in chicken feed were determined using the technique. Lastly, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) evaluated the relationship between the occurrence of lesions in chickens and the presence of mycotoxins in their feed. In total, 684 analyzes were carried out, 528 for the finished product and 156 for the raw materials. The results showed 99% of the samples analyzed with detected concentrations, the determination of mycotoxins showed higher means in the foods analyzed in the farm than in the factory, however, there are no levels registered as representatives of mortality in chickens. The Equivalent Risk Amount (REQ) for the interaction of mycotoxins determined in finished product and raw materials through the Alltech® Total Diet Mycotoxin Estimator software indicated minor and slight interaction trends. Lesions in different organs of the chickens were qualitatively determined, the thigh being the organ in which the greatest morphological change was found. Focusing on the prevention of affectations in broilers, seeking efficiency in production and optimization of the process from the factory, emphasizes the importance of biotechnological research in the production chain, from the raw materials with which balanced feeds are made, to the final products and their storage in farms.
Villavicencio Monge, K. (2021). Determinación y caracterización de los efectos de las micotoxinas en la cadena productiva avícola: elaboración de alimentos balanceados y utilización en granja de engorde.[Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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