Indicadores como insumo para la gestión integrada del recurso hídrico en la subcuenca del Río Uruca, cuenca del Río Grande de Tárcoles
Benavides Benavides, Ana Cristina
Pereira Venegas, Roxana
Salgado Silva, Viviana
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
El mercado mundial de enzimas es de 1,4 billones de dólares al año, siendo las celulasas actualmente un grupo de enzimas de gran importancia debido a su utilización para la transformación de la celulosa en etanol. Existen varios hongos que se utilizan para producir este complejo enzimático, pero ninguno produce una celulasa lo suficientemente eficiente como para que la producción de etanol por este medio sea rentable. En la actualidad se manejan actividades enzimáticas cercanas a las 700 UPF/g de proteína y se quiere llegar a una mejora de 10 veces sobre esta base. Este trabajo se basó en la gran diversidad biológica con que cuenta Costa Rica para encontrar algún hongo que fuera capaz de producir una enzima más eficiente. Se tomaron muestras de dos zonas del país y se aislaron varios hongos que crecieron en un medio de cultivo que contenía celulosa micro cristalina como única fuente de carbono. Se seleccionaron los hongos que presentaron una mayor actividad enzimática para hacerles un estudio más a fondo de su crecimiento. Para esto se utilizó un sistema de fermentación en frasco agitado durante 7 días en los cuales se tomaron muestras diarias. A estas se les evaluaron parámetros como proteína soluble e insoluble, actividad enzimática absoluta y relativa y el comportamiento de la celulosa. En general, se obtuvieron dos hongos con actividades enzimáticas muy prometedoras las cuales mejoraron 7 y 5 veces la base propuesta por el Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos. Aún queda trabajo por hacer, pero este trabajo es un buen inicio para el estudio de celulasas en el país.
The world market for enzymes is 1.4 billion dollars a year, and cellulases are currently a group of enzymes of great importance due to their use for the transformation of cellulose into ethanol. There are several fungi that are used to produce this enzyme complex, but none produce a cellulase efficient enough to make ethanol production by this means profitable. At present, enzymatic activities close to 700 UPF/g of protein are managed and an improvement of 10 times on this basis is to be achieved. This work was based on the great biological diversity that Costa Rica has to find a fungus that was capable of producing a more efficient enzyme. Samples were taken from two areas of the country and several fungi were isolated that grew in a culture medium containing microcrystalline cellulose as the only carbon source. The fungi that presented a higher enzymatic activity were selected to make a more in-depth study of their growth. For this, a shaken flask fermentation system was used for 7 days in which daily samples were taken. Parameters such as soluble and insoluble protein, absolute and relative enzymatic activity, and cellulose behavior were evaluated. In general, two fungi with very promising enzymatic activities were obtained, which improved 7 and 5 times the base proposed by the United States Department of Energy. There is still work to be done, but this work is a good start for the study of cellulases in the country.
The world market for enzymes is 1.4 billion dollars a year, and cellulases are currently a group of enzymes of great importance due to their use for the transformation of cellulose into ethanol. There are several fungi that are used to produce this enzyme complex, but none produce a cellulase efficient enough to make ethanol production by this means profitable. At present, enzymatic activities close to 700 UPF/g of protein are managed and an improvement of 10 times on this basis is to be achieved. This work was based on the great biological diversity that Costa Rica has to find a fungus that was capable of producing a more efficient enzyme. Samples were taken from two areas of the country and several fungi were isolated that grew in a culture medium containing microcrystalline cellulose as the only carbon source. The fungi that presented a higher enzymatic activity were selected to make a more in-depth study of their growth. For this, a shaken flask fermentation system was used for 7 days in which daily samples were taken. Parameters such as soluble and insoluble protein, absolute and relative enzymatic activity, and cellulose behavior were evaluated. In general, two fungi with very promising enzymatic activities were obtained, which improved 7 and 5 times the base proposed by the United States Department of Energy. There is still work to be done, but this work is a good start for the study of cellulases in the country.
Benavides Benavides, A. C; Pereira Venegas, R. & Salgado Silva, V. (2007). Indicadores como insumo para la gestión integrada del recurso hídrico en la subcuenca del Río Uruca, cuenca del Río Grande de Tárcoles. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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