Influencia de las relaciones interpersonales en la autoestima, la motivación y el nivel de logros académicos de estudiantes de II ciclo de la Escuela Francisco Morazán Quesada, Pérez Zeledón, 2011
Romero Sandi, Dayana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este trabajo es un análisis descriptivo de la influencia de las Relaciones Interpersonales en la autoestima, la motivación y el nivel de logros de los niños en edad escolar. Para lo cual se ha desarrollado un plan de trabajo con el fin de lograr abarcar de forma clara todos aquellos aspectos que influyen en la forma de relacionarse de un niño en edad escolar.
El trabajo se respalda con una investigación bibliográfica realizada con el fin de determinar si existe relación entre las relaciones interpersonales con la autoestima, la motivación y los logros académicos. Además de la aplicación de instrumentos; como el cuestionario. El mismo fue dirigido a docentes y alumnos.
La investigación se reforzó con el análisis descriptivo e interpretativo de las respuestas brindadas a las interrogantes y a los dos instrumentos elaborados con el fin de recaudar la mayor cantidad de información relacionada con la temática de la investigación, con el fin de reforzar la investigación bibliográfica realizada.
La interpretación y el análisis de los resultados, se dividieron de forma estratégica según la categoría de análisis con el fin de lograr una mayor interpretación de los resultados; además de elaborar gráficos y cuadros, acompañados con interpretaciones descriptivas. Dando como resultado niños con buenas relaciones interpersonales y con un adecuado nivel de autoestima y motivación.
This work is a descriptive analysis of the influence of Interpersonal Relations on the self-esteem, motivation and achievement level of school-aged children. For which a work plan has been developed in order to clearly cover all those aspects that influence the way a school-aged child relates. The work is supported by a bibliographic research carried out in order to determine if there is a relationship between interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, motivation and academic achievement. In addition to the application of instruments; such as the questionnaire. It was directed to teachers and students. The research was reinforced with the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the answers given to the questions and the two instruments developed in order to collect the greatest amount of information related to the subject of the research, with the purpose of reinforcing the bibliographic research carried out. The interpretation and analysis of the results were strategically divided according to the category of analysis in order to achieve a greater interpretation of the results; in addition to elaborating graphs and tables, accompanied by descriptive interpretations. The result was children with good interpersonal relationships and an adequate level of self-esteem and motivation.
This work is a descriptive analysis of the influence of Interpersonal Relations on the self-esteem, motivation and achievement level of school-aged children. For which a work plan has been developed in order to clearly cover all those aspects that influence the way a school-aged child relates. The work is supported by a bibliographic research carried out in order to determine if there is a relationship between interpersonal relationships and self-esteem, motivation and academic achievement. In addition to the application of instruments; such as the questionnaire. It was directed to teachers and students. The research was reinforced with the descriptive and interpretative analysis of the answers given to the questions and the two instruments developed in order to collect the greatest amount of information related to the subject of the research, with the purpose of reinforcing the bibliographic research carried out. The interpretation and analysis of the results were strategically divided according to the category of analysis in order to achieve a greater interpretation of the results; in addition to elaborating graphs and tables, accompanied by descriptive interpretations. The result was children with good interpersonal relationships and an adequate level of self-esteem and motivation.
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