Propuesta estratégica para incentivar el consumo y la producción de productos orgánicos en la feria El Trueque en el Barrio El Carmen de Paso Ancho
Rodríguez González, Evelyn Auxiliadora
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Producción y consumo de productos orgánicos de la feria orgánica El Trueque,
ubicada en Barrio el Carmen de Paso Ancho, San José Costa Rica.
La feria orgánica el Trueque como pionera en el país, sin duda alguna ha aportado
una transformación cultural en cuanto a una significativa evolución de los hábitos de
consumo de los compradores, pues mediante un trato directo con el cliente, los ha
involucrado con el modelo de la feria: en esencia, más acorde con el medio ambiente y
como un modelo a escala, para la promoción -país-,de una forma alternativa de
desarrollo sostenible; aún y cuando aceptemos que esta producción, requiere sin duda
más atención, involucramiento, paciencia, y esmero en el proceso como tal, versus la
agricultura convencional. Esto incide en el precio de sus productos, sin embargo, el
consumidor actual de la feria es consciente de esto y adquiere con gusto sus productos,
a cambio de todos los beneficios recibidos a partir del consumo de productos cosechados
en armonía con la naturaleza, y por ende, libre de pesticidas, herbicidas, plaguicidas, etc.
Por lo anterior, conocer cuáles son los motivos por los cuales los productores de
la feria orgánica El Trueque cultivan productos orgánicos, nos podría allanar el camino
al otorgarse pistas”, respecto a si ¿existe alguna incidencia en el consumo de productos
orgánicos?, y ¿en qué medida?
Lo que se pretende con ello es generar conocimientos útiles, recomendaciones y
observaciones, a partir de la experiencia del productor y el consumidor de la feria El
Trueque. Así los productores mejoren sus condiciones actuales, a partir de sus
conocimientos y experiencia como feria pionera en el país, tomando en cuenta las
necesidades y expectativas de los consumidores. Asimismo, se busca aumentar los
conocimientos actuales de los productores y productoras de la feria orgánica El Trueque,
con el fin de promover su crecimiento y que en su perfil de organización pionera, sirva
de modelo o tendencia para la creación y desarrollo, tanto de nuevos y actuales
mercados locales, como de productos orgánicos, favoreciendo de esta manera el
impulso y comercialización de la agricultura orgánica en el país, y por qué no, hasta
ayude a lograr en mayor o menor medida, independencia y autodeterminación
Production and consumption of organic products from the organic fair El Trueque, located in Barrio el Carmen de Paso Ancho, San José Costa Rica. The Trueque organic fair as a pioneer in the country, has undoubtedly contributed a cultural transformation in terms of a significant evolution of the habits of consumption of buyers, since through direct contact with the client, it has involved with the fair model: in essence, more in line with the environment and as a scale model, for the promotion -country-, of an alternative form of sustainable development; even when we accept that this production, undoubtedly requires more attention, involvement, patience, and dedication to the process as such, versus conventional agriculture. This affects the price of their products, however, the current consumer of the fair is aware of this and gladly purchases their products, in exchange for all benefits received from the consumption of harvested products in harmony with nature, and therefore free of pesticides, herbicides, pesticides, etc. Therefore, to know what are the reasons why the producers of the organic fair El Trueque grow organic products, it could pave the way by giving clues ”, regarding whether there is any incidence in the consumption of products organic ?, and to what extent? What is intended with this is to generate useful knowledge, recommendations and observations, based on the experience of the producer and consumer of the fair The Barter. So producers improve their current conditions, based on their knowledge and experience as a pioneer fair in the country, taking into account the needs and expectations of consumers. Likewise, it seeks to increase current knowledge of the producers of the organic fair El Trueque, in order to promote its growth and that in its pioneer organization profile, it serves model or trend for the creation and development of both new and current local markets, such as organic products, thus favoring the promotion and commercialization of organic agriculture in the country, and why not, until help to achieve to a greater or lesser extent, independence and self-determination food.
Production and consumption of organic products from the organic fair El Trueque, located in Barrio el Carmen de Paso Ancho, San José Costa Rica. The Trueque organic fair as a pioneer in the country, has undoubtedly contributed a cultural transformation in terms of a significant evolution of the habits of consumption of buyers, since through direct contact with the client, it has involved with the fair model: in essence, more in line with the environment and as a scale model, for the promotion -country-, of an alternative form of sustainable development; even when we accept that this production, undoubtedly requires more attention, involvement, patience, and dedication to the process as such, versus conventional agriculture. This affects the price of their products, however, the current consumer of the fair is aware of this and gladly purchases their products, in exchange for all benefits received from the consumption of harvested products in harmony with nature, and therefore free of pesticides, herbicides, pesticides, etc. Therefore, to know what are the reasons why the producers of the organic fair El Trueque grow organic products, it could pave the way by giving clues ”, regarding whether there is any incidence in the consumption of products organic ?, and to what extent? What is intended with this is to generate useful knowledge, recommendations and observations, based on the experience of the producer and consumer of the fair The Barter. So producers improve their current conditions, based on their knowledge and experience as a pioneer fair in the country, taking into account the needs and expectations of consumers. Likewise, it seeks to increase current knowledge of the producers of the organic fair El Trueque, in order to promote its growth and that in its pioneer organization profile, it serves model or trend for the creation and development of both new and current local markets, such as organic products, thus favoring the promotion and commercialization of organic agriculture in the country, and why not, until help to achieve to a greater or lesser extent, independence and self-determination food.
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