Propuesta de mejora del marco legal correspondiente al Manejo Forestal en Costa Rica, para estimular la reactivación económica del sector
Porras Quirós, Junior
Fallas Campos, Nelson
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El sector forestal costarricense actualmente está sufriendo una de las peores épocas, ya que la
rentabilidad cada vez es menor y no se abastece el mercado nacional, de manera que, se debe optar
por la importación de la madera o el uso de productos sustitutos. Uno de los factores que causan este
rezago y aumentan los costos del Manejo Forestal es la tramitología, la cual no es simple ni ágil.
Dado lo anterior, se planteó en este estudio analizar la legislación nacional relacionada con el
manejo de ecosistemas forestales que limitan su desarrollo, con el fin de crear una propuesta que
ayude a la reactivación económica del sector forestal costarricense. Se utilizó información de leyes,
decretos, reglamentos y directrices mediante la plataforma del Sistema Costarricense de Información
Jurídica, además se realizaron entrevistas a personas expertas del sector con conocimientos en la
normativa actual y se investigó información de mecanismos utilizados en otras instituciones y en la
región para que puedan ser utilizados en nuestro país.
Como resultado se obtuvo una esquematización de la normativa actual correspondiente al
Manejo Forestal, identificando las limitaciones que se deben corregir a futuro. Además, utilizando
esta información se realizó un análisis FODA, el cual permitió generar cuatro líneas estratégicas a
desarrollar en el largo plazo, las cuales son: la creación de los comités locales forestales por Área de
Conservación, donde se plantee políticas de mejora continua, simplificación de la tramitología
mediante plataformas digitales modernas, creación de una organización que vele por un buen Manejo
Forestal desde la investigación hasta la producción, además de la utilización de nuevos mecanismos
de control de la trazabilidad de la madera, todo esto con el fin de ser más competitivos, eficientes y
disminuir la ilegalidad.
A corto plazo se elaboró una propuesta de mejora de algunos artículos de la normativa vigente
con el fin de incentivar el Manejo Forestal en fincas pequeñas, medianas o grandes de acuerdo con la
modalidad de que desean establecer como el manejo de bosque, plantaciones forestales, sistemas
agroforestales o el aprovechamiento de árboles en terrenos de uso agropecuario y sin bosque.
Se concluye que la normativa vigente es pertinente a las necesidades del sector, pero debe
realizarse una mejora a corto plazo de algunos artículos que no ayudan a la reactivación económica y
que, al contrario, aumenta la ilegalidad de la madera, además, debido al poco personal con que cuenta
la AFE, se recomienda el uso de tecnologías digitales de primer mundo que minimice y agilice la
tramitología y la trazabilidad de la madera.
The Costa Rican forestry sector is currently suffering one of its worst periods, since profitability is decreasing and the national market is not supplied, so that the country must opt for wood imports or the use of substitute products. One of the factors that cause this lag and increase the costs of forest management is the paperwork, which is neither simple nor agile. Given the above, the purpose of this study was to analyze the national legislation related to the management of forest ecosystems that limit their development, in order to create a proposal that would help the economic reactivation of the Costa Rican forestry sector. Information on laws, decrees, regulations and guidelines was used through the Costa Rican Legal Information System platform. In addition, interviews were conducted with experts in the sector with knowledge of current regulations and information was researched on mechanisms used in other institutions and in the region so that they could be used in our country. As a result, an outline of the current Forest Management regulations was obtained, identifying the limitations that should be corrected in the future. In addition, using this information, a SWOT analysis was carried out, which allowed the generation of four strategic lines to be developed in the long term, which are: the creation of local forest committees by Conservation Area, where continuous improvement policies are proposed, simplification of the paperwork through modern digital platforms, creation of an organization that ensures good Forest Management from research to production, as well as the use of new mechanisms to control the traceability of timber, all this in order to be more competitive, efficient and reduce illegality. In the short term, a proposal was prepared to improve some articles of the current regulations in order to encourage forest management on small, medium or large farms according to the type of forest management, forest plantations, agroforestry systems or tree harvesting on agricultural land without forest. It is concluded that the current regulations are relevant to the needs of the sector, but some articles that do not help economic reactivation and, on the contrary, increase the illegality of timber should be improved in the short term. In addition, due to the limited staff of the AFE, the use of first-world digital technologies is recommended to minimize and expedite the paperwork and traceability of timber.
The Costa Rican forestry sector is currently suffering one of its worst periods, since profitability is decreasing and the national market is not supplied, so that the country must opt for wood imports or the use of substitute products. One of the factors that cause this lag and increase the costs of forest management is the paperwork, which is neither simple nor agile. Given the above, the purpose of this study was to analyze the national legislation related to the management of forest ecosystems that limit their development, in order to create a proposal that would help the economic reactivation of the Costa Rican forestry sector. Information on laws, decrees, regulations and guidelines was used through the Costa Rican Legal Information System platform. In addition, interviews were conducted with experts in the sector with knowledge of current regulations and information was researched on mechanisms used in other institutions and in the region so that they could be used in our country. As a result, an outline of the current Forest Management regulations was obtained, identifying the limitations that should be corrected in the future. In addition, using this information, a SWOT analysis was carried out, which allowed the generation of four strategic lines to be developed in the long term, which are: the creation of local forest committees by Conservation Area, where continuous improvement policies are proposed, simplification of the paperwork through modern digital platforms, creation of an organization that ensures good Forest Management from research to production, as well as the use of new mechanisms to control the traceability of timber, all this in order to be more competitive, efficient and reduce illegality. In the short term, a proposal was prepared to improve some articles of the current regulations in order to encourage forest management on small, medium or large farms according to the type of forest management, forest plantations, agroforestry systems or tree harvesting on agricultural land without forest. It is concluded that the current regulations are relevant to the needs of the sector, but some articles that do not help economic reactivation and, on the contrary, increase the illegality of timber should be improved in the short term. In addition, due to the limited staff of the AFE, the use of first-world digital technologies is recommended to minimize and expedite the paperwork and traceability of timber.
Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Ciencias Forestales con énfasis en Manejo Forestal
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