Propuesta metodológica para la unidad de Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme del plan de estudios de la asignatura de Física de décimo nivel de la educación diversificada en la modalidad nocturna
Campos Arroyo, Adriana
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo elaborar una propuesta metodológica para la unidad de Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme del plan de estudios de la asignatura de Física de décimo nivel de la educación diversificada, que sirva como insumo para mejorar el aprendizaje significativo de esta temática.
Al realizar el análisis de datos fue posible determinar que los docentes indican que es importante que los estudiantes estén familiarizados con los conceptos básicos del Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme, pero los resultados revelan que los mismos no dominan los conceptos ni los procedimientos básicos para la comprensión de los contenidos del tema, lo que impide que no desarrollen nuevos conocimientos ni habilidades y en su lugar posean una concepción errónea del Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme, generando confusión de términos y ejemplos. Esto les impide relacionar los contenidos con su vida cotidiana.
Otro aspecto que cabe mencionar, es el hecho de que los docentes se enfocan en resolver problemas y ejercicios, dejando de lado el uso de otras herramientas tecnológicas y de otras estrategias metodológicas que puedan ser más atractivas para el estudiante.
Un factor limitante en los colegios nocturnos es el tiempo de duración de las lecciones que influye negativamente en el desarrollo de las mismas, ya que el docente no puede abordar todas las estrategias necesarias para impartir los contenidos de Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme, lo cual conlleva a que las clases sean en su mayoría solo magistrales y poco interactivos. Cabe resaltar que los estudiantes aseguran que les gustaría la implementación de estrategias diferentes y dinámicas para mejorar el aprendizaje.
Por último, se propone la elaboración de una propuesta útil para los profesores del área de la Física que promueva un aprendizaje significativo durante el abordaje de la unidad Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme, en los colegios nocturnos.
The objective of this research work is to elaborate a methodological proposal for the unit of Uniform Rectilinear Movement of the study plan of the Physics subject of the tenth level of diversified education, which serves as an input to improve the significant learning of this subject. When carrying out the data analysis, it was possible to determine that the teachers indicate that it is important that the students are familiar with the basic concepts of the Uniform Rectilinear Movement, but the results reveal that they do not master the basic concepts or procedures for the understanding of the contents of the subject, which prevents them from developing new knowledge or skills and instead having a wrong conception of the Uniform Rectilinear Movement, generating confusion of terms and examples. This prevents them from relating the contents to their daily life. Another aspect worth mentioning is the fact that teachers focus on solving problems and exercises, leaving aside the use of other technological tools and other methodological strategies that may be more attractive to the student. A limiting factor in night schools is the duration of the lessons that negatively influences their development, since the teacher cannot address all the necessary strategies to teach the contents of Uniform Rectilinear Movement, which leads to the classes are mostly only magisterial and not very interactive. It should be noted that students say they would like the implementation of different and dynamic strategies to improve learning. Finally, the elaboration of a useful proposal for the professors of the area of Physics that promotes a significant learning during the approach of the Unit Rectilinear Uniform Movement, in night schools, is proposed.
The objective of this research work is to elaborate a methodological proposal for the unit of Uniform Rectilinear Movement of the study plan of the Physics subject of the tenth level of diversified education, which serves as an input to improve the significant learning of this subject. When carrying out the data analysis, it was possible to determine that the teachers indicate that it is important that the students are familiar with the basic concepts of the Uniform Rectilinear Movement, but the results reveal that they do not master the basic concepts or procedures for the understanding of the contents of the subject, which prevents them from developing new knowledge or skills and instead having a wrong conception of the Uniform Rectilinear Movement, generating confusion of terms and examples. This prevents them from relating the contents to their daily life. Another aspect worth mentioning is the fact that teachers focus on solving problems and exercises, leaving aside the use of other technological tools and other methodological strategies that may be more attractive to the student. A limiting factor in night schools is the duration of the lessons that negatively influences their development, since the teacher cannot address all the necessary strategies to teach the contents of Uniform Rectilinear Movement, which leads to the classes are mostly only magisterial and not very interactive. It should be noted that students say they would like the implementation of different and dynamic strategies to improve learning. Finally, the elaboration of a useful proposal for the professors of the area of Physics that promotes a significant learning during the approach of the Unit Rectilinear Uniform Movement, in night schools, is proposed.
Campos Arroyo, A. (2017). Propuesta metodológica para la unidad de Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme del plan de estudios de la asignatura de Física de décimo nivel de la educación diversificada en la modalidad nocturna. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, C.R.
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