Bioeconomía multidimensional: oportunidades, desafíos e implicaciones para enfrentar el cambio climático en el sector agropecuario de la Región Chorotega, Costa Rica
Rodríguez Quirós, Rigoberto
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Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública (ICAP)
El cambio climático es uno de los principales desafíos que enfrenta la humanidad, este se ha incrementado debido a la utilización de recursos energéticos fósiles, el aumento demográfico global, y la destrucción de los recursos naturales, todas características del modelo capitalista de desarrollo imperante. Ante estas encrucijadas, es urgente explorar y analizar nuevas formas de producción que permitan una convivencia planetaria en armonía con la sostenibilidad.
En consideración, este estudio discute sobre el paradigma de la bioeconomía como modelo alternativo de desarrollo; el análisis es específico en determinar si la bioeconomía efectivamente representa un vehículo y modelo apropiado para el impulso del desarrollo integral del sector agropecuario de la región Chorotega de Costa Rica, zona del país que actualmente atraviesa problemas relacionados con la producción y la afectación del cambio climático. Esta investigación es de corte cualitativo, incorpora el método fenomenológico - hermenéutico y aplica las siguientes cuatro técnicas de recolección de información: revisión documental, entrevistas, grupos focales y frases incompletas.
De los resultados destacan oportunidades como derivadas de instrumentos de política a nivel global, regional y nacional y que brindan elementos que respaldan los postulados bioeconómicos; estos, a su vez, tienen relación con los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de la Agenda 2030. En adición se agruparon desafíos e implicaciones siguiendo tipologías económico y productivo, social, ambiental, cultural, y de voluntad política.
Los desafíos giran en torno a las exigencias que impone el cambio climático, como principal amenaza en la región, a partir de lo cual se deriva la necesidad de implementar medidas de adaptación y mitigación. Esto provocará transformaciones en los sistemas productivos, para lo que se requiere más información sobre cultivos, productos, mercados y elementos relacionados.
En torno a las implicaciones, intrínsecamente relacionadas con las oportunidades y los desafíos, destaca la necesidad de aumentar innovación e investigación, realizar cambios a nivel institucional y reglamentario, impulsar modificaciones en el sistema educativo, así como incentivar modelos de gobernanza horizontal, con participación de todos los actores y tomadores de decisión, quienes deben encontrar sintonía en torno a una visión región y país, con el fin de dirigir los esfuerzos a los aspectos que son necesarios de cambiar.
Como parte de las conclusiones, surge un modelo de desarrollo llamado bioeconomía multidimensional, caracterizado por cinco dimensiones: las correspondientes al desarrollo sostenible (económica, social y ambiental), así como los elementos culturales y los relacionados con la voluntad y viabilidad política.
En general, se percibe a la bioeconomía como modelo que combina elementos de desarrollo económico y sostenibilidad ambiental, sin embargo, para disfrutar de las oportunidades que brinda es necesario atender los retos que impone la correcta utilización de los recursos biológicos de manera sostenible. Solamente con una comunicación, coordinación y diseño institucional, de políticas, estrategias y proyectos mancomunados, con objetivos comunes, y con una población educada y sensibilizada en torno al problema del cambio climático y a las bondades de producir y consumir productos bioeconómicos, será posible una optimización del paradigma de la bioeconomía como modelo de desarrollo.
