Merceología : lenguaje universal del comercio y las aduanas
Arce Portuguez, Rodolfo
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Imprenta Nacional
Esta obra está dirigida a presentar los resultados, producto del estudio sobre las Estrategias
pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la Merceología en la Carrera de Bachillerato y Licenciatura
en Administración Aduanera y Comercio Exterior de la Escuela de Administración Pública de
la Universidad de Costa Rica. Inicia destacando la importancia del conocimiento del lenguaje
técnico, el cual es fundamental en la formación de los profesionales que se incorporan día a día
en la actividad aduanera, por tanto, la indagación fusiona los enfoques de Aduanas, Comercio
Exterior y Comercio Internacional que giran y se sistematizan en torno a una ciencia poco conocida
pero muy especial: la Merceología y el cómo enseñarla, mediante una propuesta de lineamientos
generales con enfoque socio-constructivista, para la enseñanza del lenguaje técnico en aduanas y
comercio exterior.
En el capítulo primero se presenta de forma introductoria los elementos que giran en torno
al problema investigativo. Destacando que, el nuevo siglo permitirá observar cambios profundos
en todos los quehaceres del ser humano, obligará a los docentes a entenderse como agentes de
cambio y transformación de las sociedades, al buen hacer, satisfacer necesidades de los mismos y
mejorar condiciones académicas que se multipliquen y generen cambios de lo micro a lo macro en
las sociedades del orbe.
El segundo acápite, corresponde al marco de referencia que reseña la evolución de Costa
Rica en materia de Aduanas y el surgimiento de la Carrera Aduanera, destacando a la Escuela de
Administración Pública de la Universidad de Costa Rica, como pionera en la formación de esta
disciplina. De seguido, se define la Merceología, sus orígenes, el futuro de las mercancías y de
esta ciencia en general y en Costa Rica, y los enfoques pedagógicos y didácticos, así como sus
El capítulo tercero alude al procedimiento metodológico, destacando que la investigación
tiene un enfoque cualitativo que, se incrusta y engarza indagando a los actores con una Escala
de Likert. En cuanto al diseño, adopta el de investigación-acción para propiciar cambio social,
transformar la realidad y promover la toma de conciencia por parte de las personas en el proceso de
transformación, estudiando una situación social con miras a mejorar la calidad de la acción dentro de ella. Se detalla la población, muestra, categorías de análisis, instrumentos, procedimiento de
recolección, análisis de datos y procesamiento.
A su vez, el capítulo cuarto presenta, interpreta y discute, los resultados obtenidos en el
proceso de recolección de datos, conforme al apartado metodológico, los objetivos del trabajo y
las categorías de análisis definidas. Cada objetivo y categoría se relaciona con lo dicho por los
estudiantes y docentes en la encuesta, la entrevista al experto y lo observado por el investigador,
lográndose resultados, obtenidos tras desarrollar las fases del trabajo de campo que, además se
sistematizan para una mejor comprensión mediante tablas y gráficos.
El capítulo quinto, expone las conclusiones y recomendaciones que, resaltan la necesidad
de atender mediante una propuesta de lineamientos generales, el vacío existente en el lenguaje
técnico comercial aduanero, para la designación correcta y universal de las mercancías objeto
del comercio exterior e internacional, por parte de los estudiantes y profesores de tercer año de la
Carrera que no imparten Merceología, ello con base en la Nomenclatura del Sistema Armonizado
de Designación y Codificación de Mercancías, sobre la aplicación de la ciencia denominada
Finalmente, el capítulo VI presenta la propuesta de lineamientos generales con enfoque
socio-constructivista, para la enseñanza del lenguaje técnico en aduanas y comercio exterior, que
se espera sea acogida y puesta en práctica en la Carrera para que sirva de soporte a docentes y
personas interesadas en la correcta utilización del lenguaje del comercio, que cubre a más de 50
millones de distintas mercancías.
