Grupos de apoyo con pacientes cardiópatas para el fortalecimiento del apoyo social y la adherencia al tratamiento: Una experiencia piloto en el Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación (CENARE)”
González Villalobos, Adrián
Ureña Fernández, Víctor Manuel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo del presente proyecto de graduación para alcanzar el grado de Licenciatura en Psicología, fue potenciar el apoyo social en pacientes cardiópatas de fase II que asistieron al programa de Rehabilitación Cardiaca en el Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación (CENARE) de Costa Rica, mediante una guía metodológica de grupos de apoyo, basada en el aporte de Psicología de la Salud y Psicología Grupal en el año 2019.
Se utilizó la metodología participativa, puesto que potencia el desarrollo de procesos grupales y de intervención social, fue la plataforma sobre la cual se basó el trabajo de campo del proyecto; enriqueciendo los procesos de interacción grupal haciéndolos más solidarios, respetuosos, inclusivos y afectivos.
Por otro lado, los objetivos específicos del proyecto se basaron en la identificación de las principales necesidades psicológicas y sociales, así como los recursos con los que cuentan los pacientes para afrontar su padecimiento; conocer las creencias y conocimientos que tienen los pacientes en relación al concepto de grupos y grupos de apoyo y por último diseñar una guía metodológica para la implementación de grupos de apoyo con dicha población.
Dentro de los principales resultados obtenidos se encuentra que la depresión es una enfermedad con un alto impacto en la vida de las personas cardiópatas, se podría considerar que hay una relación estrecha entre la cardiopatía y la depresión. Sumando a esto, el entorno familiar y social es fundamental para el proceso de rehabilitación, así como la adherencia al tratamiento, percibimos que los grupos sociales donde se desarrollan las personas cardiópatas afectan el proceso de rehabilitación tanto en beneficio como en perjuicio, siendo en ocasiones elementos obstaculizantes.
Así mismo, los grupos de Rehabilitación Cardiaca desarrollan vínculos socio-afectivos, llegando a considerarse como una familia, propiciando espacios de escucha y expresión, así como contención entre pares, fortaleciendo la motivación y el sentido de pertenencia al grupo. Por estas razones, se comprueba la necesidad de crear, articular y gestionar grupos de apoyo paralelamente a las sesiones psicoeducativas para pacientes cardiópatas dentro de los programas de rehabilitación cardiaca.
Cabe mencionar que, se cumplieron a cabalidad la mayoría de los indicadores de logro planteados para el cumplimiento de los objetivos del proyecto, como sería el caso de la asistencia constante de los pacientes cardiópatas a las fases del proyecto, así como la contrastación del proceso de recolección de datos con relación a las entrevistas realizadas a los profesionales en salud consultados. La razón por la cual no se lograron concretar algunos indicadores, fue debido a la emergencia sanitara del COVID-19.
Por último, dentro de las principales conclusiones del proyecto se encuentra que lo temas fundamentales para la elaboración de una guía metodológica de grupos de apoyo para pacientes cardiópatas son: depresión, dinámica familiar, autocuidado, comunicación asertiva, control del carácter, nutrición, sexualidad y autoconocimiento. Estos podrían ser temas base para una mejor profundización en la rehabilitación cardiaca, así como para la adherencia al tratamiento.
The objective of this graduation project to achieve the Bachelor's degree in Psychology was to enhance social support in phase II heart patients who attended the Cardiac Rehabilitation program at the National Rehabilitation Center (CENARE) of Costa Rica, through a guide methodology of support groups, based on the contribution of Health Psychology and Group Psychology in 2019. The participatory methodology was used, since it enhances the development of group processes and social intervention, it was the platform on which it was based. the field work of the project; enriching group interaction processes making them more supportive, respectful, inclusive and affective. On the other hand, the specific objectives of the project were based on the identification of the main psychological and social needs, as well as the resources that patients have to face their condition; to know the beliefs and knowledge that patients have in relation to the concept of groups and support groups and finally to design a methodological guide for the implementation of support groups with said population. Among the main results obtained is that depression is a disease with a high impact on the lives of people with heart disease, it could be considered that there is a close relationship between heart disease and depression. Adding to this, the family and social environment is essential for the rehabilitation process, as well as adherence to treatment, we perceive that the social groups where people with heart disease develop affect the rehabilitation process both to the benefit and to the detriment, sometimes being hindering elements. Likewise, the Cardiac Rehabilitation groups develop socio-affective ties, coming to be considered as a family, promoting spaces for listening and expression, as well as support among peers, strengthening motivation and the sense of belonging to the group. For these reasons, there is a need to create, articulate and manage support groups in parallel to psychoeducational sessions for heart patients within cardiac rehabilitation programs. It is worth mentioning that most of the achievement indicators proposed for the fulfillment of the project's objectives were fully met, as would be the case of the constant assistance of heart patients to the phases of the project, as well as the verification of the process of data collection in relation to the interviews conducted with the health professionals consulted. The reason why some indicators could not be specified was due to the COVID-19 health emergency. Finally, within the main conclusions of the project it is found that the fundamental issues for the development of a methodological guide for support groups for heart patients are: depression, family dynamics, self-care, assertive communication, character control, nutrition, sexuality and self-knowledge These could be basic topics for a better deepening in cardiac rehabilitation, as well as for adherence to treatment.
The objective of this graduation project to achieve the Bachelor's degree in Psychology was to enhance social support in phase II heart patients who attended the Cardiac Rehabilitation program at the National Rehabilitation Center (CENARE) of Costa Rica, through a guide methodology of support groups, based on the contribution of Health Psychology and Group Psychology in 2019. The participatory methodology was used, since it enhances the development of group processes and social intervention, it was the platform on which it was based. the field work of the project; enriching group interaction processes making them more supportive, respectful, inclusive and affective. On the other hand, the specific objectives of the project were based on the identification of the main psychological and social needs, as well as the resources that patients have to face their condition; to know the beliefs and knowledge that patients have in relation to the concept of groups and support groups and finally to design a methodological guide for the implementation of support groups with said population. Among the main results obtained is that depression is a disease with a high impact on the lives of people with heart disease, it could be considered that there is a close relationship between heart disease and depression. Adding to this, the family and social environment is essential for the rehabilitation process, as well as adherence to treatment, we perceive that the social groups where people with heart disease develop affect the rehabilitation process both to the benefit and to the detriment, sometimes being hindering elements. Likewise, the Cardiac Rehabilitation groups develop socio-affective ties, coming to be considered as a family, promoting spaces for listening and expression, as well as support among peers, strengthening motivation and the sense of belonging to the group. For these reasons, there is a need to create, articulate and manage support groups in parallel to psychoeducational sessions for heart patients within cardiac rehabilitation programs. It is worth mentioning that most of the achievement indicators proposed for the fulfillment of the project's objectives were fully met, as would be the case of the constant assistance of heart patients to the phases of the project, as well as the verification of the process of data collection in relation to the interviews conducted with the health professionals consulted. The reason why some indicators could not be specified was due to the COVID-19 health emergency. Finally, within the main conclusions of the project it is found that the fundamental issues for the development of a methodological guide for support groups for heart patients are: depression, family dynamics, self-care, assertive communication, character control, nutrition, sexuality and self-knowledge These could be basic topics for a better deepening in cardiac rehabilitation, as well as for adherence to treatment.
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