Peso específico de la madera y gremios ecológicos como herramientas para el manejo de bosque natural en Agua Buena de Rincón de la Península de Osa
Rodríguez González, Javier
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Mundialmente el valor de los bosques en función de los servicios y bienes que brindan para la
subsistencia de las comunidades ha sido poco valorado. Por lo tanto, resulta necesario apoyar en la
gestión, adición de valor y comercialización de los recursos forestales. Se realizó una clasificación de
las especies arbóreas por grupos ecológicos y dureza de la madera y se determinó su aplicación como
herramienta de uso y fomento del Manejo Forestal en la Península de Osa. Lo anterior con la finalidad
de apoyar el manejo de los recursos forestales e incentivar esta actividad productiva manteniendo la
composición florística y estructura que la caracteriza. Así, se avanza en uno de los principios básicos
del manejo forestal, el cual busca satisfacer las necesidades de la población asegurando que los
recursos puedan mantenerse de manera óptima para las futuras generaciones. Se logró determinar 266
especies distribuidas en 63 familias y 174 géneros. De los individuos encontrados, 1586 son árboles
(254 especies) del grupo de interés para este estudio, 36 bejucos (8 especies) y 201 palmas (cuatro
especies) para un total de 1823 individuos distribuidos en las tres parcelas. En total se definieron 83
especies de árboles según su respectivo gremio ecológico que representan el 24,52% del total de
individuos (14,31% esciófitas y 10,21% heliofitas durables). Además, se asignó el peso específico de
la madera a 29 especies que representan el 11,42 de las especies y el 28,50% del total de individuos.
Se considera que las especies con mayor valor en el mercado son las que se clasifican como
finas/duras. Sin embargo, existen 97 especies que tienen la clasificación de finas/duras y no se
consideran comerciales actualmente; muchas de estas especies no estaban clasificadas como tal. Por
lo tanto, con la información generada se podrían considerar para su comercialización a futuro.
Globally, the value of forests in terms of the services and goods they provide for the subsistence of communities has been undervalued. Therefore, it is necessary to support the management, value addition, and commercialization of forest resources. To support the management of forest resources in the Osa Peninsula and encourage this productive activity while maintaining the floristic composition and structure that characterizes it; a classification of the tree species was made by ecological groups and hardness of the wood and its application was determined as a tool for the use and promotion of Forest Management in the region. Thus, progress is made in one of the basic principles of forest management, which seeks to satisfy the needs of the population by ensuring that resources can be optimally maintained for future generations. It was possible to determine 266 species distributed in 63 families and 174 genera. From the individuals found, 1586 are trees (254 species), the group of interest for this study, 36 vines (8 species) and 201 palms (four species) for a total of 1823 individuals distributed in the three plots. In total, 83 tree species were defined according to their respective ecological guild, representing 24.52% of the total number of individuals (14.31% sciophytes and 10.21% durable heliophytes). Besides, the specific weight of the wood was assigned to 29 species that represent 11.42 of the species and 28.50% of the total number of individuals. The species with the highest market value are those classified as fine/hard. However, 97 species are classified as fine/hard and are not currently considered commercial.
Globally, the value of forests in terms of the services and goods they provide for the subsistence of communities has been undervalued. Therefore, it is necessary to support the management, value addition, and commercialization of forest resources. To support the management of forest resources in the Osa Peninsula and encourage this productive activity while maintaining the floristic composition and structure that characterizes it; a classification of the tree species was made by ecological groups and hardness of the wood and its application was determined as a tool for the use and promotion of Forest Management in the region. Thus, progress is made in one of the basic principles of forest management, which seeks to satisfy the needs of the population by ensuring that resources can be optimally maintained for future generations. It was possible to determine 266 species distributed in 63 families and 174 genera. From the individuals found, 1586 are trees (254 species), the group of interest for this study, 36 vines (8 species) and 201 palms (four species) for a total of 1823 individuals distributed in the three plots. In total, 83 tree species were defined according to their respective ecological guild, representing 24.52% of the total number of individuals (14.31% sciophytes and 10.21% durable heliophytes). Besides, the specific weight of the wood was assigned to 29 species that represent 11.42 of the species and 28.50% of the total number of individuals. The species with the highest market value are those classified as fine/hard. However, 97 species are classified as fine/hard and are not currently considered commercial.
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