Estudio sobre los modelos de gestión productiva y los diferentes canales de comercialización que están a disposición de los pequeños y medianos productores de café en grano en San Marcos de Tarrazú en el periodo 2018-2019
García Segura, María Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La siguiente investigación se encuentra orientada hacia el desarrollo de los procesos de producción del café tanto en fruta, como el beneficiado y de los métodos y medios utilizados para la comercialización de este. A raíz de diversas situaciones cambiantes en el mercado cafetalero es que se plantea la siguiente interrogante: ¿Cómo se desarrollan los modelos de gestión productiva y los canales de comercialización para los pequeños y medianos productores del café de la zona de San Marcos de Tarrazú? Se pretende obtener bases que guíen o faciliten una correcta implementación de los procesos en este sector con el conocimiento adquirido por parte de los entrevistados y la entrevistadora para esta zona del país. Vecinos de la zona han comentado acerca de la gran incertidumbre que constantemente los atormenta sobre el desempleo en la zona, siendo los cafetales una de las principales actividades para salir adelante con sus necesidades básicas. A raíz de la problemática mencionada, se enfoca la investigación en los siguientes objetivos: 1. Describir los procesos productivos de los caficultores de San Marcos de Tarrazú, relacionando éstos con los costos que tienen en cada micro beneficio. 2. Identificar las nuevas tendencias en modelos de gestión productiva del café que favorezcan la innovación con el fin de buscar oportunidades de mejora en el proceso que actualmente desarrollan. 3. Analizar los modelos comerciales que actualmente se utilizan en la distribución y venta del café de San Marcos de Tarrazú, comparando las nuevas tendencias de comercialización para los pequeños y medianos productores del café en grano. 4. Identificar los tipos de café con mayor demanda internacional y que a su vez generen mayor margen de contribución en las utilidades a las empresas en estudio. Con un enfoque de la investigación en estas cuatro áreas, se pretende analizar de manera amplia los diversos factores que influyen en este tipo de comercio, para obtener una solución clara y concisa a la interrogante planteada. Se pretende mostrar características y elementos clave como los costos, los tiempos efectivos, la maquinaría utilizada, factores de riesgo para la cosecha que afecten directamente el área financiera de las organizaciones, esto nutre el estudio y se generan modelos que promuevan una efectiva rentabilidad. Además, orientar al pequeño productor en la toma de decisiones en la gestión productiva mediante ideas innovadoras que aporten al micro – beneficio, métodos nuevos y tecnológicos que le favorezcan en la colocación de la cosecha, para obtener la rentabilidad deseada.
The following research is oriented towards the development of coffee production processes, both in fruit and processing, as well as the methods and means used for the commercialization of coffee. As a result of diverse changing situations in the coffee market, the following question is posed: How are productive management models and commercialization channels developed for small and medium coffee producers in the area of San Marcos de Tarrazú? The objective is to obtain bases that guide or facilitate a correct implementation of the processes in this sector with the knowledge acquired by the interviewees and the interviewer for this area of the country. Neighbors in the area have commented on the great uncertainty that constantly torments them regarding unemployment in the area, with coffee plantations being one of the main activities to meet their basic needs. As a result of the aforementioned problems, the research focuses on the following objectives: 1. Describe the productive processes of the coffee growers of San Marcos de Tarrazú, relating these with the costs they have in each micro beneficio. 2. To identify the new trends in coffee production management models that favor innovation in order to look for opportunities to improve the process that is currently being developed. 3. To analyze the commercial models that are currently used in the distribution and sale of coffee in San Marcos de Tarrazú, comparing the new commercialization trends for small and medium coffee bean producers. 4. To identify the types of coffee with the greatest international demand and that in turn generate a greater contribution margin in profits for the companies under study. With a research focus on these four areas, it is intended to analyze in a broad manner the diverse factors that influence this type of trade, in order to obtain a clear and concise solution to the question posed. It is intended to show characteristics and key elements such as costs, effective times, machinery used, risk factors for the harvest that directly affect the financial area of the organizations, this nourishes the study and generate models that promote effective profitability. In addition, to guide the small producer in the decision making in the productive management through innovative ideas that contribute to the micro-benefit, new and technological methods that favor the placement of the harvest, to obtain the desired profitability.
The following research is oriented towards the development of coffee production processes, both in fruit and processing, as well as the methods and means used for the commercialization of coffee. As a result of diverse changing situations in the coffee market, the following question is posed: How are productive management models and commercialization channels developed for small and medium coffee producers in the area of San Marcos de Tarrazú? The objective is to obtain bases that guide or facilitate a correct implementation of the processes in this sector with the knowledge acquired by the interviewees and the interviewer for this area of the country. Neighbors in the area have commented on the great uncertainty that constantly torments them regarding unemployment in the area, with coffee plantations being one of the main activities to meet their basic needs. As a result of the aforementioned problems, the research focuses on the following objectives: 1. Describe the productive processes of the coffee growers of San Marcos de Tarrazú, relating these with the costs they have in each micro beneficio. 2. To identify the new trends in coffee production management models that favor innovation in order to look for opportunities to improve the process that is currently being developed. 3. To analyze the commercial models that are currently used in the distribution and sale of coffee in San Marcos de Tarrazú, comparing the new commercialization trends for small and medium coffee bean producers. 4. To identify the types of coffee with the greatest international demand and that in turn generate a greater contribution margin in profits for the companies under study. With a research focus on these four areas, it is intended to analyze in a broad manner the diverse factors that influence this type of trade, in order to obtain a clear and concise solution to the question posed. It is intended to show characteristics and key elements such as costs, effective times, machinery used, risk factors for the harvest that directly affect the financial area of the organizations, this nourishes the study and generate models that promote effective profitability. In addition, to guide the small producer in the decision making in the productive management through innovative ideas that contribute to the micro-benefit, new and technological methods that favor the placement of the harvest, to obtain the desired profitability.
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