Desarrollar e implantar el sistema de información para la gestión de tarjetas de débito y crédito para la Caja de Ahorro y Préstamos de la Asociación Nacional de Educadores
Pezzotti Aguilar, Paola
Salas Mattei, José
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La Caja de Ahorro y Préstamos de la Asociación Nacional da educadores (Caja de ANDE) fue creada por Ley No 12 del 13 de octubre de 1044, como respuesta a las múltiples necesidades económicas y SOCIOS, qua a-0taban los educadores en ese momento
Sus objetivos primordiales son la estimulación del ahorro y el otorgamiento de préstamos a todos los Accionistas del sector educativo Por imperativo legal, Son Socios de la Institución todos los funcionarios y empleados en servicio 0 con licencia, y pensionados del Ministerio de Educación Pública Originalmente, la Caja de Ande se denominó Caja de Préstamos y Descuentos de la Asociación Nacional de Educadores, debido a que, en aquel tiempo, la urgencia más sentida del Magisterio, como consecuencia de los sueldos exiguos que se devengaban, era el descuento de giros.
Esta operación, que consistía en la venta anticipada de sueldos, la hacían muchos maestros y profesores con prestamistas, que se dedicaban a este negocio, por cuyas transacciones cobraban altas tasas de interés. Superado este problema económico de los educadores, la ley tuvo una saludable modificación, desapareció del texto original la palabra ‘Descuentos' y en su lugar se introdujo el vocablo ‘Ahorro’, que ha permanecido inalterable hasta el momento.
The Caja de Ahorro y Préstamos de la Asociación Nacional da Educadores (Caja de ANDE) was created by Law No. 12 of October 13, 1044, in response to the multiple economic needs and PARTNERS that educators faced at that time. Primary objectives are the stimulation of savings and the granting of loans to all the Shareholders of the educational sector By legal imperative, All officials and employees in service or with license, and pensioners of the Ministry of Public Education are Partners of the Institution Originally, the Fund de Ande was called the Loan and Discount Fund of the National Association of Educators, because, at that time, the most felt urgency of the Teaching, as a result of the meager salaries that were earned, was the money order discount. This operation, which consisted of the advance sale of salaries, was carried out by many teachers and professors with lenders, who were dedicated to this business, for whose transactions they charged high interest rates. Once this economic problem for educators was overcome, the law underwent a salutary modification: the word 'Discounts' disappeared from the original text and the word 'Savings' was introduced in its place, which has remained unchanged until now.
The Caja de Ahorro y Préstamos de la Asociación Nacional da Educadores (Caja de ANDE) was created by Law No. 12 of October 13, 1044, in response to the multiple economic needs and PARTNERS that educators faced at that time. Primary objectives are the stimulation of savings and the granting of loans to all the Shareholders of the educational sector By legal imperative, All officials and employees in service or with license, and pensioners of the Ministry of Public Education are Partners of the Institution Originally, the Fund de Ande was called the Loan and Discount Fund of the National Association of Educators, because, at that time, the most felt urgency of the Teaching, as a result of the meager salaries that were earned, was the money order discount. This operation, which consisted of the advance sale of salaries, was carried out by many teachers and professors with lenders, who were dedicated to this business, for whose transactions they charged high interest rates. Once this economic problem for educators was overcome, the law underwent a salutary modification: the word 'Discounts' disappeared from the original text and the word 'Savings' was introduced in its place, which has remained unchanged until now.
Pezzotti Aguilar, P. & Salas Mattei, J. (2004). Desarrollar e implantar el sistema de información para la gestión de tarjetas de débito y crédito para la Caja de Ahorro y Préstamos de la Asociación Nacional de Educadores. [Tesis de Licenciatura]. Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
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