Detección y genotipificación de rotavirus bovino y porcino en Costa Rica
Bonilla Espinoza, José Luis
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Treinta y ocho muestras fecales de bovinos con diarrea neonatal, positivas
a rotavirus grupo A por inmunocromatografía y electroforesis en gel de
poliacrilamida (PAGE) fueron analizadas mediante reverso transcripción y reacción
en cadena de la polimerasa múltiple anidada/ (nested multiplex/RT-PCR) para la
identificación de genotipos G y P. Las muestras fueron colectadas en 17 fincas
lecheras localizadas en Río Cuarto de Grecia, Pital, Poás, Zarcero, Sucre y
La genotipificación completa fue posible en 28 (74%) de 38 muestras
fecales. En las muestras de origen bovino, el gen P pudo ser identificado en 17
(61%) muestras; mientras que el gen G fue identificado en 25 (89%) muestras. De
las veintiocho muestras caracterizadas, 10 (40%) correspondieron al genotipo
G10, 8 (32%) a G6 y 7 (28%) a G8, las cuales son cepas comúnmente
encontradas en bovinos; mientras que en lo que respecta a los grupos P, 10 (58%)
muestras correspondieron a P[11], 2 (12%) a P[1], y 1 (6%) a P[7]. Las infecciones
mixtas se presentaron en el grupo P, en 4 (24%) muestras, correspondiendo a
P[11]+P[1] con 2(12%) y P[11]+P[7] con 2(12%) de las muestras. Entre las
combinaciones de los genotipos G y P se obtuvieron, 4 (26%) correspondientes a
G8P[11], 4 (24%) a G6P[11], 3 (19%) a G8P[7], 2 (12%) a G10P[1], 3 (19%) a
G10P[11], y 1 (6%) a G8P[1].
En las muestras de origen porcino 7 muestras fueron positivas por PCR de
muestras colectadas en 5 granjas porcinas en Río Cuarto de Grecia. El gen P
pudo ser identificado en 7 (14%) muestras; mientras que el gen G fue identificado
únicamente en 2 (4%) muestras, los cuales correspondieron al genotipo G5, cepas
comúnmente encontradas en porcinos; mientras que en los grupos P, 4 (57%)
muestras correspondieron a P[6] y 3 (43%) correspondieron a infecciones mixtas
encontrándose 1 muestra perteneciente a P[6]+P[1] y 2 muestras
correspondientes a P[6]+P[7]. Entre las combinaciones de los genotipos G y P se
obtuvieron 2 (28.6%) muestras correspondientes a G5P[6] y G5P[6]+P[1], siendo
esta última una combinación con una infección mixta junto con una cepa inusual
como es P[1].
Esta investigación reporta por primera vez en Centroamérica la
caracterización molecular de cepas de rotavirus asociadas a diarrea neonatal en
terneros y porcinos.
Thirty-eight fecal samples from cattle with neonatal diarrhea, positive for rotavirus group A by immunochromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) were analyzed by reverse transcription and nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction (nested multiplex/RT-PCR) for the identification of G and P genotypes. Samples were collected from 17 dairy farms located in Río Cuarto de Grecia, Pital, Poás, Zarcero, Sucre and Pacayas. Complete genotyping was possible in 28 (74%) of 38 fecal samples. In the samples of bovine origin, the P gene could be identified in 17 (61%) samples; while the G gene was identified in 25 (89%) samples. Of the twenty-eight samples characterized, 10 (40%) corresponded to the G10 genotype, 8 (32%) to G6 and 7 (28%) to G8, which are strains commonly found in cattle; while regarding the P groups, 10 (58%) samples corresponded to P[11], 2 (12%) to P[1], and 1 (6%) to P[7]. Mixed infections occurred in the P group in 4 (24%) samples, corresponding to P[11]+P[1] with 2(12%) and P[11]+P[7] with 2(12%) of the samples. Among the combinations of G and P genotypes, 4 (26%) corresponded to G8P[11], 4 (24%) to G6P[11], 3 (19%) to G8P[7], 2 (12%) to G10P[1], 3 (19%) to G10P[11], and 1 (6%) to G8P[1]. In the swine samples, 7 samples were positive by PCR from samples collected in 5 pig farms in Rio Cuarto de Grecia. The P gene could be identified in 7 (14%) samples; while the G gene was identified in only 2 (4%) samples, which corresponded to the G5 genotype, strains commonly found in swine; while in the P groups, 4 (57%) samples corresponded to P[6] and 3 (43%) corresponded to mixed infections, with 1 sample belonging to P[6]+P[1] and 2 samples corresponding to P[6]+P[7]. Among the combinations of G and P genotypes, 2 (28.6%) samples corresponding to G5P[6] and G5P[6]+P[1] were obtained, the latter being a combination with a mixed infection together with an unusual strain such as P[1]. This research reports for the first time in Central America the molecular characterization of rotavirus strains associated with neonatal diarrhea in calves and swine.
Thirty-eight fecal samples from cattle with neonatal diarrhea, positive for rotavirus group A by immunochromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) were analyzed by reverse transcription and nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction (nested multiplex/RT-PCR) for the identification of G and P genotypes. Samples were collected from 17 dairy farms located in Río Cuarto de Grecia, Pital, Poás, Zarcero, Sucre and Pacayas. Complete genotyping was possible in 28 (74%) of 38 fecal samples. In the samples of bovine origin, the P gene could be identified in 17 (61%) samples; while the G gene was identified in 25 (89%) samples. Of the twenty-eight samples characterized, 10 (40%) corresponded to the G10 genotype, 8 (32%) to G6 and 7 (28%) to G8, which are strains commonly found in cattle; while regarding the P groups, 10 (58%) samples corresponded to P[11], 2 (12%) to P[1], and 1 (6%) to P[7]. Mixed infections occurred in the P group in 4 (24%) samples, corresponding to P[11]+P[1] with 2(12%) and P[11]+P[7] with 2(12%) of the samples. Among the combinations of G and P genotypes, 4 (26%) corresponded to G8P[11], 4 (24%) to G6P[11], 3 (19%) to G8P[7], 2 (12%) to G10P[1], 3 (19%) to G10P[11], and 1 (6%) to G8P[1]. In the swine samples, 7 samples were positive by PCR from samples collected in 5 pig farms in Rio Cuarto de Grecia. The P gene could be identified in 7 (14%) samples; while the G gene was identified in only 2 (4%) samples, which corresponded to the G5 genotype, strains commonly found in swine; while in the P groups, 4 (57%) samples corresponded to P[6] and 3 (43%) corresponded to mixed infections, with 1 sample belonging to P[6]+P[1] and 2 samples corresponding to P[6]+P[7]. Among the combinations of G and P genotypes, 2 (28.6%) samples corresponding to G5P[6] and G5P[6]+P[1] were obtained, the latter being a combination with a mixed infection together with an unusual strain such as P[1]. This research reports for the first time in Central America the molecular characterization of rotavirus strains associated with neonatal diarrhea in calves and swine.
Maestría en Enfermedades Tropicales
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