Climate change is one of the main challenges for humanity, it has increased due to the use of fossil energy resources, the global population increase, and the destruction of natural resources, all characteristics of the prevailing capitalist development model. Faced with these crossroads, it is urgent to explore and analyze new forms of production that allow a planetary coexistence in harmony with sustainability. Considering the above mentioned, this study discusses the bioeconomy paradigm as an alternative development model; the analysis is specific in determining if the bioeconomy effectively represents an appropriate vehicle and model for the promotion of the integral development of the agricultural sector of the Chorotega region of Costa Rica, an area that is currently experiencing problems related to production and the impact of climate change. This is qualitative research, which incorporates the phenomenological-hermeneutic method and applies the following four data collection techniques: documentary review, interviews, focus groups and incomplete sentences. From the results, opportunities stand out as derived from policy instruments at the global, regional, and national level and that provide elements that support the bioeconomic postulates; These, in turn, are related to the sustainable development objectives of the 2030 Agenda. In addition, challenges and implications were grouped following economic and productive, social, environmental, cultural, and political will typologies. The challenges revolve around the demands imposed by climate change, as the main threat in the region, from which the need to implement adaptation and mitigation measures is derived. This will cause transformations in the productive systems, for which more information on crops, products, markets, and related elements is required. Regarding the implications, intrinsically related to the opportunities and challenges, stands out the need to increase innovation and research, make changes at the institutional and regulatory level, promote changes in the education system, as well as encourage horizontal governance models, with the participation of all the actors and decision makers, who must find harmony around a regional and country vision, in order to direct efforts to the aspects that are necessary to change. As part of the conclusions, a development model called multidimensional bioeconomy emerges, characterized by five dimensions: those corresponding to sustainable development (economic, social and environmental), as well as cultural elements and those related to political will. In general, the bioeconomy is perceived as a model that combines elements of economic development and environmental sustainability; however, in order to enjoy the opportunities it offers, it is necessary to address the challenges imposed by the correct use of biological resources in a sustainable manner. Only with communication, coordination and institutional design, joint policies, strategies and projects, with common objectives, and with an educated population aware of the problem of climate change and the benefits of producing and consuming bioeconomic products, will be possible the optimization of the bioeconomy paradigm as a development model.
Climate change is one of the main challenges for humanity, it has increased due to the use of fossil energy resources, the global population increase, and the destruction of natural resources, all characteristics of the prevailing capitalist development model. Faced with these crossroads, it is urgent to explore and analyze new forms of production that allow a planetary coexistence in harmony with sustainability. Considering the above mentioned, this study discusses the bioeconomy paradigm as an alternative development model; the analysis is specific in determining if the bioeconomy effectively represents an appropriate vehicle and model for the promotion of the integral development of the agricultural sector of the Chorotega region of Costa Rica, an area that is currently experiencing problems related to production and the impact of climate change. This is qualitative research, which incorporates the phenomenological-hermeneutic method and applies the following four data collection techniques: documentary review, interviews, focus groups and incomplete sentences. From the results, opportunities stand out as derived from policy instruments at the global, regional, and national level and that provide elements that support the bioeconomic postulates; These, in turn, are related to the sustainable development objectives of the 2030 Agenda. In addition, challenges and implications were grouped following economic and productive, social, environmental, cultural, and political will typologies. The challenges revolve around the demands imposed by climate change, as the main threat in the region, from which the need to implement adaptation and mitigation measures is derived. This will cause transformations in the productive systems, for which more information on crops, products, markets, and related elements is required. Regarding the implications, intrinsically related to the opportunities and challenges, stands out the need to increase innovation and research, make changes at the institutional and regulatory level, promote changes in the education system, as well as encourage horizontal governance models, with the participation of all the actors and decision makers, who must find harmony around a regional and country vision, in order to direct efforts to the aspects that are necessary to change. As part of the conclusions, a development model called multidimensional bioeconomy emerges, characterized by five dimensions: those corresponding to sustainable development (economic, social and environmental), as well as cultural elements and those related to political will. In general, the bioeconomy is perceived as a model that combines elements of economic development and environmental sustainability; however, in order to enjoy the opportunities it offers, it is necessary to address the challenges imposed by the correct use of biological resources in a sustainable manner. Only with communication, coordination and institutional design, joint policies, strategies and projects, with common objectives, and with an educated population aware of the problem of climate change and the benefits of producing and consuming bioeconomic products, will be possible the optimization of the bioeconomy paradigm as a development model.
Dr. Rigoberto Rodríguez Quirós. Académico (carrera de Administración) de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica – Sede Región Chorotega, Campus Nicoya
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