Aplicación de un modelo de negociación para la gestión de la cooperación al desarrollo entre la República de Costa Rica y la República Popular de China
Segura Carmona, Róger
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente documento se refiere a una propuesta de un modelo de negociación para la cooperación internacional entre Costa Rica y la República Popular China, tras el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas en el año 2007. Para ello, primero se realiza una descripción del modelo de negociación de Harvard, planteado, principalmente, por Fisher & Ury. Ese modelo se fundamenta en un esquema ganar-ganar, y es útil para negociar acuerdos en el marco de la Asistencia Oficial al Desarrollo, porque el espíritu de esta es que tanto el cooperante como el receptor de la ayuda se beneficien mutuamente.
Por la naturaleza de este modelo, es necesario contextualizar los procesos negociadores y tomar en cuenta los intereses y necesidades de las partes, no sus posiciones. De ahí que se hace una breve referencia al papel que ambos países tienen como actores internacionales, sobre todo, en el sistema de cooperación internacional; de esa forma se destacan las posiciones y planteamientos de Pekín y San José y el contexto en el que se produjo el establecimiento de vínculos diplomáticos.
Con ese trasfondo se procede a formular una propuesta de modelo de negociación por utilizar por parte de Costa Rica en las negociaciones que emprenda con China. Para ello, se tiene en cuenta el interés nacional y el carácter asimétrico de esas relaciones por las características de ambos Estados y su posición en el sistema internacional: uno como potencia mundial y el otro como un Estado pequeño; aquel basado en un enfoque realista de la política exterior y la política internacional para lograr sus objetivos y este apoyado en la vigencia del derecho internacional, la democracia y los derechos humanos. Eso hace necesario el diseño de una estrategia nacional de negociación y una visión de largo plazo que atienda la estrategia de desarrollo de Costa Rica. Todo esto con el espíritu de un esquema ganar-ganar y de agregar valor a toda negociación para beneficio mutuo.
This document refers to a proposal for a negotiation model for international cooperation between Costa Rica and the People's Republic of China, following the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2007. First, a description of the Harvard negotiation model, mainly proposed by Fisher & Ury, is presented. This model is based on a win-win scheme, and is useful for negotiating agreements within the framework of Official Development Assistance, because the spirit of this is that both the cooperating party and the aid recipient benefit mutually. Because of the nature of this model, it is necessary to contextualize the negotiating processes and take into account the interests and needs of the parties, not their positions. Hence, a brief reference is made to the role that both countries have as international actors, especially in the international cooperation system, thus highlighting the positions and approaches of Beijing and San José and the context in which the establishment of diplomatic ties took place. Against this background, we proceed to formulate a proposal for a negotiation model to be used by Costa Rica in its negotiations with China. This takes into account the national interest and the asymmetric nature of these relations due to the characteristics of both States and their position in the international system: one as a world power and the other as a small State; the former based on a realistic approach to foreign policy and international politics to achieve its objectives and the latter supported by the validity of international law, democracy and human rights. This makes it necessary to design a national negotiation strategy and a long-term vision that addresses Costa Rica's development strategy. All this in the spirit of a win-win scheme and to add value to all negotiations for mutual benefit.
This document refers to a proposal for a negotiation model for international cooperation between Costa Rica and the People's Republic of China, following the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2007. First, a description of the Harvard negotiation model, mainly proposed by Fisher & Ury, is presented. This model is based on a win-win scheme, and is useful for negotiating agreements within the framework of Official Development Assistance, because the spirit of this is that both the cooperating party and the aid recipient benefit mutually. Because of the nature of this model, it is necessary to contextualize the negotiating processes and take into account the interests and needs of the parties, not their positions. Hence, a brief reference is made to the role that both countries have as international actors, especially in the international cooperation system, thus highlighting the positions and approaches of Beijing and San José and the context in which the establishment of diplomatic ties took place. Against this background, we proceed to formulate a proposal for a negotiation model to be used by Costa Rica in its negotiations with China. This takes into account the national interest and the asymmetric nature of these relations due to the characteristics of both States and their position in the international system: one as a world power and the other as a small State; the former based on a realistic approach to foreign policy and international politics to achieve its objectives and the latter supported by the validity of international law, democracy and human rights. This makes it necessary to design a national negotiation strategy and a long-term vision that addresses Costa Rica's development strategy. All this in the spirit of a win-win scheme and to add value to all negotiations for mutual benefit.
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