Inclusión financiera a través de microseguros: una opción para el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del Distrito Central de Liberia, Guanacaste.
Mejicano Ortiz, Manuel
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La inclusión financiera es un tema que cada día cobra mayor relevancia, y ha
sido objeto de atención por organizaciones importantes como lo es el grupo de
los G-20 junto con todos sus donantes. El objetivo principal es permitir el acceso
a un conjunto de productos y servicios financieros que incluyen, crédito, ahorro,
seguros, sistemas de pagos y pensiones, así como educación financiera y
protección al consumidor. (MIDE, 2012)
Para el desarrollo de la investigación, se realiza un enlace entre las
microfinanzas como mecanismo de inclusión financiera a través de una
propuesta de microseguros, con la finalidad de que las Pymes de la zona tengan
la oportunidad de poder optar por tomar seguros (a bajo costo) que les permitan
tener un escudo ante un eventual siniestro evento fortuito inesperado, que
generalmente viene acompañado de considerables pérdidas económicas y
ocasiona en el peor de los casos la quiebra de algunas Pymes que no cuentan
con el capital para poder restructurarse.
Una de las barreras que restringen la suscripción de seguros por parte de las
Pymes, hacen referencia a los altos costos de las primas a pagar por los
seguros que se comercializan actualmente. Aunado a ello, la falta de información
en la materia, la agilidad en los procesos tanto de suscripción como de
indemnización también se convierten en razones por las cuales este sector se
encuentra excluido en materia de aseguramiento de sus riesgos.
Siendo esta la principal razón para promover una iniciativa de inclusión
financiera a través de este mecanismo, los microseguros, siendo estos una
alternativa que busca más allá de rentabilidad financiera un compromiso social,
al permitirles a las Pymes en el caso de este estudio, contar con un respaldo
ante eventuales siniestros o eventos no esperados que ocasionan pérdidas
económicas, desmejorando sus finanzas que en caso extremo podrían causar
hasta la quiebra
Financial inclusion is an issue that becomes more relevant every day, and has been the object of attention by important organizations such as the group of the G-20 together with all their donors. The main objective is to allow access to a set of financial products and services that include credit, savings, insurance, payment and pension systems, as well as financial education and Consumer protection. (MIDE, 2012) For the development of the research, a link is made between the microfinance as a mechanism for financial inclusion through a microinsurance proposal, with the aim that the Pymes of the area have the opportunity to be able to choose to take out insurance (at a low cost) that allows them to have a shield against an eventual sinister unexpected fortuitous event, which It is usually accompanied by considerable economic losses and causes in the worst case the bankruptcy of some Pymes that do not have with the capital to be able to restructure. One of the barriers that restrict insurance underwriting by Pymes, refer to the high costs of the premiums to be paid by the insurance currently on the market. In addition to this, the lack of information in the matter, the agility in the processes of both subscription and compensation also become reasons why this sector is is excluded in matters of insurance of its risks. This being the main reason for promoting an inclusion initiative through this mechanism, microinsurance, these being a alternative that seeks beyond financial profitability a social commitment, by allowing Pymes in the case of this study, to have a support in the event of accidents or unexpected events that cause losses economic, deteriorating their finances that in extreme cases could cause to bankruptcy
Financial inclusion is an issue that becomes more relevant every day, and has been the object of attention by important organizations such as the group of the G-20 together with all their donors. The main objective is to allow access to a set of financial products and services that include credit, savings, insurance, payment and pension systems, as well as financial education and Consumer protection. (MIDE, 2012) For the development of the research, a link is made between the microfinance as a mechanism for financial inclusion through a microinsurance proposal, with the aim that the Pymes of the area have the opportunity to be able to choose to take out insurance (at a low cost) that allows them to have a shield against an eventual sinister unexpected fortuitous event, which It is usually accompanied by considerable economic losses and causes in the worst case the bankruptcy of some Pymes that do not have with the capital to be able to restructure. One of the barriers that restrict insurance underwriting by Pymes, refer to the high costs of the premiums to be paid by the insurance currently on the market. In addition to this, the lack of information in the matter, the agility in the processes of both subscription and compensation also become reasons why this sector is is excluded in matters of insurance of its risks. This being the main reason for promoting an inclusion initiative through this mechanism, microinsurance, these being a alternative that seeks beyond financial profitability a social commitment, by allowing Pymes in the case of this study, to have a support in the event of accidents or unexpected events that cause losses economic, deteriorating their finances that in extreme cases could cause to bankruptcy
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