Intoxicación por Senna cobanensis en terneros cebuinos: Primer reporte de caso
Vargas Muñoz, Carolina
Vargas-Muñoz, Mariana
Sánchez-Chaves, Luis
Alfaro-Alarcon, Alejandro
Alpízar-Solís, Carlos
Luna-Tortós, Carlos
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las plantas del género Senna pertenecen a la familia Fabaceae, distribuidas, mundialmente, en zonas tropicales
y subtropicales. Algunas especies del género contienen productos del metabolismo secundario, los cuales se han
asociado con miopatía tóxica y necrosis hepática en diferentes especies animales. El objetivo de este reporte de caso
fue documentar, por primera vez en Costa Rica, la miotoxicidad en terneros asociada con el consumo de Senna
cobanensis, una especie de Senna que no ha sido reportada previamente como miotóxica en la literaturaen la cual se
observó, afectados, 4 de 18 animales, con muerte de 2 afectados. El caso se presentó en una finca de ganado bovino
cebú, en el Pacífico Central de Costa Rica, durante diciembre de 2019. Se realizó examen clínico y análisis de la
dieta. Se encontró problemas locomotores como paraparesia, y un aumento en la actividad de AST y CK-NAC,
consistente con daño en el tejido muscular. El análisis histopatológico reveló degeneración y necrosis de las fibras
musculares. Se descartó otros agentes miopáticos como la deficiencia de selenio y la intoxicación por ionóforos. De
acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en el estudio, se concluye que Senna cobanensis es otra especie del género que
provoca miotoxicidad en bovinos
Plants of the genus Senna belong to the Fabaceae family and globally they are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. Some species of this genus contain products of secondary metabolism, which have been associated with toxic myopathy and hepatic necrosis in different animal species. The goal of this case report was to document for the first time in Costa Rica myotoxicity in calves associated to the consumption of Senna cobanensis, a Senna species that had not been previously reported as myotoxic in the literature, which resulted in 4 affected animals out of 18 and 2 deaths out of the 4 affected. The case took place in a zebu cattle farm in the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica in December 2019. A clinical examination was conducted of the calves, and their diet was analyzed. Locomotor problems were found such as paraparesis and increased AST and CK-NAC activity consistent with muscle tissue damage. The histopathologic analysis revealed degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers. Other myopathic agents such as selenium deficiency and ionophore intoxication were ruled out. According to the results obtained in the study, it is concluded that Senna cobanensis is another species of the genus that causes myotoxicity in cattle
Plants of the genus Senna belong to the Fabaceae family and globally they are distributed in tropical and subtropical areas. Some species of this genus contain products of secondary metabolism, which have been associated with toxic myopathy and hepatic necrosis in different animal species. The goal of this case report was to document for the first time in Costa Rica myotoxicity in calves associated to the consumption of Senna cobanensis, a Senna species that had not been previously reported as myotoxic in the literature, which resulted in 4 affected animals out of 18 and 2 deaths out of the 4 affected. The case took place in a zebu cattle farm in the Central Pacific region of Costa Rica in December 2019. A clinical examination was conducted of the calves, and their diet was analyzed. Locomotor problems were found such as paraparesis and increased AST and CK-NAC activity consistent with muscle tissue damage. The histopathologic analysis revealed degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers. Other myopathic agents such as selenium deficiency and ionophore intoxication were ruled out. According to the results obtained in the study, it is concluded that Senna cobanensis is another species of the genus that causes myotoxicity in cattle
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