Las vivencias corporales de un grupo de mujeres costarricenses con histerectomía: la construcción social del cuerpo femenino
Oses Navarro, María Fernanda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La presente investigación analiza los significados de las vivencias corporales de un grupo de mujeres
costarricenses residentes del área metropolitana, que se sometieron a una histerectomía. En términos generales, se indaga de qué manera la construcción sociocultural de la corporalidad femenina influye sobre las vivencias experimentadas por estas mujeres en diferentes ámbitos de su vida.
A partir del trabajo de campo se identifican los desafíos a los que se enfrentan las mujeres antes, durante y después de la cirugía, así como también los aspectos más significativos vivenciados en relación al bienestar, la calidad de vida, las relaciones de pareja, la maternidad, la familia, el trabajo y los proyectos personales.
Como abordaje teórico-metodológico se utilizó la perspectiva de género, la cual permite distinguir de qué manera las diferencias en base al género producen desigualdades, situaciones discriminatorias y Violentas que atentan contra la autonomía de las mujeres. Se trabajó un estudio de tipo cualitativo, enmarcado dentro de teoría feminista. Las participantes se seleccionaron mediante la técnica bola de nieve, se aplicaron entrevistas y un taller grupal para llevar a cabo la recolección de la información en cuanto a: aspectos sobre la construcción del género y la corporalidad, las principales vivencias de la
histerectomía, y los significados de sus vivencias.
Entre los principales hallazgos se puede mencionar que la histerectomía significó, para la gran mayoría de las mujeres, una cirugía que resolvió muchos de sus dolencias físicas, así como también sentimientos de angustia y diversas preocupaciones, debido a las limitaciones diarias a las cuales se enfrentaban, por lo que en general esta cirugía se presenta como una mejora importante en su calidad de vida.
Otro elemento que arroja la investigación es que en algunos de los casos, las mujeres tuvieron que enfrentar obstáculos y barreras para poder llevar a cabo la histerectomía, como por ejemplo, salir del país para poder acceder a la salud, enfrentarse a recomendaciones del personal médico desde el sexismo y los estereotipos de género, procedimientos médicos invasivos, comentarios machistas de personas cercanas, entre otros.
Asimismo, la histerectomía para este grupo de mujeres no se limita únicamente como una operación que viene a poner en discusión su identidad como mujeres. En algunos casos, si bien se genera un proceso para cuestionar la maternidad y el rol socialmente asignado, también es un procedimiento que levanta otros elementos en sus vidas, tales como las prácticas y los significados sobre el bienestar y la salud propia, también con respecto a las relaciones interpersonales, la vida familiar y los cuidados, el desempeño de las mujeres en el trabajo y el ámbito doméstico, entre otros.
This research analyses the meanings of the bodily experiences of a group of Costa Rican women living in the metropolitan area who underwent a hysterectomy. In general terms, it explores how the socio-cultural construction of female corporeality influences the experiences of these women in different areas of their lives. The fieldwork identifies the challenges faced by women before, during and after surgery, as well as the most significant aspects experienced in relation to wellbeing, quality of life, relationships, motherhood, family, work and personal projects. As a theoretical-methodological approach, the gender perspective was used, which allows us to distinguish how gender-based differences produce inequalities, discriminatory and violent situations that threaten women's autonomy. A qualitative study was carried out, framed within feminist theory. The participants were selected using the snowball technique, interviews and a group workshop were used to collect information on: aspects of the construction of gender and corporeality, the main experiences of hysterectomy, and the meanings of their experiences. Among the main findings, it can be mentioned that hysterectomy meant, for the vast majority of women, a surgery that resolved many of their physical ailments, as well as feelings of anguish and various concerns, due to the daily limitations they faced, for that reason this surgery is presented as an important improvement in their quality of life. Another element that the research shows is that in some of the cases, the women had to face obstacles and barriers in order to be able to carry out the hysterectomy, such as leaving the country in order to have access to health care, facing recommendations from medical personnel based on sexism and gender stereotypes, invasive medical procedures, sexist comments from people close to them, among others. Likewise, hysterectomy for this group of women is not only limited to being an operation that calls into question their identity as women. In some cases, while it is a process of questioning motherhood and the socially assigned role, it is also a procedure that raises other elements in their lives, such as practices and meanings about their own wellbeing and health, as well as interpersonal relationships, family life and care, women's performance at work and in the domestic sphere, among others.
This research analyses the meanings of the bodily experiences of a group of Costa Rican women living in the metropolitan area who underwent a hysterectomy. In general terms, it explores how the socio-cultural construction of female corporeality influences the experiences of these women in different areas of their lives. The fieldwork identifies the challenges faced by women before, during and after surgery, as well as the most significant aspects experienced in relation to wellbeing, quality of life, relationships, motherhood, family, work and personal projects. As a theoretical-methodological approach, the gender perspective was used, which allows us to distinguish how gender-based differences produce inequalities, discriminatory and violent situations that threaten women's autonomy. A qualitative study was carried out, framed within feminist theory. The participants were selected using the snowball technique, interviews and a group workshop were used to collect information on: aspects of the construction of gender and corporeality, the main experiences of hysterectomy, and the meanings of their experiences. Among the main findings, it can be mentioned that hysterectomy meant, for the vast majority of women, a surgery that resolved many of their physical ailments, as well as feelings of anguish and various concerns, due to the daily limitations they faced, for that reason this surgery is presented as an important improvement in their quality of life. Another element that the research shows is that in some of the cases, the women had to face obstacles and barriers in order to be able to carry out the hysterectomy, such as leaving the country in order to have access to health care, facing recommendations from medical personnel based on sexism and gender stereotypes, invasive medical procedures, sexist comments from people close to them, among others. Likewise, hysterectomy for this group of women is not only limited to being an operation that calls into question their identity as women. In some cases, while it is a process of questioning motherhood and the socially assigned role, it is also a procedure that raises other elements in their lives, such as practices and meanings about their own wellbeing and health, as well as interpersonal relationships, family life and care, women's performance at work and in the domestic sphere, among others.
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