Lineamientos estratégicos para el cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por Costa Rica en la COP21 en el gobierno local de Santa Ana
Céspedes Mora, Nadiezhda Krúspskaya
Montero Jiménez, María Pía
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Frente a los retos y desafíos que representa el cambio climático en la actualidad, es
importante tomar acción en todos los niveles, local, nacional e internacional, así como,
articular los cuerpos normativos existentes, más cuando el ambiente es un sistema
integrado, que no tiene capacidad de responder a lógicas administrativas de órganos
centralizados y descentralizados, por el contrario, son éstos quiénes deben adaptarse a
él, más allá de la atención focalizada en zonas vulnerables específicas.
Sin embargo, para poder responder a esta problemática a través de la implementación
de proyectos, políticas e iniciativas en los sectores, primero debe considerarse que en la
práctica la Gestión Ambiental, según el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio
Ambiente (PNUMA), es el conjunto de acciones tendientes a mejorar el accionar de un
determinado gobierno local y de la sociedad civil en la protección, el uso y el
aprovechamiento racional de los recursos naturales, como medio de garantizar un
ambiente sano y ecológicamente equilibrado (citado en Carvajal 2007; 39), esto con el
objetivo de comprender el porqué de su ejecución. Así mismo, no podemos dejar de
lado, que para su éxito se requiere de un compromiso real, una participación coordinada
e informada de todos los actores involucrados (público, privado y sociedad civil) y un
proceso de diagnóstico claro que permita visualizar lo que se ha trabajado e
implementado, así como, las falencias y necesidades, es decir, un estudio que defina la
línea base en el tema...
Faced with the challenges posed by climate change today, it is important to take action at all levels, local, national and international, as well as to articulate existing regulatory bodies, especially when the environment is an integrated system that cannot respond to the administrative logic of centralized and decentralized bodies; on the contrary, it is the latter that must adapt to it, beyond the attention focused on specific vulnerable areas. However, in order to respond to this problem through the implementation of projects, policies and initiatives in the sectors, it must first be considered that in practice, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Environmental Management is the set of actions aimed at improving the actions of a given local government and civil society in the protection, use and rational exploitation of natural resources, as a means of guaranteeing a healthy and ecologically balanced environment (quoted in Carvajal 2007; 39), with the objective of understanding the reason for its execution. Likewise, we cannot overlook the fact that its success requires a real commitment, a coordinated and informed participation of all the actors involved (public, private and civil society) and a clear diagnostic process that allows visualizing what has been worked and implemented, as well as the shortcomings and needs, that is to say, a study that defines the baseline on the subject...
Faced with the challenges posed by climate change today, it is important to take action at all levels, local, national and international, as well as to articulate existing regulatory bodies, especially when the environment is an integrated system that cannot respond to the administrative logic of centralized and decentralized bodies; on the contrary, it is the latter that must adapt to it, beyond the attention focused on specific vulnerable areas. However, in order to respond to this problem through the implementation of projects, policies and initiatives in the sectors, it must first be considered that in practice, according to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Environmental Management is the set of actions aimed at improving the actions of a given local government and civil society in the protection, use and rational exploitation of natural resources, as a means of guaranteeing a healthy and ecologically balanced environment (quoted in Carvajal 2007; 39), with the objective of understanding the reason for its execution. Likewise, we cannot overlook the fact that its success requires a real commitment, a coordinated and informed participation of all the actors involved (public, private and civil society) and a clear diagnostic process that allows visualizing what has been worked and implemented, as well as the shortcomings and needs, that is to say, a study that defines the baseline on the subject...
Palabras clave
Céspedes, N. (2019). Lineamientos estratégicos para el cumplimiento de los compromisos adquiridos por Costa Rica en la COP21 en el gobierno local de Santa Ana. (Tesis de licenciatura). Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.