This work is aimed at presenting the results, product of the study on the Strategies pedagogical for the teaching of Merceology in the Baccalaureate and Bachelor's Degree in Customs Administration and Foreign Trade from the School of Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica. It begins by highlighting the importance of knowledge of the language technical, which is essential in the training of professionals who join day by day in customs activity, therefore, the inquiry merges the approaches of Customs, Trade Foreign and International Trade that revolve and are systematized around a little-known science but very special: Merceology and how to teach it, through a proposal of guidelines with a socio-constructivist approach, for teaching technical language in customs and foreign trade. The first chapter introduces the elements that revolve around to the investigative problem. Emphasizing that the new century will allow us to observe profound changes in all the tasks of the human being, will force teachers to understand themselves as agents of change and transformation of societies, good work, satisfying their needs and improve academic conditions that multiply and generate changes from the micro to the macro in the societies of the world. The second section corresponds to the frame of reference that outlines the evolution of Costa Rich in Customs matters and the emergence of the Customs Career, highlighting the School of Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica, as a pioneer in the formation of this discipline. Then, Merceology, its origins, the future of merchandise and this science in general and in Costa Rica, and the pedagogical and didactic approaches, as well as Models. The third chapter refers to the methodological procedure, highlighting that the research has a qualitative approach that is embedded and enshrined by inquiring the actors with a Scale Likert. Regarding design, it adopts action research to promote social change, transform reality and promote awareness on the part of people in the process of transformation, studying a social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it. The population, sample, categories of analysis, instruments, procedure of data collection, analysis and processing. In turn, the fourth chapter presents, interprets and discusses the results obtained in the data collection process, according to the methodological section, the objectives of the work and the defined analysis categories. Each objective and category is related to what was said by the students and teachers in the survey, the interview with the expert and what was observed by the researcher, achieving results, obtained after developing the phases of field work that, in addition systematized for a better understanding using tables and graphs. The fifth chapter sets out the conclusions and recommendations that highlight the need to address through a proposal of general guidelines, the gap in the language customs commercial technician, for the correct and universal designation of the goods subject of foreign and international trade, by third-year students and teachers of the Career that Merceology does not teach, based on the Harmonized System Nomenclature of Designation and Codification of Goods, on the application of the science called Merceology. Finally, chapter VI presents the proposal of general guidelines with a focus on socio-constructivist, for the teaching of technical language in customs and foreign trade, which It is expected to be welcomed and put into practice in the Career to serve as a support to teachers and people interested in the correct use of the language of commerce, which covers more than 50 millions of different merchandise.
This work is aimed at presenting the results, product of the study on the Strategies pedagogical for the teaching of Merceology in the Baccalaureate and Bachelor's Degree in Customs Administration and Foreign Trade from the School of Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica. It begins by highlighting the importance of knowledge of the language technical, which is essential in the training of professionals who join day by day in customs activity, therefore, the inquiry merges the approaches of Customs, Trade Foreign and International Trade that revolve and are systematized around a little-known science but very special: Merceology and how to teach it, through a proposal of guidelines with a socio-constructivist approach, for teaching technical language in customs and foreign trade. The first chapter introduces the elements that revolve around to the investigative problem. Emphasizing that the new century will allow us to observe profound changes in all the tasks of the human being, will force teachers to understand themselves as agents of change and transformation of societies, good work, satisfying their needs and improve academic conditions that multiply and generate changes from the micro to the macro in the societies of the world. The second section corresponds to the frame of reference that outlines the evolution of Costa Rich in Customs matters and the emergence of the Customs Career, highlighting the School of Public Administration of the University of Costa Rica, as a pioneer in the formation of this discipline. Then, Merceology, its origins, the future of merchandise and this science in general and in Costa Rica, and the pedagogical and didactic approaches, as well as Models. The third chapter refers to the methodological procedure, highlighting that the research has a qualitative approach that is embedded and enshrined by inquiring the actors with a Scale Likert. Regarding design, it adopts action research to promote social change, transform reality and promote awareness on the part of people in the process of transformation, studying a social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it. The population, sample, categories of analysis, instruments, procedure of data collection, analysis and processing. In turn, the fourth chapter presents, interprets and discusses the results obtained in the data collection process, according to the methodological section, the objectives of the work and the defined analysis categories. Each objective and category is related to what was said by the students and teachers in the survey, the interview with the expert and what was observed by the researcher, achieving results, obtained after developing the phases of field work that, in addition systematized for a better understanding using tables and graphs. The fifth chapter sets out the conclusions and recommendations that highlight the need to address through a proposal of general guidelines, the gap in the language customs commercial technician, for the correct and universal designation of the goods subject of foreign and international trade, by third-year students and teachers of the Career that Merceology does not teach, based on the Harmonized System Nomenclature of Designation and Codification of Goods, on the application of the science called Merceology. Finally, chapter VI presents the proposal of general guidelines with a focus on socio-constructivist, for the teaching of technical language in customs and foreign trade, which It is expected to be welcomed and put into practice in the Career to serve as a support to teachers and people interested in the correct use of the language of commerce, which covers more than 50 millions of different merchandise.
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