Etología canina Protocolo de adiestramiento para perros utilizados en labores de guardia y protección
Fernández Vargas, Ignacio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Esta monografía describe un adecuado protocolo de adiestramiento para perros
utilizados en trabajos de seguridad, basándose en los principios básicos de la neurobiología
del comportamiento canino, y en los principales conceptos de la etología canina como lo
son el condicionamiento clásico y el condicionamiento instrumental.
Las técnicas utilizadas son mayoritariamente de tipo inductivo sin utilizar los
métodos de compulsión, tradicionalmente usados, lo cual marca la diferencia entre el
trabajo realizado por un profesional en medicina veterinaria y un adiestrador de perros
La monografía describe el adiestramiento de seguridad utilizando caninos que no
son mascotas, son perros exclusivos para trabajos especializados, y que su preparación
debe ser realizada por un médico veterinario por la necesidad de los conocimientos en
etología canina y neurobiología del comportamiento.
Se analiza a fondo la agresión en el perro, se describen los tipos de agresión;
además cómo estimular la agresión y lo más importante como controlar y canalizar dicha
agresión, para obtener un canino capaz de realizar su trabajo efectivamente, siendo a la vez
un perro estable y seguro.
This monograph describe an adequate protocolo of training for dogs to be use in security work, based in the principles of behavior neurobiology and in the principles of concepts of canine ethology as such classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. The technics use are inducive, without tradicional compulsion, this fact mark the difference between the job of a professional in veterinary medicine and a normal dog trainer. The monograph describe the training in security using dogs which are not pets, they are animals exclusive for specialized jobs and their training must be done for a veterinarian; that for the necessity of knowledge in canine ethology and behavior neurobiology. There is deep analysis in dog´s aggression with a description of the kinds of aggression in the dog, furthermore how to stimulate the aggression and how to control and canalize such aggression to obtain a dog able to do an effective job being at the same time stable and secure.
This monograph describe an adequate protocolo of training for dogs to be use in security work, based in the principles of behavior neurobiology and in the principles of concepts of canine ethology as such classical conditioning and instrumental conditioning. The technics use are inducive, without tradicional compulsion, this fact mark the difference between the job of a professional in veterinary medicine and a normal dog trainer. The monograph describe the training in security using dogs which are not pets, they are animals exclusive for specialized jobs and their training must be done for a veterinarian; that for the necessity of knowledge in canine ethology and behavior neurobiology. There is deep analysis in dog´s aggression with a description of the kinds of aggression in the dog, furthermore how to stimulate the aggression and how to control and canalize such aggression to obtain a dog able to do an effective job being at the same time stable and secure.
Modalidad: Tesis
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