Manejo veterinario de animales marinos con énfasis en tortugas
Solís Alfaro, Karolina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo se realizó en el Acuario Nacional de Baltimore (NAIB), Maryland y
en Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Dolphin and Whale/Sea turtle Hospital, Florida;
ambos lugares localizados en Estados Unidos y con una duración de tres meses, cuyo
propósito es conocer el manejo veterinario de animales marinos, con énfasis en tortugas.
La casuística en el Acuario Nacional de Baltimore la constituyeron 165 animales en
total, dentro de los cuales se puede encontrar especies de todos los reinos; entiéndase
mamíferos, aves, reptiles, anfibios y peces; realizándose actividades dentro de las áreas de:
medicina preventiva, cuarentena, diagnóstico por imágenes, enfermedades infecciosas y
nutricionales, cirugía, y necropsia. En el Acuario y Laboratorio Marino Mote se tuvo 34 pacientes, tanto animales de vida libre como algunos miembros de la colección del acuario;
básicamente se centró en el estudio de tortugas marinas y mamíferos marinos, con dos casos
de tiburones martillo y tres de aves marinas. Se realizó manipulación de los animales, toma de
muestras laboratoriales, el diagnóstico de enfermedades, así como el tratamiento y
seguimiento de los mismos, con el fin, en la mayoría de los casos, de su posterior liberación.
This externship was carried out, for three month period at the National Aquarium in Baltimore (NAIB), Maryland and at Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Dolphin and Whale/Sea Turtle Hospital, Florida; both institutions are located at the United States. The goal of the practice was extend the knowledge about the veterinarian management of marine animals, emphasizing on sea turtle. The cases at the National Aquarium in Baltimore were 165 animals, of different species of the five main groups; the practice was carried out in several areas: preventive medicine, quarantine, image diagnostic, infectious and nutritional diseases, surgery (including anesthesia) and necropsy. At Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Dolphin and Whale/Sea Turtle Hospital, 34 animals were treated; specially sea turtles and marine mammals, in addition, two cases of hammer sharps and three of marine birds were studied. The veterinarian team manipulated the animals, took laboratory samples, made disease diagnostic, and applied treatments with the purpose of releasing most of the animals.
This externship was carried out, for three month period at the National Aquarium in Baltimore (NAIB), Maryland and at Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Dolphin and Whale/Sea Turtle Hospital, Florida; both institutions are located at the United States. The goal of the practice was extend the knowledge about the veterinarian management of marine animals, emphasizing on sea turtle. The cases at the National Aquarium in Baltimore were 165 animals, of different species of the five main groups; the practice was carried out in several areas: preventive medicine, quarantine, image diagnostic, infectious and nutritional diseases, surgery (including anesthesia) and necropsy. At Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium Dolphin and Whale/Sea Turtle Hospital, 34 animals were treated; specially sea turtles and marine mammals, in addition, two cases of hammer sharps and three of marine birds were studied. The veterinarian team manipulated the animals, took laboratory samples, made disease diagnostic, and applied treatments with the purpose of releasing most of the animals.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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