Propuesta para mejora de la competitividad de la economía costarricense y la calidad de vida del sector residencial, a partir de las acciones de política realizadas en torno a las aplicaciones tarifarias derivadas de la experiencia internacional, durante el periodo 2012-2021
Guerrero Quirós, Héctor Luis
Zamora Fernández, Ana Raquel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La electricidad es un servicio esencial para el desarrollo económico y humano, por lo que las políticas públicas en el sector eléctrico buscan mejorar las condiciones del mercado y contribuir a la competitividad y calidad de vida de los hogares. El Estado desempeña un papel crucial en la supervisión de estos servicios, evaluando constantemente las estrategias para lograr los objetivos establecidos en la política energética. Entre estos objetivos se destaca la resiliencia del sector eléctrico, capaz de enfrentar situaciones adversas que afectan el suministro eléctrico y las tarifas, impactando toda la economía. Este trabajo tiene como fin analizar las políticas tarifarias eléctricas en Costa Rica, comparando el modelo actual con prácticas internacionales, para generar propuestas de mejora que favorezcan la competitividad y calidad de vida del sector residencial. La investigación busca responder a preguntas clave sobre el contexto normativo y regulatorio del sector eléctrico costarricense, las prácticas internacionales aplicables, y el impacto de las tarifas sobre la competitividad y calidad de vida. Mediante un enfoque mixto y un análisis descriptivo, explicativo y correlacional, la investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar si las políticas internacionales pueden mejorar estos aspectos en Costa Rica. Los resultados no solo benefician a la población costarricense, sino también a los agentes involucrados en la toma de decisiones sobre competitividad. El trabajo tiene relevancia para los responsables de la política pública que buscan mejorar el actual modelo regulatorio.
Electricity is an essential service for economic and human development, so public policies in the electricity sector seek to improve market conditions and contribute to the competitiveness and quality of life of households. The State plays a crucial role in supervising these services, constantly evaluating strategies to achieve the objectives established in the energy policy. Among these objectives, the resilience of the electricity sector stands out, capable of facing adverse situations that affect the electricity supply and rates, impacting the entire economy. This work aims to analyze electricity tariff policies in Costa Rica, comparing the current model with international practices, to generate proposals for improvement that favor the competitiveness and quality of life of the residential sector. The research seeks to answer key questions about the normative and regulatory context of the Costa Rican electricity sector, applicable international practices, and the impact of tariffs on competitiveness and quality of life. Through a mixed approach and a descriptive, explanatory and correlational analysis, the research aims to evaluate whether international policies can improve these aspects in Costa Rica. The results not only benefit the Costa Rican population, but also the agents involved in decision-making on competitiveness. The work is relevant for those responsible for public policy seeking to improve the current regulatory model.
Electricity is an essential service for economic and human development, so public policies in the electricity sector seek to improve market conditions and contribute to the competitiveness and quality of life of households. The State plays a crucial role in supervising these services, constantly evaluating strategies to achieve the objectives established in the energy policy. Among these objectives, the resilience of the electricity sector stands out, capable of facing adverse situations that affect the electricity supply and rates, impacting the entire economy. This work aims to analyze electricity tariff policies in Costa Rica, comparing the current model with international practices, to generate proposals for improvement that favor the competitiveness and quality of life of the residential sector. The research seeks to answer key questions about the normative and regulatory context of the Costa Rican electricity sector, applicable international practices, and the impact of tariffs on competitiveness and quality of life. Through a mixed approach and a descriptive, explanatory and correlational analysis, the research aims to evaluate whether international policies can improve these aspects in Costa Rica. The results not only benefit the Costa Rican population, but also the agents involved in decision-making on competitiveness. The work is relevant for those responsible for public policy seeking to improve the current regulatory model.
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