Plan de desarrollo Universitario de la Escuela de Planificación y Promoción Social 1980-1985
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La Escuela de Planificación y Promoción Social ha elaborado su Plan de Desarrollo Universitario, consciente que ello forma parte de la estrategia general de la Universidad Nacional, orientada a estrechar su vinculación con la realidad del país y fundamentar científicamente la alocación de recursos que permitan el desarrollo sostenido de las actividades académicas administrativas en los años 1980-1985. Para la EPPS entonces, este Plan responde a los siguientes dos grandes objetivos; Contribuir a vincular adecuadamente a la EPPS al quehacer universitario y por ende a colaborar a que la UNA mejore su integración en la realidad nacional, y Generar condiciones para garantizar el crecimiento y progreso sostenido de los campos de acción de la EPPS. La orientación y ámbito de planeamiento, así como el alcance de los conceptos y los criterios orientadores para la formulación del Plan, se hizo de acuerdo a las normas impartidas por la Oficina de Programación de la UNA» La descripción temática del Plan de Desarrollo Universitario de la EPPS se ha realizado respetando la guía - cuestionario propuesta por dicha oficina
The School of Planning and Social Promotion has prepared its University Development Plan, aware that this is part of the general strategy of the National University, aimed at strengthening its connection with the reality of the country and scientifically substantiating the allocation of resources that will allow the development. sustained academic-administrative activities in the years 1980-1985. For the EPPS then, this Plan responds to the following two main objectives; Contribute to properly link the EPPS to the university work and therefore to collaborate so that the UNA improves its integration into the national reality, and generate conditions to guarantee the growth and sustained progress of the fields of action of the EPPS. The orientation and scope of planning, as well as the scope of the concepts and guiding criteria for the formulation of the Plan, were made in accordance with the standards given by the UNA Programming Office. The thematic description of the University Development Plan of UNA The EPPS has been carried out respecting the guide - questionnaire proposed by said The School of Planning and Social Promotion has prepared its University Development Plan, aware that this is part of the general strategy of the National University, aimed at strengthening its link with the reality of the country and scientifically substantiate the allocation of resources that allowed the sustained development of administrative academic activities in the years 1980-1985. For the EPPS then, this Plan responds to the following two main objectives; Contribute to properly link the EPPS to the university work and therefore to collaborate so that the UNA improves its integration into the national reality, and generate conditions to guarantee the growth and sustained progress of the fields of action of the EPPS. The orientation and scope of planning, as well as the scope of the concepts and guiding criteria for the formulation of the Plan, were made in accordance with the standards given by the UNA Programming Office. The thematic description of the University Development Plan of UNA The EPPS has been carried out respecting the guide - questionnaire proposed by said office
The School of Planning and Social Promotion has prepared its University Development Plan, aware that this is part of the general strategy of the National University, aimed at strengthening its connection with the reality of the country and scientifically substantiating the allocation of resources that will allow the development. sustained academic-administrative activities in the years 1980-1985. For the EPPS then, this Plan responds to the following two main objectives; Contribute to properly link the EPPS to the university work and therefore to collaborate so that the UNA improves its integration into the national reality, and generate conditions to guarantee the growth and sustained progress of the fields of action of the EPPS. The orientation and scope of planning, as well as the scope of the concepts and guiding criteria for the formulation of the Plan, were made in accordance with the standards given by the UNA Programming Office. The thematic description of the University Development Plan of UNA The EPPS has been carried out respecting the guide - questionnaire proposed by said The School of Planning and Social Promotion has prepared its University Development Plan, aware that this is part of the general strategy of the National University, aimed at strengthening its link with the reality of the country and scientifically substantiate the allocation of resources that allowed the sustained development of administrative academic activities in the years 1980-1985. For the EPPS then, this Plan responds to the following two main objectives; Contribute to properly link the EPPS to the university work and therefore to collaborate so that the UNA improves its integration into the national reality, and generate conditions to guarantee the growth and sustained progress of the fields of action of the EPPS. The orientation and scope of planning, as well as the scope of the concepts and guiding criteria for the formulation of the Plan, were made in accordance with the standards given by the UNA Programming Office. The thematic description of the University Development Plan of UNA The EPPS has been carried out respecting the guide - questionnaire proposed by said office
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