Percepción de la persona adulta mayor sobre sí misma y su situación: un estudio desde el enfoque de derechos
Carrillo Delgado, María de los Ángeles
León Fernández, Maribel
Calderón Solano, Odalía
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Desde un enfoque de derechos, las personas adultas mayores tienen, en primera instancia, todos los derechos y libertades proclamados en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Para el caso de Costa Rica, la Ley 7935, Ley Integral para la Persona Adulta Mayor, señala entre los derechos de las personas adultas mayores: derechos para mejorar la calidad de vida, derechos laborales, derecho a la integridad y derecho a la imagen. Sin embargo, estas proclamas no han sido suficientes para garantizar una mejor calidad de vida.
El Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Población (IDESPO) en conjunto con el Programa de Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor (PAIPAM), han realizado una encuesta nacional con el fin de contribuir en el conocimiento de la persona adulta mayor desde una perspectiva de derechos y desde su percepción como personas adultas mayores.
La población de estudio estuvo conformada por personas de 60 años y más, residentes en viviendas particulares en todo el territorio nacional. Se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria de teléfonos en forma sistemática. Las personas se eligieron mediante una muestra de cuota probabilística distribuida por sexo.
El tamaño de la muestra fue de 600 personas, lográndose entrevistar 536 personas. Se calculó buscando obtener un error máximo de 3.4 puntos porcentuales, con un nivel de confianza del 95%.
La información fue recolectada en agosto del 2009.
Algunos hallazgos fueron:
La opinión de las personas entrevistadas está dividida ante la pregunta: ¿Con cuánta frecuencia cree que se respeta el trato preferencial a las personas adultas mayores en los servicios públicos? Un 50% opina que sí se respetan y el otro 50% considera que es poco o nada frecuente que se les brinde un trato preferencial.
En cuanto a la afirmación: “Las personas adultas mayores tienen resueltas su necesidades básicas de alimentación”, un 48% está de acuerdo y un 46% se manifiesta en desacuerdo.
Un 68% considera que la población adulta mayor no dispone de recursos económicos propios para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.
Entre un 70% y un 75% de las personas consultadas están en desacuerdo con las afirmaciones de que las personas mayores son incapaces de sentir placer cuando hay actividad sexual.
En conclusión, el estudio señala una gran diversidad en la percepción de las personas adultas mayores sobre sí mismas y su situación a la luz de sus derechos.
From a rights approach, older adults have, in the first instance, all the rights and freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the case of Costa Rica, Law 7935, Comprehensive Law for the Elderly Person, indicates among the rights of the elderly: rights to improve the quality of life, labor rights, right to integrity and right to image. However, these proclamations have not been enough to guarantee a better quality of life. The Institute for Social Studies on Population (IDESPO) in conjunction with the Comprehensive Care Program for the Elderly Person (PAIPAM), have carried out a national survey in order to contribute to the knowledge of the elderly person from a rights perspective and from their perception as older adults. The study population was made up of people aged 60 and over, residing in private homes throughout the national territory. A random sample of telephones was selected in a systematic way. The people were chosen by means of a sample of probabilistic quota distributed by sex. The sample size was 600 people, managing to interview 536 people. It was calculated seeking to obtain a maximum error of 3.4 percentage points, with a confidence level of 95%. The information was collected in August 2009. Some findings were: The opinion of the people interviewed is divided on the question: How often do you think that preferential treatment for the elderly is respected in public services? 50% believe that they are respected and the other 50% consider that it is rare or not at all frequent that they are given preferential treatment. Regarding the statement: "Older adults have their basic food needs met", 48% agree and 46% disagree. 68% consider that the elderly population does not have their own financial resources to meet their basic needs. Between 70% and 75% of the people consulted disagree with the statements that older people are incapable of feeling pleasure when there is sexual activity. In conclusion, the study indicates a great diversity in the perception of older adults about themselves and their situation in light of their rights.
From a rights approach, older adults have, in the first instance, all the rights and freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the case of Costa Rica, Law 7935, Comprehensive Law for the Elderly Person, indicates among the rights of the elderly: rights to improve the quality of life, labor rights, right to integrity and right to image. However, these proclamations have not been enough to guarantee a better quality of life. The Institute for Social Studies on Population (IDESPO) in conjunction with the Comprehensive Care Program for the Elderly Person (PAIPAM), have carried out a national survey in order to contribute to the knowledge of the elderly person from a rights perspective and from their perception as older adults. The study population was made up of people aged 60 and over, residing in private homes throughout the national territory. A random sample of telephones was selected in a systematic way. The people were chosen by means of a sample of probabilistic quota distributed by sex. The sample size was 600 people, managing to interview 536 people. It was calculated seeking to obtain a maximum error of 3.4 percentage points, with a confidence level of 95%. The information was collected in August 2009. Some findings were: The opinion of the people interviewed is divided on the question: How often do you think that preferential treatment for the elderly is respected in public services? 50% believe that they are respected and the other 50% consider that it is rare or not at all frequent that they are given preferential treatment. Regarding the statement: "Older adults have their basic food needs met", 48% agree and 46% disagree. 68% consider that the elderly population does not have their own financial resources to meet their basic needs. Between 70% and 75% of the people consulted disagree with the statements that older people are incapable of feeling pleasure when there is sexual activity. In conclusion, the study indicates a great diversity in the perception of older adults about themselves and their situation in light of their rights.
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